10 minute read
Describes California Pine
A recent bulletin, from the Southern California offices of the Millwork Institute of California, gives "ott. l."ry comprehensive information regarding California Sugar Ping, describing its various charicterisiics, etc.
This is one of a series of educational bulletins being sent out by the Institute, to Architects and Contractors. alf over the state.
_.This particular issue had this to say, regarding Sugar rlne: grain raising and shrinking. Cuts readily with or across the grain. _Easy to-nail and holds nails fiimly. frl{" Na1rgg-: Sugar Pine and California Sugar pine.
"Figure: Practicdly none. Only a slight contrast in color ot spnng and summer growth.
Painter's Finish: Exiellent for oil and paint finishes. Being_light in color it requires less materiil to obtain i go_o_d finish than the darkef and more porous woods.
Habitat: California and Oreson.
Texture: Soft, easily workeii, does not tear nor chip in milling.
Grain: Uniform, close and even.
Sawing: Plain sawn-not quartered nor vertical grain.
_C_919r-: Sapwood-white. Heartwood-light brow-n.
Weight: 2/2 potnds to the board foot.
- Strength: More than ample for all purposes enumerated herein.
_ Thicknesse1z l_, l/4, lrf,,2,2tl, g inches. (Bulletin No. I gives Finish Sizes.)
Widths: 4,.6,8, lO, 12 inches. Wider material may be had for special purposes. (See Bulletin No. I for Finish Sizes.)
Lengths: 8 to 16 feet.
Supply: The present stand with the annual reproduction, assures a good supply for many years to come.
Characteristics: Free from excess warping, checking,
IJses: Sash, doors, screens, blinds. drainboards. cuDboands, fixtur.es, interior finish, siding and pattern himbeli. Veneers: "Rotary" veneers for -panelS and ..sawn" veneers for stiles and rails. Minimuni thickness of rotary veneers is /g inch.
SUGAR PINE is an ideal milling lumber, coming from the machines with clean cut edges] smooth surfacZs ana sharp profiles. Of the many pinEs, SUGAR PINE is itre largest-averaging 4 to 5 feeCin diameter and 1S0 to IZS f-eet in height. This great growth makes possible the pro_ duction of exceptionally wide and thick trimber. Botahc_ ally, Sugar Pine is a true White pine and has most of the important qualities of the'.Eastern \4thite" or ,,Cork pine."
ARTHUR D. KrNG S,)*ro$$"rl,y LEAVE FoR
Arthur. D. King, President of the King Lumber Co., lJakersheld, accompanied by his wife and taughter, have lett on 39 -eight months' trip to Europe. While in Ensland, they wlll-be the_guests of their married daughter w[o re_ srdes at Essex, England. OUR THANKS!
J To tho". who havc always -"dol.o, i"' tt'iiiii;;;f ;;t".'" *-lWe pledge loval aervice.
{To thoec who took the hint and) {elected us their source of eupply}pid we make good} (starting f925. - -----'t-"

Arizona Club To Convene At Nogales
The Lumbermen's Club of Arizona will hold the Annual Convention this year at Nogales, May 15th and 16th l
A splendid program is being arranged by President H. S. Corbett and Secretary Wm. Killan.
Valley Golfers Take Notice
Farl Eyman, Western Lumber Co., Reedley, and Roger O'Ifara, San Joaquin Valley representative of the Redv'ood Manufacturers Company, were recently seen doing "their stuff" on the golf links at Reedley. Roger, who shoots a mean game of gol{, is out with a chailenge to any lumberman in the Valley. After he cleans np down there, Roger expects to give the lumbermen golfer- in the Bay District the "once over."
F. C. Smith, sales manager of the Peninsula Lumber Co., Portland, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent several days calling on the lumber trade and making a survey of lumber conditions in the state. He states that there has been a very large local demand for lumber in the City of Portland during the past several months, also that conditions throughout the Middle West and Eastern States are more active and showing considerable improvement.

W. O. Mashek, Offrce Manager of the Kewin Lumber Co., Nfodesto, together with his wife and four children, Are recovering nicely from a recent automobile accident when their machine over-turned. Mr. Mashek received several cuts and bruises on the head and hands while his rvife suffered a broken shoulder blade. The children were unhurt.
V Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells were the recipients of many congratulations from their many friends throughout the state at the recent celebration of their twentieth wedding anniversary. Frank Wells is one of the popular and well known lumbermen in the Valley and the owner of the West Turlock Lumber & Mill Co. at Turlock.
We sell wholesale only
We DO NOT sell contractors

From the California Retail Lumbermen's Asdn.
Fresno Builders Exchange, Fresno.
San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, Fresno.
"So that all engaged in the lumber industry may receive the benefits of the efforts of this Association at the last session of the Legislature, and may be advised that their rights are still protected under the California Mechanics' Lien Law, this bulletin is mailed to members and nonmembers alike.

