2 minute read
When You See
the handsome veneer panels of CALIFORNIA
PINE now coming from the Westwood factory you will say they are the finest stock for panel doors and interior finish.
The figure of the grain is unique and beautiful. There is a delicate softness and an interesting variety in pattern.
CALIFORNIA PINE VENEER comes from the lathe with a surface that requires very little sanding fot a smooth 6nish. For enamel and flat paint as well as for stain and varnish, there is no wood surface superior to CALI' FORNIA PINES.
One-side and two-side stock for interior panelling, partitions, doors-stock for shelving, drawer bottomg, furniture backs-light in weight and will not check.
Snow blindners har brought ruFering to mrny r woodrmen. It ir worrc in the Spring whcn thc run ir high aad bright. Ed. F. Rccb of Merqucttc, Micho toltr how Peul Bunyan got hir rnow glercr.
The fremer were made by Big Olc, thc blagkrmith, out of an old or yoLc and wcrc r pctcct 6t. Into the bowr, thc lcnra wcrc fittcd. Rccb ray. thcrc wcr. rnrolcd glar, but er e nattcr of fect they wcrc rtovc lidr. Thc root kcpt out thc run glrrc end iron war ar good er glar to Prulfor Paul Bunyrn could rcc throu3h anything.
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Frolic With Harry Hanson
"Handsome lfarry" Hanson, of the California Panel & V-eneer Company, Los Angeles, rvas chairman at the April 23rd meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club.
The meeting had been announced as something special i" t.\ way of fun, "no speeches, and a good timJguaran- teed."
About sixty of the boys and a few guests were in attend-arce,_and right from the opening gong, Harry "did his stuff" and kept the meeting in an uproar.
After Lorne S. I\Ieyer and R. Mulholland had been awarded the two attendance prizes. Harry announced the opening of the seventeen contests, with prizes in each {i"i..igl, and with Parson Simpkin, Herman Rosenberg and Phil Hart as impartial judges.
This part of the program resulted as follows: No. 1. Tallest lJoo IIoo, won by J. W. Miller. No. 2. Shortest Hoo Hoo, won-bv H. Wehlast. No. 3. Tallest Man. won by Leslie Lynch. No. 4. Leanest Hoo Hoo, -won by Parson Simpkin. No. 5. Fattest Hoo Hoo, won by E. Stefianson. No. 6. Handsomest Hoo Hoo, won by B. W. Bookstaver.

No. 7. Homliest Hoo lloo, won by Harvey Bowles. No. 8. Rowdiest Hoo Hoo, won by Clint Laughlin. No. 9. Biggest Feet, won by A. Beckstrom. No. 10. Loudest Shirt, won bi' Jim Cline. No. 11. Dirtiest Shirt. won bv Clifi Estes. No. 12. Sheik. won by Berne Barker. No. 13. Best Singer, won by Jack Ellis.
No. 14. Oldest Hoo Hoo. won bv Rollin Brown.
No. 15. Youngest Hoo Hoo, won by Gene DeArmond.
_\r. 19. Most Dignified, won by Frid Golding.
No. 17. Baldest, won by W. W. Wilkinson.
No. 18. Most Children, won by J. W. Miller.
Brother Miller carried away two prizes, the first one for being the tallest Hoo Hoo in the room, and then the last one, when he announced the Dossession of seven fine children.
The Parson was on hand, havine iust returned from a thirteen thousand mile jaunt o,rer IhL country, in the interests of the Order, and he spoke to the meeting for a short time, on the non-payment of dues. The ?arson warned the boys that all delinquent members would be dropped from the lists, after the quota of 9999 members had been reached.
The meeting adjourned after a short discussion on the coming Lumbermen's Stag Party, May First.
Snark J. H. Allen to Visit California
1.. Walter Kelly, Vicegerent Snark of the Bay District, is in .receipt -of a letter from Secretary-Treasurer Henry R. Isherwood, advising that Snark of ihe Universe J. Fi. Allen of St. Louis, is on a tour of the western statei and r,vill arrive in San Francisco the first part of May. Mr. Kelly plans to have a meeting of the Bay Distriit HooHoo during Snark Allen's visit in San Fiancisco. and as soon- as _the day is definitely set for his arrival, he plans to notify the Bay District members so that everybody will have an opportunity to meet Mr. Allen.