1 minute read
No Living Man
whose blood still circulates, and whose brain cells are still on the job, can furnish a suitable alibi for not meeting CHANGED CONDITIONS with CHANGED ITTTH] ODS.
1{ MUMMY, such as the Egyptians find in their old ruined .cities,-dried up relics oT human forms that once were-has_a fairly good excuse for inactivity; for failure to adapt himself to changed conditions. He can't be blamed because he does noikeep abreast of the times.
HE doesn't have to figure costs, or study markgts, or write advertisements, or push his merchandiJine, or worry about overhead expense. -He's been dead severa"l'thousand years, and that is a perfectly good ALIBI. He isn't walk- ing aro-und, consuming food, and breathing good air, and occupyilg space-_that better men could useioldvantage.
But there is NO alibi for the lumberman who ,eeJ th. changes that are taking place in the world, and in his local town, and in the needs, the desires, and the thoughts of the people who live there, and yet does nothing to ihange his ways of doing business to keep up with the-processioi.
SPEED and still MORE speed, is the demand that the enlivened public is putting upon the merchant today; on every man who aims to be a leader in his business. a bettwether of the flock. Even the man without superior ambition who simply hopes to hold his own, and desires nothing mor€, has got to get busy to a considerable extent, and modernize himself. The same speed that kept you up with the crowd a few years ago will get you-hofelessly left at the post nowadays.
-Jhq p_u!!ig is calling lrpon the merchant of today, to furNiSh THEM With THOUGHTS, PLANS, AND-IDEAS. along his particular line of business. The public has