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Most Lumbermen are Mechanically lVlinded

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Dry Kilns

Dry Kilns

and to trhem we make this appeal.

We want them to notice the overhead arch principle construction, reinforced with a heavy cross beam. This means rigid supports for the legs which have to stand the strain of the power transmission, side play of the wheels and carrntrg of the load.

It means tftat the Miller Gas Lumber Carrier can pick up a load quickly and move it quickly without fear of shifting or slipping.

That is all important in operation and it boils down to practical construction.

You will find every detail of the working parts based on similar scientific and practical principles.

HARSCH & MILLER, IVlanufacturers

East Side Mill & Lumber C.o., Distributorr PORTLAND, OREGON

Improvements in 1924 model can be o,dd"d to all earlier models in use

Solves Plaster Problem

To have plaster fall from the ceiling has been the unpleasant lot of almost every home owner. While plasterers have always maintained that these disasters could not be averted, those who witnessed a series of tests held recently in the laboratories of the Bishopric Mfg. Co. now believi they have found a remedy.

"In these tests lve saw that the principal reason for plaster falling was that it lacked some substantial bond," says J. W. Ford, Jr., President of the Bishropic Mfg. Co. "With ordinary methods of construction, plaster is squeezed through the lath and as it hardens the 'squeezed through parts' act as a holder. Many plasters have also used expensive anchors, but many of these proved defective when moisture or shaking caused the plaster to lose its grip.

"Back East architects and contractors are generally using Bishopric Base oh ceilings and on the walls because it has been proved that plaster will not fall once it is locked in between the beveled wood strips which form a dovetail key. Plasterers are now beginning to use this method generally in the Southwest and they have found that their troubles from falling plaster are ended when Bishopric Base, which is made in Los Angeles, is used."


The city man took off his coat and his hat

And sank in his old swivel chair; He pushed on the buzzer, and promptly at that

He found his stenographer there. She took out her notebook, disposed of her gum

And waited to take every word; And then she was stricken teetotally numb

When these were the sounds that she heard:

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