The California Lumber Merchant - May 1937

Page 1

Ilevoted to the welfre ol all branchec ofi thc Lrrnbcr Indurtry.lllllr Tcd errd Indivtdual vol-. t5. No. 2l Index to Advertisements, Page 3 We also publish at }Iouston, Texas, The Gulf Coast Lumberman, America's foremost retail lumber journal, which covers the entire Southwest and Middlcwest as the sunshine covers California. MAY l. 1937


The New Laminex


3'Ghronated T.lnc Ghlortdett



Completc stoclc on hand in both Douglas Fir and Philippine Mahogany

f Ve are also manufacturert of alt itemr of I I specid and detail millwork and specialize in J FULL MILL BIDS THROUGH LOCAL DEALERS

flr and B,edwood

Boug;h and Surfaeed Lumber

Hoenm tunnBER @@"


Vholesale and JobbingLUMBER EIEETE66F3


2!d 4 Alio stl. OAKLAN D Gbacoun 6s6r


Cornplete Stock of Hardwoods

Petfection Oak Flooring

IXL Mapte Flooting

Brownts ttSuper Cedattt Cloaet Lining

Douglas Fir Lumber

Plywood and \Fallboard

California Distributors for ttMaltese Crosstt Brand

Vestern Red Cedar Lumber and Shingles

California Sugar Pine

California Ponderosa Pine

California Redwood

The Pioneer Hardwood Yard

205O East 38th Strea

Now Trcated and Stocked at Our Loag Bcach Plant for fmmediate Delivety to Lumber Dcalen




Termite lnd

Decay f,.erirtant

Fire Retardant

o a

Buy "BAXCO" for Scrvice

Pmpt rhiDmatr hn drr.tock

Exchalje crvioJcelcr'r untrcatrd lunbcr fc ar Chroatcd Ztlc Chlort& rtck plur cher3c fc tildD3.

Tutfug dealer'r m lubcr-nill rhts ncntrtorudal6truck lDt fm dcelcdr yerd.


Exclurive Selee Agent in Celifornia for wEst goAST wooD PnDSEnYING CrO.

Seaalg Vash.

333 Mootgornery Sc SAN FRANCISCO

Phonc DOuglrr 3863

Mlchigrn 6294 LUISBER
Baxter t, Co. 601 Vert 5th
and SON
ANGELES E. Since 1912 Wholesale ee Sash - Doors Yeneered - Blinds John \(/. Ko"hl & S"n, In". 652 South Myerr Street ANgel$ 8194 Lor Angeler

Publicity Opportunities in Connection With The Demonstration Homes

Out in Longview, Washington, the Long-Bell Lumber Company is making the most of publicity opportunities in connection with their participation in the. Small Homes 1937 Demonstration Campaign.

Other companies who are beginning to build small homes may be interested to see how the newspapers can be interested in cooperating with the campaign.

First, came a story which began, "Ceremonies which laun,ched Longview's contribution to the nation'wide program to promote home building, were conducted this mornit g . . when ground w,as broken for three low-cost modern homes which will be constructed under the direction of the Long-Bell Lumber Retail Yard." There followed a description of the ground-breaking, the names of those who attended the ceremonies and announcement of the location of homes to be built with information about the date of com, pletion plans of houses and prices.

Photographs were taken at the breaking of the ground, which were used in the trade papers for that section. Similarly, the first lot of lumber arriving on the site was photo-

graphed and the picture used for publicity purposes. Shortly thereafter the editor of the local paper ran a notable editorial entitled "More new homes", and gave further promise to the home building activities in that section.

On still another occasion, a local paragrapher made comment on the work that is going forward. Lumber dealers are urged to secure as mu,ch news noti,ce for their home projects as possible, and to patronize the advertising columns of the local papers in telling the story of the demonstration homes. In this way the promotion effort can be made most effective, and public response when the homes are opened can be counted on to reach unpredi,cted maximums.


Ed Schafer has joined the sales force of G. C. Gearhart, Los Angeles wholesaler, and is calling on the retail trade in the metropolitan Los Angeles territory and PasadenaBefore coming to California, Mr. Schafer was connected with the lumber business in the Northwest for manv vears.

