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Building Less Than Last Year

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With immense and widespread activity in building con- struction,,it does not seem-that the nigh tlae of aEtivity may now be reached. But advance indicitions have pointed now for 3 consecutive months to the fact that igZS i, quite likely to fall short of 1924 in city construction. Reports to the American Contractor from 207 cities bear out the statement above.

January building permits issued in these cities fell 4 per cejrt_from the January, 1921, record. February figures iell o.ff 6 pjr cent, and March figures fell off 16 per cJnt. The three first months of a yeaigo a long way towards deciding how _the whole year will go. This is particularly true because March is generallv t-he peak month of the year.

For 18 Ycan

..CHICKASAW BRAIYD" OAK FL@RING har beo e rtaadard of Gnde-Qrntity-Manufacture

Manrfecturcd By

And Dirtributcd By


No 9np can predict, of course, that there will not be a big spurt later to_ more than_make. up for the accumulating de"- ficiency for this y.ear. But who wants to stand fortli and predict such a.spurt? Although we are falling behind last year, and possibly are a trifle behind the firstJ months of 1923, still there is much carry-over activity which is now in full swing,-and the industry-is fully occupied and at build- ing costs that tend to shade upward a bit. In the face of general trade conditions that are marked with some hesitancy, it_ is not reasonably to be expected that any great spurt will take place.

- FiS".Tgl from 15 California cities show that in eight cases the building .lras taken a drop, and in the other seien, tha, it has gained.

The figures below show this:

/eacrrrc MANUFAcTURERs co. MovE RETATL

/ The Pacific Manufacturers Co. of Santa Clara have moved their retail yard to their new site which is located 9n._t_!e main higtrway. They are erecting a new office building and lumber sheds. Mr. E. Young-is the manager of 'this vard.


W. D. Dunning, Sales Manager of the Little River Redwood Co., San Francisco, has returned from a ten davs' busiriess trip to Southern California where he was looki-ns over lumber conditions in the Los Angeles and Southeri California markets. He reports that thi market in Southern California is showing an improvement.

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