2 minute read
When Big Orders Come in Rush Call Hammond!
Don't pass upbig orders because you're short on stock. Call on Hammond for help. You can draw all the building materials you needto fill any rush orderfrom the tremendous reserve of the Hammond Lumber Company.
Then there are the great facilities of Hammonds' special Mill Work Department always at your disposal.
Hammond Service is utterly complete, efficient, and ABSOLUTELY DEPENDABLE. Use it!
Lumber Salesmen's Club Holds Dinner Dance
JOne of the most enjoyable parties ever held by the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco. was a dinner dance at Malq_ua_rds on Thujsday evening, April 23. About forty attended the party. During the dinnei hour, several num-bers were render.ed by the -N{arquard Revue,,, which were very much enjoyed._ Dancing continued until midnight. The Arr?ngements Commitlee in charge of the party-inSi"d* Fred Roth, Floyd Elliott, F. Euckley, a"a j. n. Martin.
The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club held their regular monthly ryeeting at the Senator Hotel, Sacramento, on Saturday, April 18. The week of April 27 to Mav 4'. having been set aside by Presidential - Proclamation ai "American Forest Week,"- the meeting was devoted to the subject- o_f Forestry. M. B. Pratt, Sairamento, State Forester of California, was the speaker of the day. The meeting was largely attended.
Elmore King Visits Bay District
Ellmo.re King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield, was a recent visitor in the Bay District where he spent a few days c.lfling on the lumbei trade and looking over lumbe. ."'"- ditions. Elmore says that the lumber b"usiness in the Kirn lo.unty territoryis showing improvement, but they are able to stand further improvemeni without increasing their over-head.

George Burnett Visits San Francisco
_ George Burnett, Burnett Lumber Co., Tulare, was a San Francisco visitor around the middle of the *on[h. }Ie t aa some private business affairs in Burlingame that needed his attention, after which he came into-San Francisco to call on his lumber friends. He says that they have had some fine rains in his section recentiy, which *ill ,ro doubt have a good effect on the lumber business.
Edward P. Ivory, in charge of the Trade Extension De- partment, California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers, Association, San Francisco, has returned after spehding ten weeks in the East on Association business. Mi. Ivori attended 11 Retail Lumbermen's Association Conventioni in the _East, Middle 'West, and Rocky Mountain District, rvhere he discussed the physical characieristics, quality, and tuses of the California White and Sugar Pines.
Forest Service Personnel Changes
S. A. Boulden, Supervisor since l92O of. the Cleveland National Forest, San- Diego, has been selected as head of the San Bernardino National Forest and will make his headquarters at San Bernardino.
Assistant Supervisor J. E. Elliott of the Lassen National Forest with heldquarters at Susanville, has been promoted to the supervisorship of the Cleveland Forest. ttlr. Elliott has been an officer of the U. S. Forest Service for 18 years and is thoroughly f:miliar with all phases of forestry and nre preventton work.
George H. Cecil will continue as forest supervisor of the Angeles National Forest with headquarters in Los Angeles.