e a[ I OUR
D , t *Adverticenentr eppear in dternete ircue. Acme Spring Sclh Balance Co., The-----------.* Americen Lurnber & Treating Co. -------------r A. ier Corporation -----------17 Anglo Califoraia Lumber Co. ---------------------21 Baxter & Co" J. H. -------2 Booth-Kelly Lunber C,o. ------------------------------28 Brady Lunber Co., H. P. - --------------Brookmhe, Inc.
Indurtrial Lumber Co. Cadwallader-Gibcon Co., Inc. --------------------26 Calaveras Cenent Co. ------California Builden Supply Co. ---------California Panel & Veneer Cr. --------------------* California Redwood Arcociation
Co'rporation, The
Productr Corporation
& Co.,
----------------- ----- O.F.C. Curtie Conpanier Service Bureau
Fisk & Maeon ---------- -----------------29
Forsyth Hardwood Co. -------------- -------------------23
Redwood Company --------------O.B.C. Hilt Ea Morton, Inc. ___-__--__-_- Sampron Company Flogan Lumber Co. ----------- ------------------------- 2 Santa Fe Lumber Co. ------------------------------------- 9 Froover' A' L' ------------ * s.rr pedro Lumber c.o. .-------------- -----------------2g fnculite Compann The -___-__-_-_-_Johnron Lumber corporation, c. D. -------------* schafer Broc' Lumber & shingle co' ---------' Ketly.Smith Co. -- ---------- Shevlip Pine Saler Co. ------- -------'-----'-'--'-----'27 Koehl & Son, fnc., Jno. W. -------------*.-------- z Smith \trood'Products, Inc' Kuhl Lumber Co., Carl H. ------------ --- r, Stanton & Son' E' J' ---------------.----------- 2 Lawtence-Philipr Lumber Co. -------------- ------- 4 Strable Ffardwood Co' Lumbermen'r credit Agociation --------------------2s sudden & chrigtenron ----------18 MacDonald & Betgrtrom, fnc. --------------Tacoma Lumber Saler ----------------------------------13 MacDonald & Flarringtonr Ltd. ----------Tranc'Pacific Lumber co' Union Lunber Company Mcrntyre & son' v' P' --------- -- " uoit"d stater Gypcum c,ompany -------------------tj Moote Dry Kiln Co. ---------------24 United Stater plywood Co., rnc. -------------------I;z Moore Mill & Lumbec Co. -------------*--------,---29 Vendling-Nathen Co. --------------17 National Oal< Flooring Manufacturer*' Vect Coast Plywood Co. ---.-----------------------------a Arsociatiotr Vest Coast Screen Co.
Lunrber Co., The Vestern Door & Sach Co. ----------------------------.21
Built-fn Fixture Co. ---------------------r Veyerhaeuser
Gorman, George \V. ----- ----------Haley Bror. -------.26 Hall, Jamer L. ------lfanmond
co. ---------------- ---------------zg vheeler oegood sdes
patten-Blinn Lunber
------------white Btothers -------------------------19 Viltinson and Buoy
Co. -----------------* Willamette-Hyrter Company
peerless Built-rn Fixn'e Go.
The Flintkote
Red Cedar Shingle Bureau
Convercion Company


How Lumber Looks

Tacoma lumber mills reopened April 27 aftet a strike which tied up their log supply two weeks.

Near 4000 workers in mills and camps returned to work.

The strike, called by seventy-five members of the Boom Men and Rafters' IJnion, ended when union men and mill operators agreed on a compromise providing for a $7 daily wage for eight hours' work in daylight, or seven hours on split schedules. Unionists had asked $7.50.

As we go to press all mills on the Columbia River are down except one, which has only a four day supply of logs. The other mills have a three days' log supply. The Columbia Basin Loggers' Association issued an ultimatum April 23 to Columbia District Council of Lumber and Sawmill Workers, demanding that union workers return to work on morning of April 26,'cease threatening strikes and abandon "slow down" ta,ctics. The Association is wilfing to meet the new wage demand of the union but insists upon signed agreement as to other conditions. The union made no answer to the ultimatum, and camps did not open April

A total of. l7l down and operating mills in Washington and Oregon whi,ch repo.rted to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended April 17 produced 116,222,989 feet of lumber. The industry produced 73.8 per cent of its average weekly cut during 1926-I9D.

The new business reported taken for the week by the99 mills was 12337A,2t1 -feet. Shipments were 137,060,355 feet. The unfilled order file at these mills stood at 7ffi,@3,' 660 feet.

Asso,ciation reported that the lumber operating and mar-

keting situation remained about the same as in the previous two or three weeks.


The Western Pine Association for the week ended Aoril 17,I24 mills reporting, gave orders as 67,374,0N feet, s6ipments 74,737,U0 feet, and production 71,394,Offi feet. Orders were 5.6 per cent above production and 9.8 per cent below shipments. Shipments were 4.6 per cent above production. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 323,016,000 feet.

The California Redwool ,nl."lrr,r.n for the week ended April 1O reported production of 13 mills as 8,734,00O feet, shipments 8,260,000 feet, and orders 9,323;@0 feet. Weekend orders on hand werc 79.345.000 feet. t< * !t<

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended Aoril 17,I23 mills reporting, gave orders as 30,162,000 feet, sliipments 31,971,W feet, and production 37,754,06 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 88,150,0,00 feet, equivalent to 4,198 ,cars.

The Douglas Fir, Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, and Redwood mills report a good volume of new business being offered. Mill quotations are firm and stocks are low. There is a good demand for Red Cedar shingles and prices are nrm.

Cargo arrivals at Los Angeles harbor for the week ended April24 totaled 18,213,000 feet, as compared with22,O32,ffi feet for the previous week.

THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT May 1', 1937 J. E" MARTIN MamglDg Edtta ud Advertiring Maugcr W. T. BLACK 645 Leaverwtrth SL Su Franclso PRGpect 3t10 Southern Officc 2nd National Bank Bldg. Hoaton, Tene
Subrcription Pricc, $2.011 pct Year Single Copier, 25 ccnte each. LOS ANCELES, CAL., MAY I, 1937
JackDionne,fultXltm Incorlnnted undcr tha laws of Callfomi. J. C. Diome, Prea ud Tre*.; J. E. Martln' Vie-Prer'; W. T. Black' Semtarv Publighed the lst and l5th of each Eotrth at 3rE-r9-20 central Bullding, 10E west sirth stre! Is Angetac, c4., Telenhoe vAndilte 4505 Entered aa Sednd-cLars mtter Septenbct 25, 19t2, at tte Post Office at Los Angeles' Caltfomta, under Act of Marth I' lE?9. Advertiring Ratet on Application
M. ADAMS Cimlation Maaaga
27' * ,F *
* * *
LAWREilGE - PHILIPS LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE LUM BER 714 Y|est Olympic Blvd. - Los Angeles - Telephone PRospect 8174 Consistendy Serving Souttrern California Retail Lumber Deders With Their Complete Lumber Requirements ^dgcntr fot LAWRENCE.PHILIPS STEAMSHIP CO. S.S. Point Loma - S.S. Josephine Lawrence S.S. Lawrence Philips

Arizona Dealers tVill Hold Annual Meeting

M.y 7-8

The Arizona Retail Lumber & Builders Supply Asso,ciation, Inc., 'ivill hold its twenty-second annual convention at the Adams Hotel, Phoenix, Ariz., on May 7 and 8.

A fine business and entertainment program has been arranged for the two-day meeting. Friday morning, May 7, will be devoted to an executive session when ofificers for the coming year will be elected. Preceding the executive session, the delegates will be welcomed to Phoenix by Governor R. C. Stanford, and Claude ll,ayes, president of

Friday afternoon, Claude lfarmon, whose subject will be "Taxation," Jack Ivy, Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle, Wash., and others will address the convention. Friday evening, the Knot-Hole Club will have their annual dinner. and there will be a buffet dinner for the ladies.

Saturday morning, May 8, there will be a golf tournament at the Phoenix Country Club for the delegates and their guests. The annual dinner will be held Saturday evening.

The officers of the Association are: Claude Hayes, Prescott Lurnber Co., Prescott, president; H. S. Corbett, J. Knox Corbett Lumber Co., Tucson, first vice-president; C. J. Killen, Foiworth-Galbraith Lumber Co., Yuma, second vice-president; and Chris Totten, Phoenix, secretarymanager.


A. R. "Bob" N[cCullough, formerly with McCormick Supply Company, San Francisco, has become associated with the C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation as assistant to Arthur B. Griswold, manager of the San Francisco office.

Mr. McCullough's father was a well known figure in the wholesale lumber business in San Francisco some vears ago.


C. H. Chenoweth, sales manager for Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Mills, Bellingham, Wash., recently visited the company's Los Angeles office, where he confered with J. H. Prentice, and spent some time with James L. Hall, San Francisco, Northern California sales representative. Mr. Chenoweth made the trip by automobile and was accompanied by his wife.

t/"- N0Y0 l/nl7o ?oalezt

NOYO'S job is to make Redwood easy to buy-satisfactory and profitable for the dealer to handle. On the receiving end of every order you send to the Union Lumber Company, you will find NOYOCbief oJ tbe Redutoods-the spirit of helpful service in the Union Lum' ber organizaion for more than half a century-ready to take care of your needs.

Entrust your nextorderforRedwood to NOYO-see how accuratelycourteously-dependably it will be filled. For NOYO knows that only by going to bat for you personally-on each ordeeis he going to keep true the statement, "Once a NOYO Dealer-Always."

Chris Totten the Association.
UNION LUTYTBER COIVTPANY Crocler Building SAN }RANCISCO CHICAGO IOSANGELES NE\T YORIC Buildcrs' W. M. Gal&d GrodCacd Buildiag Buitdiog Tetmiod

Vagabond Editorials

The house of dreams in which I tive, Has beamed old ceilings high, It sits far back amid the trees And a brook runs laughing by; It has a'quaint old'fashioned hall, Where soft light filters through, Red roses on the newel-post, And on the stair-case-YOU.

Everywhere are signs of spring. It was &lna St. Vincent Millay who wrote:

Spring rides no horses down the hill, ' But comes on foot, a goose-girl stitl; And all the loveliest things there be, Come simply, so it seems to me.

Not all spring things come so simply, I would have you to know, Miss Poetess. Frinstance-f looked over the 1936 Panama hat, shook my head sadly, and decided to have a new one. The windows are full of them. As I looked, I recalled how two years ago there were big price tags on all the Panama hats. Then I remembered that a year ago the tags were small. And finally I noticed that THIS year THERE ARE NO TAGS on them. It didn't take long to find out why. And the old hat is in the hands of a Greek friend of mine right now, being polished and blocked.

Same way with everything else we buy, of course, including building materials. I personally have heard of nurnerous building prospects, some of them very large ones, that died a natural death when the spring bids for material and labor came in. Of course, there is plenty of demand left, and the lumber and other building material markets are booming; but plenty of potential demand has gone back to the waiting list; just like my Panama hat.


Most people fight fat. I didn't understand why until I saw the figures the other day on sugar consumption in this country. We eat one hundred and twenty-three pounds of sugar per person p€r year in this land of the free and home of the sweet. About one-third of a pound per day per person. And I admit I eat more than my share.