"Below are tabulated the actions taken on all bills presented which affected the Mechanics' Lien Law; also- we are submitting a copy of letter written to our President, by Herbett C. Stone, Secretary of the Building Material Dealers Credit Association, of Los Angeles, whose Association has been working with this Association for months past preparing a defense for the Mechanics' Lien Law. - In May, 1924, plans were being made to abrogate the Mechanics' Lien Law, or to so amend it that it would no longer have been a protection to the Material Dealersat that time this Association began its preparation for the defense of the Law of the Legislature. Propaganda was S-olten out explaining the peril the law was in, and offering this Association as the medium for the fight to be made at Sacramento. We were successful in securing the backing of the following organizations: lreqno Bldg. Material Dealers- Ass'n, Fresno.
Building Material Dealers Credit Association, Los Angeles, EuilderJ Exchange, Long Beach.
Calif. Retail Hafoware & Implement Ass'n, San Francisco. Calif. Ass'n of Retail Credit Bureaus. Santa Barbara. Catif. Bldg. Material Dealers Ass'n, San Francisco.
Central California Lumbermen's Club, Lodi. Douglas Fir Club, San Francisco.
Lumber Associatioh of San Francisco, San Francisco. California Redwood Association, San'Francisco, California Retail Council. San Francisco.
Glendale Merchants Association. Glendale.
Calif. Bldg. Material Dealers Ass'n, Alameda.
Millwork Institute of California, Los Angeles. Merchants Association. Palo Alto.
Monterey_ County Buiiders Association, Monterey.
Orange County Lumbermen's Club, Ariaheim.
Pacific Coast Hardwood Ass'n, San Francisco.
Pasadena Merchants Ass'n. Pasadena.
Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, Sacramento.
Sonoma County Bldrs. Trades Council, Santa Rosa.
San Francisco Material Dealers Ass'n. San Francisco.
"In addition to these the State Labor Commissioner, I\{r. Matthewson, and the Attorney for the Labor Commission, and the attorney for the Bldg. Material Dealers Credit Ass'n of Los Angeles-Mr. Glen Behymer (an authority on the Lien Law), worked with the Legislative Committe-e of this Association, at Sacramento, for many days at a time; also Mr. Stone, as per letter quoted later; foi, while our plan of defense was outlined and perfected, it had to be put into operation in the Committees of the Legislature to which the Lien Law Bills were referred; thus it was most important that we should have representation."
"The following report on Senate and Assembly Bills will give you an idea of the very successful result accomplished bv this Association.
A.S. 98-Amending Sec. 1190 so that owner may release (Continued on Page 39)

EIIFTY complete blue prints in f the Upson Blue Book gi*'..ornplete and detailed information regarding every type of wallboard construction.
They show Upson Board in new construction-Upson Board applied over old plaster-Upson Board applied to a brick wall-Upson Board applied under almost any conceivable condition!
They include complete details for decorative trim. and a host of helpful suggestions for painting and decorating. Nothing like it ever published by a wallboard manufacturer!
The new Upson Blue Book contains page after page of beautiful Upsonizedinteriors. It showsUpson Board in the finest of homes, Upson Board in stores, hotels, restaurants, and public buildings. It contains a number of full-color pictures, showing Upson Board in the graceful, paneled designs of various architectural periods.
Tells you how to answer
questions like these-
66EfOW shall I apply wallboard ,f I around openings when house is built for lath and plaster, and the frames are, therefore, too thick?"
"llow shall I treat the wallboard back of a built-in tub so that the water won't get down back of it and cause it to warp, as it would plaster, wood, or as it would rust steel?"
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Complete Merchandising Service will help you double and treble sales of wallboard and trim!
A COMPLETE profit-making Mer.C\ chandising Book is furnished free to Blue Book Service Subscribers.
This book has well been called a fitting "twin" to the revolutionary Blue Book itself. It should be worth hundreds of dollarg in profits to you.
It illustrates the many FREE selling aids that can help you put the Blue Book across. It shows the posters-the signs -the envelope stickers the newspaper electros-the movie slides-the direct-bymail campaigns which we have ready for you. Best of all, it suggests definite, tested plans for using the Blue Book to get

