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Sacramento Club Meeting

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The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club met Satur- day, April 18th, at Sacrimento.

IState Forester M. _F. f3tt, the principal speaker, gave a most interesting talk of Forestry iconomics.

State Assemblyman Herbert l\{cDowell of Fresno, told the club about several bills before the legislature that s'hould they have pa99ed, would have had a lecided effect upon industry. A bill to raise compensation would have adhed eight or ten million dollars to the cost of carrying on industry, said Mr. McDowell.

Mr. Brockman of the Lumbermen's Reciorocal Association, Workmen's Compensation Insurance, ^for Lumb.ermen. explained the plan of Lumbermen,s Reciprocal Association, relative to Lumbermen carrying their cbmpensation insurance.

President -Ct1p*".t, will name a committee to investigate Lumbermen's Reciprocal Insurance.

TuyiSg h3ck to the main topic of the meeting, ,,Forestry," .Mr. Pratt _gave some very interesting figiies and facts which should be fully appreiiated by eviry"citizen ol the state, and especially those-figures relating to forest fires.

The members of the Sacramento Valley tl,tb a.. going to enlighten their respective communitiis through *ttrei-r local pre^ss and otherwise, during Forestry week,'April 27 to May 3, of the destructive carJlessness on the oart^of the peo.ple. and urge the smokers and campers to ^be careful while in the forests.

Mr. Pratt gave much other interesting information re- garding production and consumption, water conservation, recreation travel and timber resources.

Attendance of meeting April 18th, at Hotel Senator:

A. J. Miller, Spaulding Loeging Co..... ......San Francisco

W._E.!.qyv, Midvalley Lumbe; Co..... ..Galt,

_E.T._Bo!iC, Auburn Ibr. Co.. .......Auburn,

E. S= UcBride, Davis Lbr. Co.. Davis,

L. H._Dresser, Superior Lbr. & Fuel Co.. .Sacramento,

J. C. Butler, Sacramento Lbr. Co.. Sacramento.

L. W. Heringer, Sacramento Lbr. Co..... .Sacramento.

H. M. Isenhower.. .Sacrarnento, p._S. G1ay, Shasta Lbr. Co..... ....Marysville, Walter Baker, Hendrickson Lbr. Co..... ......S n Francisco

O. L. Russum, Chas. McCormick Lbr. Co.. ...San Francisco

J. M. Montgomery, Silver Falls Lbr. Co.. Stockton. Philo K. Holland, Western Lbr. Co.. Sacramento.

W. H. Miller, Knox Lbr. Co.. ....Sacramento.

J. W. Jackson, Western Lbr. Co.. .......Sacramento.

L. E. Healey, J. R. Hanify Co... ..Sacramento,

G. H. Young, The Calif. Door Co.. ....Folsom.

G. R. Bliecker, Eagle Lumber Co..... ....Sacramento,

W. B. Dearborn, Loomis Lbr. Co.. Loomis,

A. M. Charter, Sterling Lbr. Co.. ....Roseville,

C. D. Le Master ..Sacramento.

M. B. Pratt, State Forester...... .Sacramento, Herbert M. McDowell, Assembly .....Fresno,

E. J. Brockmann, Lumbermen's Recip. Assn....San Francisco,

G. L. Camdon, General Supply Co..... ......Fairoaks,

W. M. Casey, Redwood Mfr's Co..... ......Pittsburg,

J. P. Brewer, Redwood Mfr's Co.. ..PittsburE,

R. E. Tracy, Friend & Terry Lbr. Co.. ....Sacramento,

O. H. Mill-er, Knox Lbr. C-o.. Sacramento,

R. N. Ransom, Friend & Terry Lbr. Co.. .Sacramento, Curtis Cutter, Cutter Mill & Lumber Co..........Sacramento,

Ed. Norton, Cutter Mill & Lumber Co..... Saciamento,

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