I listened to a most interesting speaker the other day, a famous dietitian, scolding a gang of business men about

the idiocy of their eating. And he really whipped us sugar hounds. This guy held to the philosophy that you c:rn overcome even the ravages of advancing years, and cure almost any disease, by proper eating. According to his figures I should have been dead lo'ng, long ago, for verily, I like everything he thundered against,-and vice versa.


Jack Benny should have been there to listen to the terrible things that guy said about eating alleged foods made by boiling the "hoofs, horns, and hides" of animals. And here I've been a big eater of those jellatine dishes. Finally this speaker caustically commented on our national habit of over-eating or silly-eating, and then rushing to the soda jar for relief from our folly. He said that soda will furnish the immediately relief sought on such occasions, but will then burn out the lining of your stomach a little more slowly but just as definitely as though you swallowed carbolic acid. It's really dangerous to be alive these days.

Not long ago I printed in this col,umn the statement made by a famous preacher concerning the high moftality of banks and the low death rate of churches during panics and depressions. I was reminded of that statement again recently when I read that thirteen thousand banks closed their doors permanently during the past ten years; and scarcely a single church folded up. There is fodder for some mighty stout sermons right there. The famous Sam Jones, whom I used to listen to in open wonderment during my kid days, would have "gone to town" with those figures' !r :r rf

Which reminds me of how Sam used to pick on stuck-up churches and church people. He loved to tell of a stranger in a certain town who dropped into the nearest church on Sunday morning to attend divine service. He was unfortunate enough to drop into one of those high-toned churches Sam despised so heartily. The stranger stood at the head of one aisle, and no one paid him any mind. He moved to another aisle. Same result. Then he tried the third aisle. No one asked him to sit with them. So he touched his finger to the shoulder of a tall hatchet-faced guy sitting in a swell pew, and asked in a mild voice: "Whose church is this, may I ask?" The dignified one frowned deeply, and answered: "Christ's Church, Sir, Christ's Church-" And the mild-voiced visitor calmly asked: "Is He in?"

(Continued on Page 8)

:t ,t rf

Vagabond Editorials


Which recital of the famous Sam Jones moves me to tell the old one about the colored woman who left the South and got herself a job in a big.Northern qity. Like most colored folks she was of a religious nature, and the first Sunday she was up North she dressed in her Sunday best and walked into the nearest church and sat down during the services. It proved to be a high-church congregation, and when the colored woman began answering "Amen," then "Bless de Lawd" to the remarks of the preacher in the pulpit, a solemn-faced usher touched her on the shoulder and said: "You will please stop talking." Surprised, she answered: "Ah caint hep it Mistuh-Ahm gettin' religion." And he coldly replied: "Then you'll have to go outside; this is no place to get religion." ***

However, this started out to be an editorial rather than a religious discussion, so back we go to timely topics. The most timely topic of course is, are you ready for four years of continuous strikes and labor trouble? If not, what are you waiting on? Get readyt They are already well started, and since there is only one power that could stop them and

Timber Structures Exhibit Can be Seen at Wilmington

Open house was held at 210 South Avalon Boulevard, Wilmington, Calif., just across the street from the Catalina terminal, during the week of April 19, by Western Timber Structures, for the exhibition of the "Westims" bolted timber derrick, the "Westims" laminated walking beam and the "Westims" prefabricated pipe rack.

Announcement is made by A. C. Horner, San Francisco, general manager of the company, that all oil company representatives and retailers who could not attend during the week of April 19 may see the exhibit by calling there at any time and asking for S. E. Joseph, plant superintendent.

The exhibit is on the ground leased by the American Lumber & Treating Co. from the Southern Pacific Company.

Western Timber Structures, Inc., is owned by 25 lumber manufacturers located in Washington and Oregon, organized for the purpose of designing, prefabricating and selling timber structures as such. Headquarters of the company is at 85 Second Street, San Francisco, and branch offices are located at 326 West Third Street, Los Angeles, and Terminal Sales Building, Portland, Ore.


Ralph Mannion, former joined the sales stafi of J. l'rancisco.

from Page 6)

that power seems decidedly on the other side of the fence, there is nothing else to expect. Business and industrYr €njoyrtg otherwise prosp€rous conditions, quakes openly in its shoes.

And what would otherwise seem like the return of prosperity and good times, is entirely overhung with doubt and fear. And Mr. John Public is, as atrways, the innocent bystander, does most of the sufrering, and eventually pays the bills. Were Patrick Henry here he might again cry "Peace, peace, but there is no peace." For there is none in sight. ***

A famous lumberman told a big lumber convention just the other day that in spite of the enormous volume of busi' ness now being enjoyed by the industry, he predicted that we have problems ahead of us for the next four years that make the troubles of the past four years look mild by comparison. He predicted regulatory codes that will bind every employer hand and foot, and against which he will have no protection, and from which he will realize little if any benefits.

Southern California Lumbermen s Golf Tournament May 14

Southern California lumbermen will play golf at the Baldwin Hills Golf Course, 580O West Slauson Avenue, Los Angeles, Friday afternoon, May 14, L937. In the evening a buffet supper will be served in the Club House after which the prizes will be presented to the winners in the various ,events. There will also be an entertainment program. Lumbermen visiting in Southern California are invited to attend. The tournament is being sponsored by Lumbermen's Post No. 403 of the American Legion. A big turnout is expected.

