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Central California Lumbermen's Club Meet at Tracy
The Central California Lumbermen's Club met at Tracy on Laturd_ay, April 11, when they were the guests of the retail lumber dealers of Tracy. The luncheon-and meeting was held at the Tracy Lions Club Home. An excelleni home cooked dinner was served.
President W. H. Falconbury presided at the meeting. On calling the meeting to order, he called on H. M. Schau& of the Tracy Lumber Co. and Georse Good of the Good Lumber Co., who welcomed the visiiors to Tracv. Treasurer I-ester Elliott read the financial report on the loint Lumbermen's Meeting that was held at- Stockton.
President Falconbury announced that the business of the meeting would be the continuation of the discussion on the "Code of Ethics," which was also taken up at the March meeting of the Club. President Falconbury called on everybody present to express their views and-suggestions on the matter and many interesting and instructive points r,vere brought out in the discussion. At the conclusion of the discussion, President Falconbury announced that the Dealers of the City of Stockton would draft a .,Code of Ethics" to_b_e -presented qt the May meeting for adoption.
Earl E. White, of the California Door Co.l Oakland. was unanimously elected a member of the Club. It was voted Lo^hgld the_May meeting at Stockton, when the subject "Credits and Collections'i will be given consideration and George Ground will lead the discussion. In bringing the meeting to a close, President Falconbury thanked Ihelealers of Tracy for the fine dinner and for iheir generous hos- pitality in inviting the Club to Tracy; also he paid the ladies rvho prepared the fine meal a very fine compliment. Those who attended the meeting were: lesteJ E lliott, Valley Lumber Co., Lodi. p. _M._Cqsey,__Redwood Manufacturers Company, Pittsburg.
George Good, Good Lumber Co., Tracy.
H. M. Schauer, Tracy Lumber Co.. Tiacv.
W. H. Falconbury, Falconbury Lumber eo., Stockton.
Jim Farley, Pacific Lumber Co.. Stockton.
R. P. Fuller, Home Lumber Co., Manteca.
Bobert Inglis, San Joaquin Lumber Co., Stockton.
B. A. Nixon. Nixon Lumber Co.. Lockford.
H. C. Henry, Booth-Ketly Lumber Co., Modesto.
Geo_lge Ground, Modesto Lumber Co.,' Modesto.
G. W. Merwin, Newman Lumber Co..'Newman.
Tracy McPhearson, Escalon Lumber Co.. Escalon.
O. L. _Euss.um, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Stockton. Chas. Morehead. Irwin Lumber Co.. Escalon.
H. S. Fuller, Fulter Lumber Co..'Lodi.
R. F. Hammatt, California Redwood Association, San Francisco.
J. E. Martin, "California Lumber Merchant," San Francisco.
B. J. Boorman, Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland. and former President of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association, was a recent visitor in the San Joaquin Valley ylherg he was calling on his many retail lumbermen friendi. Mr. Boorman was just taking i fe* days off from business to pay his friends a visit and to look over conditions in the Valley sections.
"Acknowledging receipt of your check for a dividend, amounting to a little ovet 35'/o o! oyr premium, and we -understand that there will be inother dividend later, as well as an additional refund.
We are very much pleased with this saving, as well as the minner in which our claims have been handled."-D. J. Cahill
"We have received your dividend check to be applied on our 1924 busi4ess. In going over our Ub'ot " we find that this represents a return of about S5/o, aid we now.believe that the refund is not al-! conversation. Yorir service has been satisfactory."
-H. L. Rosenberg.
"We wish to acknowledge receipt of your dividend on premium accrued ior t924, on the policies of the Pibneer Lumber Company and the Plastoid Products Inc.
"Thanking you for received from you in all matters pertaining to this."-Orville L. Routt the close attention we have
"Acceot our thanks for your-dividend check. received this morning. It is in excess of what we expected, and this brings the net cost below all previous experrences. Don't hesitate to call on us for refer611s6s."-prnest W Gould.
"We are in receiPt of vour dividend voucher ind are surprised to find that this amounted to 3lok of the Premiruns. We consider this a very liberal dividend and can say that Your company has carried out everv demand made on thern."-H. C' Nelson.