4 minute read
Better Merchandising
By Bill Wells Coast Manager The Upson Company
,The Upson'Cornpany, manufacturers of 'the famous Blue Center Upson Processed Board, have just started distribrlting their new merchandizing propoiition.
r.This book, "The Upson Blue Book," is a complete and practioal,reference book for their dealers. It offeri the best inforntation and data on how to properly sell and advise consurners on wallboard installations. This new Service describes clearly and definitely how Upson Board can be used, hpw to install il and also suggestive ideas for panel- ling rand trim. It more ihan sellJ wallboard. it selis the lqnrber dealers materials as well.
1'The Upson Blue Book," has taken The Upson Company several ,years to compile and has cost many thousands of dollars to complete. Before getting out ihis service to dealers, The Upson Company spent many months investigating dealers' and consumers' wallboaid obiections. It was found by investigators that The Upson Company sent out, that a merchandizing service for the dealers was iomething needed, and resulted in the Blue Book.
After gathering this information obtained from the dealers and consumers, the Blue Book first received its start. Three- years_ of _planning, by C. A. Upson and W. H. LJpson, and through the architectural department, this booli has been published for the use of Upson Dealers. It gives the dealer a chance to be the local authority on wallboaid, offers illustra.tive p.l1ns, photographs and complete installing information with each blue print. It shows the consimer that Upson Board can be applied in the finest of build- irigs. Any question that arises with the dealer, through his customers, can be answered through this service. *
Together with this Blue Book, there is furnished a mer- chandizing business getter. It assists the dealers to get to his field of prospects, it gives him more customers. T-his BIue Book Service is being accepted by Upson Dealers Nationally as a service be/ond vision and fhe best ever offered by any manufacturer.
The Upson Company has rendered this service to its dealers, as a better business proposition; it makes better and bigger sales,- and offers the dealer in opportunity to get away from price conditions and sell betteiirerchanilise. 9UALITY, SERVICE and BIGGF'R PROFITS, are The Upi.on Company's policy and Upson dealers everywhere realize the added Blue Book Service as wonderful.
Tom Crain and Bill Wells represent The Upson Company locally and report a mighty favorable buiinesi out- look for 1925. Sales are going UP, UP and UP, with IJpson, and by added merchandizing methods for their dealers, they anticipate larger sales for all their good accounts.
Bellingham Mill Burns
Bellingham, Wash.-Fire of undetermined orisin earlv April 11 caused damage estimated at between 9256,000 ani qqg0,000 at the plant of the Puget Sound Saw Mills & Shingle Company in South Bellingham.
Raymond To Get Door Factory
-Raymond, W1.!., April 11.-E. C. Richmond, secretary of the Raymond Commercial club, announced that a door factory_will be located here and that negotiations are under way whereby. Ea_stern capital may eslablish the largest veneer plant in the world here.
Need a" Goat ?
H. E. Parks, of the Kerckhoff-Cuzner Lumber Company. Los Angeles, has an offer of a good milk qoat' i" J".n""ge f6r a past cltte account, and says he is disposed tlo accept the offer, in case- he can make a deal for the saicl goat, in advance of the.trade'
Here is the lettir that Mr' Parks received, the other dav.ltt answer to his communication, asking for settlem6nt of an old account:
"Kerckhoff- Cuzner Lumber Company:
"Dear Sirs, I am very sory to say, I am not able to pay this Bill norv, for I hav no income of any fl"a, f would hat payt it right soon last veahrl but that Kow disaese cam on and but me i., .o'-"tty Depts that I tont kno wat and how ever to gei out- of it. I am a witolv have a few Milk Goats with witsh I mak my little leving with making Eisgraem out of the milk, rven hot Wetter, and" sell -it on the Roat this is-9Y only income I have in the Summer but in Winter I have no incom atall and hav to Borow fut and Mony to gat along and hav to Pay it of in the Sommer #ittt th"i,rery little income, but if you kindly will escept of a good l\Iilk Goat 1t pa-v for that -Bill, I can spar &e, for I have blandv of Milk, I have to have one or two Goats to trait in for som hay this Sommer' thanking you , very mutsh for your kind Paitions you hav hat with me,
A Unique SYstem
A system in vogue at The Louisville Veneer Mills, at Lotrisville, Ky., for a number ofyears,_ has been found to be'of great advantage to the entire building trade. V".n.y of the- eastern architects have availed thernselves o{ this somewhat unusual service in the construction of large public buildings of the higher class.
The system consists of retaining intact the entire output of a Figured Red Gum tree' Many of these,trees pro- -duce from ? to 5 logs, 12 to 16 feet long, and range in diameter from 48" to 60". The logs will average about 10,000 feet each of Figured Red Gum veneers' making the production of the avirage tree 40,000 to 50,0@ feet of veneer having the same color, texture, and for the most part identicaf figur" design. All who have seen or used Figured Red Gum have proclaimed it a rvood that is not an-imitation of any other wood, that it contains. beauty of figure, ease of working and durability to place it in the froni rank among the finest cabinet woods.
It may readily be seen the great advantage offered by this system thaf has developed into a service, not- only to the birilding trade at large, but to furniture manufacturers and in fact alt who use fincy cabinet woods. In especially high class rvork it is possible for the doors, interior trim, rvill and stair paneling, and all of the furniture to be made from the same- tree, and co.tsequently similar in everv respect. This service has been one of the chief factors that has made this company deserving of the title, "Slleciali:rt-l in Figured Red Gum Products."
Pasadena Yard Moves
Temple Murphy Lumber Company has moved at Pasadena from the old location at 71 North Ave., to the new site at 3110 Foothill Blvd.