Among the prizes to be awarded are the American Legion Cup, Wholesalers'Cup, Redwood Cup, and Hardwood Cup. Ed Biggs, E. K. Wood Lurnber Co., Los Angeles, is chairman of the committee arranging for the tournament.


J. W. IlIcl-eod, vice-president of Cadwallader-Gibson Company, Los Angeles, recently returned from a fiveweeks'business trip to New York, Boston and other Eastern points. He found business excellent.



Stanford basketball star, has E. Higgins Ltimber Co., San

H. W. "Tim" Preston, sales manager of Silver Falls Timber Co., Silverton, Ore., recently returned to Silverton from a business trip to California and Arizona. He was accompanied by Mrs. Preston.


Ralph Myers Will Devote Full Time to President Signs Housing Loan Bill Shipowners' Association

Ralph W. Myers, president of the Shipowners' Association of the Pacific Coast, San Francisco, was appointed general manager of the Association, April 15, and resigned ' from his position with Hobbs Wall & Co., San Francisco, with whom he had been for many years, to devote his entire time to the affairs of the Association.

Mr. Myers succeeded last fall as president, Frank J. O'Connor of the Donovan Lumber Co,, San Francisco, who had been president of the Association continuously for 16 years.


Dick Loveday, Los Angeles retailer, spent several days at Gilman Hot Springs during the month of April.

President Roosevelt signed legislation on April 23 giving the Federal Housing Administration authority to insure loans for reconstrttction of property damaged by natural catastrophies from 1935 to 1939.

Home owners can get a five-year character loan from an approved lending agency, which in turn will be gtlaranteed against loss by the Government. The money is to be used for repairing, modernization, restoration and replacement of any home damaged by earthquakes, flood, fire or tornado.


Pete Ericson, sales manager for M & M Plywood Company, Kenton Station, Portland, was recently in San Francisco and Los Angeles on business for his company.


it is Pine, Fir, or Red Cedar Products of any sort, we offer you Santa Fe Service of the most
and per'
to the Cali' fornia
,,3, Northern California and \ilestern Nevada Distributors for Western Red Cedar Shadow Shakes A New Siding for Siderralls
by the Paeific Tinber cornpany, Etterett, wash. Wolmanized Lumber PINE DEPARTMENT F. S. PALMER' Mgr. Californh Poodcron Pinc C,alifcria Su$r PinG LOS ANGELES ROBT. FORGIE 311 Financial Center Bldg. 7O4 So. Sprittg St. - VAndyke 4471 RAIL and CARGO SAIITA FE tUltlBER C0. lncorporeted Fcb. 14' l90t Gcacrd OGco SAN FRANCIIICO St. Ctair Bldg., 16 Cdifornia St. KEarney 2074
sonal character.
quality have been known
trade for

N. L. D. A. Holds Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the National Lumber Dealers Association was held at the Raleigh Hotel, Washington, D. C., on April ZGZL.

The meeting was called to order by G. W. LaPointe, Jr., president, who addressed the convention.

Following President LaPointe's report, Spencer Baldwin, chairman of the legislative committee, made the report for his committee.

Secretary Carnahan reported in brief on the small homes program, and the cooperation of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association.

President LaPointe then appointed a nominating committee, with Fred Stair as chairman, and the resolutions committee, with Findley Torrence as chairman. He then appointed a director committee to sit in with the legislative committee to consider Spencer Baldwin's report, headed by Ormie C. Lance.

During the afternoon session, Don McNeal of the Federal Savings & Loan Bank Board addressed the convention, outlining an architectural plan they are working on, rvhich they felt would result in quality homes, and immediately following him the Board of Directors listened to a report by Horace Russell, general counsel of the Federal Savings & Loan Bank Board. Mr. Russell told of the work the Board r,r'as doing-how they were encouraging the formation and establishment of mutual lending institutions, and gave the lumber dealers a first hand picture of the workings of their organization.

Immediately following, Treasurer L. P. Lewin made his annual report, and upon motion by Spencer Baldwin, and seconded by Hunter Gaines, the treasurefs report was received and placed in the record.

The second morning session was devoted almost entirely to discussions by representatives of manufacturers' and wholesalers' groups. Herbert Abraham, president of the Asphalt Shingle & Roofing Industry, reported on the meetings held with their groups throughout the year, and expressed his appreciation of the cooperation received from de4lers and the officers of the National Association. He touched on the price situation, stating that while there had been a small increase in prices, the increases had not totaled the amount of increase in wages and raw materials. He also commented on the demonstration homes, and suggested it would be a very good thing for the national group to report publicly the development of this program, so that the manufacturers would have first hand information as to its extent. He reported the activities of their standing committee, stating that he realized the asphalt'shingle industry has an important place in our picture.

Otis Shepard, president of the National-American Wholesale Association, spoke of the cooperation of their group with the National Lumber Dealers Association; discussed the West Coast situation at length, and invited the retail

lumber dealers to attend the wholesalers' national convention next month at Atlantic City.

L. M. Cassidy, representing the Johns-Manville Company, explained the rvork of the Johns-Manville Guild plan of consumer selling. He also acquainted the dealers with the new plan they have of tying in with the small homes program on their own account.

