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Authorities Giae Str on g Reasons.for Using Redwood for Siding==
The United States Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, says in the Publication, "Commercially ImPortant Trees of the United States,"
Member Mills:
Alblon Lumber Company
Caepar Lumber Company
Dolbeer & Careon Lumber Co.
Glen Blatr Redwood Co.
Hammond Lumber ComPanY
J. R. Hantfy Company
Ilobbe' TYall & Company
Holmee Bureta Lumber Co.
Ilttle Rlver Redwood Co.
Mendoclno Lumber Co.
Northweetern Redwood Co.
Redwood Manufacturers Co.
The Paclfic Lumber Co.
Unlon Lumber Company
"Redwood (sequoia sempervirens). This is a very soft, light, straight-grained softwood of great size and durability. Redwood is the strongest in proportion to its weight of any wood so far tested by the U. S. Forest Service. Redwood ranks close to longleaf pine in resistance to end-crushing.
"Redwood finds its largest use in general building, and especially for siding and shingles, where its great durability is especially desirable. Redwood is also much used for millwork because of its comparative freedom from swelling and shrinking with atmospheric changes, after it is once thoroughly seasoned. Redwood is not resinous and does not burn easily."
Likewise the American School of Correspondence commends Redwood in the publication, "Cyclopedia of Architecture, Chemistry and Building," Volume 2, Page 20,
"Redwood has been used extensively in the West for outside finish, shingles, and clapboards. Its resistance to fire is remarkable, which makes it valuable for the exterior of dwellings."
IJse such authorities as these to support your sales talks on Redwood. You are assuring steady profits through constant resales to satisfied customers.