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Twohy Lumber Co.
22 | Kerckhoff Blde. Loe Angeles, BDwy. 0843
CA,RGO-Fir, Rcdwood, Sugar Pinc-RAIL
'We can alwaye supply Fir Col,umng and Drain Boardg from stock
Ercluaivc Southern California Agente E. J. DODGE Redwo
Iearned that those many years during which the merchant was merely agent were r,r'asted ones, and that the time has come when SERVICE and not GOODS must be the watchword, and is THE particular thing to which it is entitled.
The time is about at hand rvhen the public will forgive the mummy for failure to meet changed conditions, -but will simply forget the merchant who iJguilty of the same tnlng.
For a generation the lumber dealer existed as simply a warehouseman and distributor of raw lumber. He- was interested only in that lumber, and NOT in the specific things that it would make, or the specific FUNCTIONS that it could be made to serve.
And this laxness is well reflected in the box,car house of !]r_1t_g_e_1e5al period. It was when building people began to THINK intelligently and constructively, ina tike an-interest in the things which their material would MAKE, that the homes of the nation began to show improvement.
Today the improved THINKING of the lumber industry is everywhere being evidenced. But there still remain a very large percentage of the lumber merchants of the land who are still playing mummy, regardless of the faet that they have no pyramid to protect them from the weather.
But one by one they are dropping the scales from their eyes, and looking out upon the work of new possibilitiqs that spread before them, and preparing themselves for the changed conditions that surround us all.
They are learning that there is NO alibi for old-timey methods. The sign post on. the door of the modern business reads: "GET BUSY OR GET OUT."