Wilson Compton, secretary of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, greeted the dealers, thanking them for their splendid cooperation on the small house program; told them of their proposed activities for the next year, and stated that while the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association did not have any large budget for promotional work, that they were glad to continue and cooperate with the dealers.

Ernest Trigg, president of the National Paint, Varnish & Lacquer Association, spoke of the very close relationship they had had with the National Lumber Dealers' Association, pointing out some of the problems of the paint industry, and hoped for a continuance of our very cordial relations.

W. W. Woodbridge, manager of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, addressed the dealers briefly on the contact of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau with the National, State and Regional Associations.

Secretary Carnahan reported that he had received requests from several of the directors, to bring up the matter of changing the name back to include the word "Retail." The matter yas opened for quite some discussion. Some felt that the dealer name should be retained. Andy Dykes, who had last year suggested the word "Retail" deleted from the association name, stated that from recent discussions it seemed that Federal agencies have taken rather a broad and different view in regard to the word "Retail," and as a consequence he would have no objection to changing the name back to "Retail Lumber Dealers'Association," and'that he was proud to be a retail lumber dealer.

Otis Shepard of the National-American Wholesale Association stated that u'hile he was only a visitor, the wholesalers would consider it a very gracious act on the part of the dealers to change back to include the word "Retail," and so designate themselves.

It was unanimously voted to change back to National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association.

The afternoon session was then concluded, after the reports of committees and election of officers.

The report on Resolutions by Findley M. Torrence, chairman, was unanimously accepted by the Association.

The report of the Nominating Committee, Fred Stair, chairman, was as follows: The following names were placed in nomination for officers for the coming year: President, Don A. Campbell, I-ebanon, Kentucky; vice-president, Carl Blackstock, Seattle, Washington; treasurer, Geo. W. La-


Pointe, Jr., Menomonie, Wis.; secretary, Frank Carnahan, Washington, D. C.

Upon motion by Mr. Stair, seconded by Joe Rowell, the officers were elected unanimously.

Upon taking the chair, newly elected President Don Campbell gave a short address of greeting to the dealers, and pledged his endeavors to equal the performance of Past President LaPointe.

At this point in the session, Spencer Baldwin took the floor and stated that he had headed up a committee that felt that in their appreciation and esteem of George LaPointe and his work they wanted to give him some token of their regard. Mr. Baldwin then uncovered a beautiful painting of a pointer dog which the Association had painted by Mr. Horsfall of the Nature Magazine of Washington.

Before adjournment, newly elected President Don Camp.bell appointed an executive .committee for next year as follows: District 1, Spencer D. Baldwin, Jersey City, N. J.; District 2, Don A. Campbell, Lebanon, Ky.; District 3, Rogert S. Finkbine, Des Mbines, Iowa; District 4, J. W. Deal, Kansas City, Mo.; District 5, Carl Blackstock, Seattle, Wash.; District 6, W. W. Anderson, Ogden, Utah; District 7, F. Dean Prescott, Fresno, Calif.; District 8, Geo. W. LaPointe, Jr., Mencmonie, Wis.

On motion by F. Dean Prescott and seconded by John Alexander, the above were unanimously approved by the Board of Directors.

On the evening of Wednesday, April 21, the officers of the National Lumber l\fanufacturers Association, headed by Dr. Wilson Compton, secretary-manager, gave a joint dinner in honor of the visiting retailers and secretaries. Forty were present at this meeting, where plans for future promotional work of the two associations were discussed at lerrgth.

At noon on Wednesday, April 21, Mrs. Stanley O,Connor, wife of Stanley O'Connor, assistant to Vice-President Ed Batchelder of the In-.ulite Company, acted as hostess at a luncheon given in honor of Mrs. George W. LaPointe, Jr. Ladies in attendance were: Mrs. Gm. LaPointe and Miss Alice Hoegh of Menomonie, Wis.; Mrs. S. J. O,Connor, Mrs. J. C. I\{claughlin, Mrs. Bruce Wilson of Washington; Mrs. Roger Finkbine of Des Moines; Mrs. W. W. Anderson of Ogden, Utah; Mrs. F. Dean Prescott, Fresno, Calif. ; Mrs. Hunter M. Gaines, Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. D. S. Montgomery, Mih,r'arrkee, Wis.; Mrs. F. H. Ludwig, Reading, Pa.; Mrs. C. H. Herwig, Huntington, W. Va.; Mrs. August J. Fehrenback, Chicago, Ill.; Mrs. Ormie C. Lance, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. W. C. Bell, Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. C. A. Pickett of Houston. Texas.


I A. Mclachlan was recently elected treasurer of the Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co. of Los Angeles. He has been chief accountant for the firm for many years and is well known in Southern California lumber circles.


J. C. Hamilton, wholesale lumber and box dealer, has moved from 24 California Street, San Francisco, to 593 20th Avenue, San Francisco.




Straight or mixed cars of lumber and plywood products manufacturod at one point.

In Lrrs Angeles, L..C. L, Wholesale Warehouse Serylce





Sales Oftce: 715 \Fertern Pacific Bldgr tO31 So. Broadway lTarehoure: L. C. L. Vholede, 7O2 E. Slauron Ave.


