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Pacific Door and Sash Company
lnquirier rolicitcdUnlimited capacitySuporior rervicr Cargo and Rail Shipmentr lff Square Pack, Wire-ticd LathMenufacturcd to Strict SpccificationrErpccially for Californie Trede.
Old Growth CleanGrcen or Kiln Dried Special Cutting Ordcrr-TimbereBoarde and Dimcnrion.
"Philippine Mahogany"

For your protection we brand the end of every board manufactured in the Philippine Islands from our own timber in our up-to-date Band Mills.
Sold by responsible dealers all over the United States.
Take no substitutes.
-That's why the Hipolito Screen Doors and 'Window Screens are the choice of particular contractors.
They realize future business depends on how their present jobs stand up. The test of years has proven Hipolito quality.
Ask about our proposition for lumber dealersremember Hipolito Window Screens and Screen Doors can be supplied any dealer an5rwhere at a price he can make money on.