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i United States Civil Service r Exarnination

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The United States Civil Service Commission announces Ithe following open competitive examination:


Receipt of applications for business assistant (lumber) will close May 29. The date for the assembling of competitors will be stated onr the admission cards sent to applicants after the close oT .receipt of applications.

The examihation is tq fiJl vacancies in the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce, at an entrance salary of $1,860 a year. Advancement in pay may be made without change in assignment up to $2,400 a year. Prgmotion to higher grades may be made in accordance with the civil service rules.

The duties of the position are to study the manufacture, distribution, and consumption of lumber and wood products, elimination of lumber wastes, lumber market requirements and practices, and the preparation of bulletins and press articles on the above sqbjects.

Competitors will be rated,on practical questions, a thesis to be written in the examination room. and education and experience. :

Full information and application blanks may be obtained from the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C.., or the secrqtary of the board of U. S. civilservice examlners at the post ffice or customhouse in any city.

Fully Equipped

"I never saw but one man," said Uncle Bill Bottletop, "that I thought had a chance foolin' with bootleg liquor. He was a sword-swallower and his wife was a snake-charmer."

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