Saler Ofice: 315 Moaednocl Building

"Paul Bunyan's"


sToRlEs ,'

lor 20 years---Some less Ag"

not guarantced---Somc I have told

No Records Will Be Broken

It was at one of the New York race tracks where the betting on the races is done with the bookies. The next race to come up was a four-horse race. A man stepped up to one of the bookies and bet him one thousand dollars each on three of the four horses in the race, thus having a bet on every horse in the race but one.

Another man standing close by witnessed this betting, and remarked to the better: "Mister, I'm bound to tell you that you're throwing away your money."


Jack Ivy, field representative for the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle, Wash., is in Southern California where he is calling on the retail lumber trade and showing the Bureau's talking motion picture, "The Home of the Wooden Soldiers," before retail lumber groups, contractors, architects, and the general public interested in building' He is also exhibiting the Federal Housing Administration sound picture "The Low Cost Home."

Jack attended meetings at Santa Ana, Monday, April 26, and at Hollywood, April 27, after which he left for San Diego and the Lnperial Valley where he will put on a series of shows. He will attend the annual convention of the Arizona Retail Lumber & Builders Supply Association, Inc., at Phoenix on May 7-8, and plans to return to Seattle about Tune 1.


Glenn M. Harrington, of MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco, has returned from a week's visit to the firm's Portland office.

The other asked: "What makes you think so?"

t'The first one said: "Because I own all three of those horses you bet on, and they are not go'ing to run very fast."

"Then it wiU be a mighty {ow race," said the man who had made the bets.


"Because I own that other horse, myself."


Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co. has changed the name of the Steamer Covena to the Josephine Lawrence. Mrs. Lawrence, for whom the steamer is named, is vice-president of the company, and wife of T. B. Lawrence, president of the firm.

The Josephine Lawrence is a single end steel vessel of 2,372 gross tons, and carries approximately two million feet of lumber. The company recently purchased it from the Hammond Lumber Company. They operate three vessels in the coastwise lumber trade, Josephine Lawrence, Larvrence Philios and Point Loma.


Simpson Screen Company reports that business is good, both in screells and in a number of sheet metal building specialties which they manufacture at their plant at 1841 East 12th Street. Oakland.

This company is Northern California representative for Hipolito screens.

Douglas Fir "\llfeldwood"

The most importent development in the history of the Fir Plywood industry.


Glued with resinous glue, producing an absolutely waterproof glue-joint, a strictly waterproof panel is now available at low cost for countless uses where moisture is a facto'r.

Ggl.t""tities on hand at our warehouse for _immediate shipment-the same high stan&rd of grade and quality thai characteize all United States Plywood products.

192O East 15th St. Los Angeles PRospect 3O13 f,lrrno $rens Qrrnrooo Go" rNG V/HOLESALE ONLY AT COMPETITIVE PRICES NEW YORKPHITADELPHIABOSTON _ DETROITCHICAGO 119 Kansas St., San Francisco MArket 1882

Appointed to Red River Sales Staff 35% of So. California Residential Building Los Angeles

Armand Millian, of the sales department of The Red River Lumber Company, Westwood, California, has been appointed to the sales staff at The Red River wholesale warehouse, Los Angeles, under Manager Paul Revert.

Mr. Millian came to Red River from school in his home town of Fresno nine years ago and entered the general sales office. He has had a wide experience in estimating, pricing and checking orders for sash. doors and lumber. This training he expects to make valuable to in the Los Angeles region.


The Pacific Coastwise Lumber Conference has just issued a supplement to the tariff effective April 15 which reduces the board measure content of 16-inch shingles per square to 100 board feet. This has the effect of reducing the cargo freight rate on a square of shingles to Los Angeles Harbor, which has a $7.@ water rate on lumber from the Northwest, from 81 to 70 cents.

The cargo freight rate reduction on shingles to the Port of San Francisco, which has a $6.00 cargo rate on lumber, is from 70 cents to 60 cents per square.

Activity Accounted For bv FHA

Thirty-five per cent of all Southern California residential building activity is being accounted for by the Federal Housing Administration mutual mortgage insurance system, says F. W. Marlow, district director.

Mr. Marlow's statement came after a study of residential building permits issued during the first quarter of. 1937 by building departments of twenty-six cities and a comparisop with mortgages actually accepted.

During the first quarter the Southern California district office accepted for valuation and appraisal approximately 10 per cent of the national volume received through 64 offices. Mr. Marlow concluded.


Chris Totten, secretary of .the Arizona Retail Lumber and Builders Supply Association, Inc., Phoenix, Ariz., attended the annual meeting of the National Lumber Dealers Association at Washington, D. C., on April 2O-21.


Ed Green, saies manager, lJnion Lurnber Company, San Francisco, was a Los Angeles visitor around the middle of April. He spent a few days rvith Lafayette E. Grimes, one of the company's salesmen, calling on the retail lumber trade.

TACOMA LUMBER SALES Exclusive Southern Calif ornia Refresentatiae lor DEFIANCE LUMBER CO. DICKMAN LUMBER CO. EATONVILLE LUMBER CO. ST. PAUL and TACOMA LUMBER CO. We are prepared to lurnish \|(/CLA GRADE.MARKED LI.,!MBER 423 Pettoleum Securities Bldg. LOS ANGELES Telephone PRospect 1108
Armand. Millian the trade he will serve


Gordon D. Pierce

Gordon Depew Pierce, treasurer and manager of the Boorman Lumber Company, Oakland, the subject of this sketch, is one of the best liked and most capable of the younger executives in the retail lumber industrv of California.

