2 minute read
& GO. GARGO and RAlt
Diltributtry Agcntr for Clul-Niclcnon Lumbcr Coo Evcrcttr lltuh.
Doprcy Lunbor Coo Trcone, \f,farh.
Drtucr Lunbcr Coo Tacornr, \f,/erh.
Fctry Brlor L..-bcn Coo Evcrctg Wuh. Llclc Rivc Rodvood Co, Hunboldt Bry.
9(D Porter Bldg.
SAN FRAI\CFCO l2W Balfour BIds.
E K. lVood Lumber Co.
N. W. Btnk BHg. Portland, Ore.
We Spccializc in C'rayr lfdbor OLD GROWTI{ YETLOW FIR Fifih and Vcrtical Gnh Floorin& lf you likc cxtra sood qudity Rcd Ccdar Shinglcl wc can furnbh tbm"
Opcrating Steamcrr
W. R. Chrmborlin, Jr. Den F. Hrnlon Pbyllir Mr4r Hralor Bcrtio Healol Berben C
1030 Bartlett Blds.
Fruit Growerg Supply Company
Mrnlfectrrcr of cr[fiorab WHc rnd S6gr] Pllo t umbcr llilr et Eaenviilo eld tflt, CrL 1E0,O0qqX) Foci Alnd CeeUty
B. \V. ADAMS, Mrr. Srlcr Derpt Firct National Banlc Btdg. - Sra Fudrc
Coals To Newcastle
Ad in the Portland "Oregonian."
PORTLAND'S FIRST HOME To Be Finished Entirely in California Redwood
-Fincst and Moot Complcte Home in Westmoreland
Has all the up-to-the-minute attractions such as hardwood foors throughout, wonderful kitchen with tiled drainboard and built-ins. tiled bath and shower room, Pembroke tub and pedestal lavatory.
The woodwork is of hand-finished California Redwood, furnished by the Coon Lumbcr Co.

Beautiful rolled roof on house and garage.
And all this is very well located on a corner lot with Mount Hood View.
Drive out Milwaukee avenue or take Sellwood car to Tolman street. Located one block east of car line at l27l East lTth St., South, corner Tolman.
J. Colombo, manager ot the Colombo Lumber Co., Sebasopol, is wearing a smile that won't come off these days; the occasion being the arrival of a fine bouncing girl at his home. Mrs. Colombo and young daughter are doing nicely.
The Pacific Box Factory, San Francisco, was destroyed by fire on the night of April 18. The company have an. nounced that they will start rebuilding the plant immediately. Walter Heyman is the President and General Manager of the Pacific Box Factory.
New Record Set For Lumber Cargoes
The "Lewis Luckenbach" set a new mark, last week, when she entered. the port of San Pedro with a cargo in excess of 8,000,000 feet.
Last summer this same boat established a new record, in carrying a cargo of 7,550,000 feet, in addition to a large tonnage of copper. She was loaded on the Columbia River and destined for New York. The stop at San Pedro was made for the purpose of loading bunkers.
"Sold new tube at $2..{0 and spent 45 minutes inserting it as tire and rim had rusted together. Mechanic's time at 65 cents an hour but no service charge. Sent service car 6-mile round trip to deliver and put on 30x3f shoe. Gone an hour, had to cold-patch tube-no service charge. Sold set Ford shoes but had to send mechanic 2O-mile round trip to install them. Three hour job-no service charge. Installed two valve insides. 'Good customer-no charge, no service charge. Sold second-hand shoe at $2.50. With repairs cost about $2.75. Had to make good on two pinched tubes although owner's faultyinsertio: #fi J""tfi onsible."
The United States Department of Agriculture has announced the allotment of national forest receipts in California for the year ending June 30, L924, to the various counties.
Twenty-five per cent of all national forest r€c€ipts ar" returned to the state for disbursement to counties in which national forests are located for schools and roads.
California's share of this mon€y- amounted to $310,633.96 for the last fiscal year.