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Classified Ads

Why rpeculate with lumber? Bv- taking advantage of our lrr-Lt'".tvice you need not carry large stocks' irri" ,i.Jr.i" t.pi balanced and fresh by the arrival of several steamers each week.

V;-i;;;" tt"tta San Pedro at all times a supplv sufficient to meet Your requirements.

W;';;;-";;;;ized and equipped to serve the Retailer' TRY US


G. W. Fraser, San Francisco representative of the Chicago and Alton Railroad, has left on a business trip to Seattle where he will make a survey of conditions in the Northwest. Mr. Fraser, who is one of the Bay Districts active Hoo Hoo members, says that he hopes to return to San Francisco in time to attend the Monstei Concatenation. that will be hetd in San Francisco on Mav 14.

Lack Of Evidence

A youth seated himself in a dehtist's chair. He wore a wonderful shirt of striped silk and an even more wonderful checked suit. He had the vacant stare that goes with both.

"I'm afraid to give him gas," the dentist said to hi6 asslstant.

"Why ?" asked the assistant. . "Well," said the dentist, "how will I know when he is unconscious ?"

Cat Proof

^.Sure, it's. springtime in the Valley of the Sacramento. rhe grass ts green.b_eneath our feet, and we look away across meadows bright with fresh 'spring flowers to thi snow. clad peaks of the great Sierras. -In the orchards !!ie.re's a whispering and.a iwaying of happy trees for fuzzy llttle peaches, and almonds cling to the branches and there's a dream already of harves-t days a' coming.

I\feadow larks call from trees and fence posts. and vesterday_a_-committee on Early Nest Building'percired *h.r. I could listen in 'tI'11 not bujtd this spring,t said the chair- bird. "There's no cat-proof material ott"'ttte market, and what with wind, rain, and boy hazards, which are ai bad as ever, the cares and responsibilities of nest ownership are indeed heavy ones."

"Be a cuckoo then," said the secretary bird, .,and live in another bird's nest; or build one of those unwholesome mud huts which seem to be popular with wasps and swal- lows. Th-ey are cat-proof if -you build them 6igh enough, but_are ot course, subject to destruction by storms, earthquakes and slihgshots."

Then as the fat old chairbird shook his bill and cheeped something more about the cat hazard, and the impossibiiity of securing cat-proof materials for his building operationi, a saucv linnet sang out, "chicken heart;" and ihe committee flew away in dire disorder.


Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller of Sacramento have returned from a several weeks' pleasure trip to Honolulu and other points oJ interest in Hawaii. Mi. Miller is the manag'er of the Knox Lumber Co.

915 E" 62nd S't AXridge 1374

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