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We Have Never Failed
t o receive a repeat order hen once we have shipped " Eclipse Brand" Flooring to a custorner.
There Must Be A Reason
Susanville Hoo Hoo Club Hold's First New National Forest Created in Meeting
IHoo-Hoo Club No. 37 held its first monthly meeting at th-e Alpine. Hotel, Susanville, on Monday evening, apr-il 6. The p_rincipal_ speaker of the evening iryas ForJst Sup..- visor W. G. Durbin, who talked on Reforestation. E: B. B_irqringham of the Fruit Growers Supply Co. and Chas. McGowan of the Lassen Lumber & Boi-Cb. also talked on lumber conditions. I. W. Torrence is the President of the Susanville Club.
George B. Jobson, Gauley River Lumber Corporation, Maryland, dealers in Hardwoods and White Pine, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days calling on the California White and Sugar Pine trade. In. speaking of lumber conditions in the East, he states that the Hardwood and White Pine market has not been verv active _since March, although they enjoyed a good demand from October to the later part of February. However, he says that they are looking for an early improvement in the market. He left for the East, via the Inland Empire, where he expects to spend a few days.
W. P. Coles, representative of the Arkansas Oak Flooring Company, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, has been a California visitor where he has been looking over the hardwood mar- ket. He was a visitor in the Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay District: While in San Francisco, Mr. Coles was present at the meeting of Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 on Ap:il23.
Eastern division of Angeles Forest Becomes San Bernardino National Forest
Secretary of Agriculture Jardine has approved, subject to presidential assent and proclamation, the division of the present Angeles National Forest into two units and the creation out of the eastern or San Bernardino division, of a new Federal forest to be known as the San Bernardino National Forest, according to report from the California district headquarters of the United States Forest Service in San Francisco.
This action, states District Forester Paul G. Redington, is in line with the findings and recomm,endations of the Board of Fire Review which last November made a detailed investigation of the forest protection problems in the Government forests of South,ern California. Better administration and fire protection are the main purposes of this new adjustment of national forest areas which comprise one of the most intensively used mountain recreation regions in the United States.
The Lytle Creek drainage will be the boundary between the new San Bernardino National Forest and the Angeles National Forest. The Saugus district of the Santa Barbara National Forest has also been added to the Angeles so that practically all Federal forest lands in Los Angeles County will be unde.r the jurisdiction of one IJ. S. Forest Service officer.
Figured Gum Doors
And Interior Trim
The most popular of all hardwoods for residences, and apartments.
At a slight additional cost over softwood your customer can have a full interior of this popular finieh and think of thc additional beauty and increaged valuc from a renting or selling standpoint.
"Neenadoors" made in a wide varicty of atyles adapted to homes, apartmente, schools, hotels, hoapitals or office buildings.
'We manufacture veneered doors in all the hardwoods, such as gum, oak, mahogany and walnut, in a wide variety of styles adapted to homes, apartments, schools, hotels, hospitals, and office buildinge.

Wearestill mahing the same " grand prize" Philippine Mahogany doors f hat ue tnade ten years ago.