2 minute read
"Above Everything-Beauty, Protection and Econolny !"
Pioneer Rock Armored Shingles invite the best efforts of the designer for, in addition to being 6re-safe, durable and genuinely economical, they are beauti- ful! Naturally they make beautiful roLfs for with them a host of beautiful effects can be obtained. With their wide range of permanent colorsred, green, blue black and golden brown+ndless color combinations, patterns and designs can be worked out.
Some of the beautiful designs and effects that can be obtained with Pioneer Rock Armored Shingles will be revealed during May and June. During this period the best residence architects and designers in Southern Californii will take part il_the big California Home Owner-Pioneer House Design Competition. In pract'l'ally all of the_designs submitted Pioneer Rock Armorid Shingles will be specified f_or particular attention will be paid to judging the designs on the artistic handling of .visille roof expanse. Watch for these designs ind the announcement of the $500 prize winner! Watch also, for the incriasing demand for Pioneer Rock Armored Shingles. The public is, day by day, Eecoming more solidly "sold" on these beautiful and practical shingles. Dealers interested in the details of the California Home Owner-PionJer Competition and what it will mean to them in increased sales volume, phone DElaware 2l | | or write Box 120, Arcade Station, Los Angeles.
Pioneer Paper Co., Inc. Ertablirhed 1888
Pioneer Manufacturer a Complete Line of Roofing and' Building Papcr:
Loa Angeler Portland San Francieco Seattlc
Redwood Magic
"NothinE could bring back the serenity the forest had dciumulated after a hundred million years. Standing in a grove I thought of the bitter and vain resentmint thit the futuie-when it had learned that a commerce was not enough to keep the heart alive-would hold against the past, our present. The grace of the towering trees masked their gigantii span; the ground, in perpetual shadow, held 6nlv flowerine oxalis and emerald ferns. It was rairiing ,rery Joftly. The fallen trunks of an utter remoteness, too great to see over, were green -with moss. The whisper of the wind was barely audible, far ofi, reflective; the gloom in the trees was clear, wet and mild. It waJthe past. And this was the Redwoods' secret, their special magic, that they absolved, blotted out the fever of time, the wasted years, the sickness of mind, in which men spent the ioneliness of their ttn".."-Joseph Hergesheimer, in the Saturday Evening Post.
Howard Gunton,-of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, is receiving many congratulations from his friends over the arrival of an eight and a half pound baby girl on April 18. He reports that Mrs. Gunton and daughter are doing nicely.

No Use
Mrs. X: "'Why have you never sued any of your divorced husbands for alimony?"
Mrs. Y: "By the time I'm ready to leave a man' he's always bankrupt."
Seven Good Questions for Lumber Merchants
Do you give your customers what they want, or what tou Leel is better for them?
-Have you a conclusive means of determining what your customers really want?
Does each individuai in your organization firmly believe that /ra is making the business a success ?
Is your best planning -done along regularly laid-down lines, or simply by fo-llowing sound general principles?
Do you hold your interests higher than your customer's ?
Has it paid you to let the reputation of a first-grade product carry along with it a second-grade product Have you found a way to make every customer a salesman for Your goods?
Meet It And Beat It
An Eastern executive says: "Competition is met on the outside; it is beaten on the inside." Experienced salesmen and advertising men recognize the truth of this thought. The best ally i salesman has is an efficient productio-n department; his worst enemy is not a rival company, but a badly organized, incompetint corps of workers in the home plant.
A well-made product is half sold-that is almost an axiom in businets. Competition melts under efficiency focused on Quality and Low Price. The salesman who must sell his product by his own ability and energy, offs-et by the discourtesy, inefficiency and shiftlessness of the fictory, has the roughest of roads to travel and is entitled to the highest commissions.