Upoon Board business in a big way.
It tells you, step by step, how to use the BlueBook to double and treble your profits on wallboard and trim. It shows you how to change possible prejudice against wallboard to enthusiastic admiration for (Joson Board Increased Profits I
Impartial Terting Laboratoies Confrm Superiority of Upso n Board
In one of the many dramatic tests for strength, made by recognized engineering authorities, Upson Board withstood an irnpact of +Oa/o to 7Oc/. tr^c're than the other frbre wallboards tested, and nearly I 50% more than brittle, absorbent plaster- fiiled boards twice as thick.
Jars and blows that would ruin ordinary plaster walls have little or no effect on IJpson Board
More Water-Reshting
In another test, Upson Board immersed in water for a given length of time gained only .t/2 ounce to the square foot, whereas the sample of plasterfilled board exposed to the same test increased nearly f pound to the square foot, Other fibre boards tested in the same way were found to absorb nearly twice as much water as Upson Board.
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It shows you how to create an endless chain of IJpson Board Business. Sales that go up, u.lr and IIP ! With the Upson Blue Book and Merchandising Book you can develop your wallboard business from a side line into one of your most profitable departments. State
for Lumber Dealers who act promptly
IRE you open-minded ? Are you willing to hear further \. reaso-ns why-the Upson Blue Book can prove a profit- producer. for you ? Are you interested in knowing how you can obtain it ?
C!n, fill in, and mail the goupon belowt It will bring you information about the Upson Blue Book that is -aiity increasing the profits of hun&ede of Upoon dealers evcr5r- where. But-the first edition of thia niw book ir already almost gone, Mail the coupon now-while coplel are still available.
(Continued from Pag.e 36) lien by filing bond. Withdrawn by the author. A.B. llg-Amending same section as A.B. 98-Likewise withdrawn by author.
IA.8. l7S-These are duplicate bills, and amend Sec. 1191, L S.B. 101-to include material men and provides feed, etc. As per instruction of Legislative Committee, nothing was done with these two bills as they did not affect us in any way. However, do not believe that either one will be passed at this session.
S8l--Amended Sections 1183 & 1184, of the pres643-ent Lien Law very materially and were backed 585-by the State Highway Commission, and due to 642-oar efforts were laid on the table by Assembly and Senate Judiciary Committees, to which they had been referred. These were the principal sections of the Lien Law relating to material men and if passed would have caused a lot of trouble for the material men and cost a great deal of money having them tested in court.
had been amended to suit us. These amendments were passed on by our legislative Committe and forwarded to Assemblyman Sewell, who is a member of the Judiciary Committee to which the bill was referred and also to Mr. Johnson, Attorney for the Labor Commission. The bill has been passed and is now to be considered on the floor of the Assembly."
"The efficient work done by this Association on the Lien Law shows the power of organization in the big issues affecting the lumber busingss. Without this Association and concerted effort it is doubtful whether the mechanics' lien law would still be the protection to the materialman that it is at the present time.
"Though we had secured the.backing of the organizations named above, it was not necessary to catl upon them, since the representatives of this Association and the Building Material Dealers Credit Association of Los Angeles, were able to handle the situation without assistance. The expenses of this defense of the Lien Law was borne by these two association. Much credit and glory is due to our 30O staunch members for paying their dues promptly and making this work possible.
684-Amending Sec. ll92 regarding notice of nonresponsibility due to our efforts, the Committee would not pass them out of Committee without our agreement to amendments offered.
685-In regard to imperfections in building work affecting notice of lien. This bill was was passed out of Committee and passed by Assembly, and ot Lommrttee Dy .Assembly, ancl is now before the Senate. This bill had our o. K.
A.B. 1046-Amends Sec. 1183. Due to our efforts was withdrawn on suqgestion of author.
5.8.773-Amends Sec. 1187. Due to our efforts was withdrawn on suggestion of author.
A.B. oPAaoTzl\\) h:il) OVe?rd_69" "Tcam Work with the Retail Lumber Mcrchant,"
"If you are not a member of our Association and are interested in helping in the betterment of the lumber industry, and would like to know more about the association, write- to San Francisco headquarters and let our Secretary call on you."
Dick Ustick Elected City Councilman
Dick Ustick, Assistant Manager of the Stanislaw Lumber Co., Nlodesto, was elected a member of the City Council at the recent election held at Modesto. Dick is an extremely popular lumberman in the Valley District and his many friends are predicting that he will make an ideal City Father.
E. SLADE LUMBER CO. COMMONS QUALTTY ONLY Abcrdcen, Werhington Kcrracy lll0
S. A. J. WEST Thc vcry bcrt of Soft Old Grorth Ycllow Fir Stoclc From Grayr Herbor \f,fc Know thc Qurlity Cauot bc Surlrercd sAN FRANCISCO, NEWHALL BUTLDING