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Dry Kilns
Possession and ownership of the dwelling insures a more free ability to secure living conditions which tend to health. Necessary changes can be made without having to meet the whims or desires of another person-the owner. The requirements of the owner's family alone are considered.
The man who owns his own HOME insures a protection for his family. He is investing rather than buying. The fact that he has bought or is buying a HOME gives him a better credit rating in his comminity; for that action shows that his residence will be permanent, proves his ability to live within his income, indicates his forethought, and is an added incentive for him to personally make good 'in his business.
To own one's owtr HOME makes one a better citizen, for ownership requires more intimate connection with community relations. Self-interest alone will make the owner of a home take a greater interest in public afiairs, and this in turn will induce him to work for a better community.
The owning of a HOME is of benefit to the owner, to his family and to his community.
Ten years' experience in wholesale lumber office and sales work. Prefer hardwoods; two years in Los Angeles. Single. Age 28. Go anywhere. Address Box A-43, care California Lumber Merchant.
Moreland Official Dies
Joseph L. Armer, Treasurer and Director of the Moreland Truck Company, Los Angeles, passed away at his home, on the afternoon of April 15th.
He rvas lvell knorvn among the lumbermen of Southern California.
New Yard At Watts
Frank Mauk, formerly with the San Pedro Lumber Company, has opened a yard on Electric Blvd., Watts.
Forty per cent of the women of the country are working women. The other sixty per cent are working men.
Moore'r netural draft and mechanical recirctrlating lrilnr of practical and modern typea
Complete line of dry kiln equipment, suc,h at tnrckt, tranrfcr carr, recording and regulating inrtrumentr, lgmbcr liftr and fat and cdge lumber ctackerr.