Born in a lumber camp at Kalispell, Mont., in July 1900, he becarne a lumberman by absorption, beginning his career by working in a lumber office on Saturdays while attending school.

After completing high school at Great Falls. Mortt., he entered the University of Washington, and when through the university went into the retail lumber business in California. Later he took an architectural course, which has been of great value to him in helping his customers visualize their desires, and also in giving the proper advice regarding adopted building codes and ordinances.

In 1923 he married Miss Frances Timmons of St. Paul, a college girl and a Kappa Delta-he belongs to the Sigma Nu fraternity. They have two children.

Mr. Pierce has been active in the affairs of Hoo Hoo, having served East Bay Club No. 39 as president in 1936. He was leader for several years in the Christmas charity work sponsored by Club No. 39, which annually provided 400 barrels of wholesome food for needy families in the East Bay area.

Like many other busy men he is public spirited, and when appointed on committees does the work well and thoroughly.

He loves his home and fireside. but when athletic teams from his Alma Mater visit the San Francisco Bay region, Gordon slams down his desk and establishes himself in the rooting section, and oh boy, can he root !

It is a part of his business philosophy that a merchant should make lasting friends of his customers. He is a believer in the gospel of work and service, and thinks that much of the secret of business success lies in the cultivation of such qualities as honesty, sincerity, courtesy perseverance, thoroughness, enthusiasm and co-operation.


Paul McCusker, formerly with Donovan Lumber Company, San Francisco, is now with J. E. "Eddie" Peggs, Northern California representative for Anderson & Middleton Lumber Company, and Empire Lumber Company, as salesman.

Lumber Takes Lead in Forest Protection Program

Washington, D. C., April 9.-Adopting a three-fold program of action yesterday in Washington, the lumber industry took the lead, in conference with representatives of Federal, State and other public agencies, in setting up a thorough going prog'ram of forest protection and conservation.

At a Forest Conservation Conference called by the President of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, W. B. Nettleton, held at the Washington headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, the industry presented a program of continually improved methods of forest management for the production of lumber and other materials.

This program is to be aided and extended in scope by Federal and State support toward the removal of recognized obstacles to continuous forest ownership, such as inequitable tax systems, inability to obtain long-time credits and the public's failure to meet its responsibility in the prevention of forest fires.

Hope was expressed also that the cooperative protection principle and plan of joint maintenance of State and private forests for sustained timber production might receive legislative and administration attention in the near future.

J. W. Ferguson, State Forester of Oregon, expressed the general cooperative attitude of all state foresters in the program-in which other public agencies concurred.

G. F. Jewett was elected chairman of the Forest Conservation Committee of N.L.M.A., a permanent group representing the constituent regional associations.

Elected to serve on the executive committee of the Forest Conservation Committee are the following: G. F. Jewett, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho i John \Matzek, Jr., vice-chairman, Chicago, Illinois; Julian F. McGowin, Chapman, Alabama; C. S. Chapman, Tacoma, Washington; John M. Bush, Negaunee, Michigan; J. J. Farrell, Poland, New York.

Industry also has invited the following other industry and public agencies to be represented in an advisory capacity: Department of Agriculture, Department of Interior, Department of Commerce, State Forestry Association, American Forestry Association, American Pulpwood Association, American Pulp & Paper Association, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, National Farm Organizations.


H. J. Fox has been added to the staff of the N.L.M.A. for work in connection with the fire resistance work of the Association. Mr. Fox previously served the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, having charge of all fire insurance matters of that Association's insurance department; also serving as secretary to the National Fire Waste Council. He served as production. manager with the Royal-Liverpool groups of fire insurance companies. Ifis entrance into the fire insurance business was through the medium of the Michigan Inspection Bureau which prepares fire insurance rates for virtually all properties within that state.

Corilon D. Pierce

Buifding Permits in First Quarter o( 1937 Show Marked Increase

Continuing the sharp upward movement shown in February, the building industry, as measured by the value of permits issued in 2I5 cities of the United States, showed further marked improvement during March. The total for the month just passed reached $12l,102,610, exceeding all records for March since 1931 and the largest monthly figure reported since May of that year, according to Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. The increase over the February permit volume of. $5,784,414 amounted to 41.2 per cent.

Permits issued during the first quarter of. 1937 in the 215 cities aggregated $275,4n,852. This was the largest for any similar period since 1931, and represented a rise of 49.2 per cent above the first three months of last year and more than two and a half times the first quarter of 1935.

The three months' record of building permit valdes by geographical groups for 1937 and 1936, for the 215 cities, as compiled by Dun & Bradstreet, fnc., is given herewith:

The following table compares the permit value totals at twenty leading cities for the first three months of this year and last:

I Business, gentlemen, is good. The begt we've seen in yearg.

What does this mearr to you? Simply that architects, builders and contractors everywhere a;e using and specifying lar,odent building materials in place of the old.

They're callingr for Perforated Rocklaththe lireproof lath that makes stronger walls, that makes the linest of bases for plaster. No other lath made can deliver equal performance at anywhere near its low price.

Be prepared to supply this demandthere's a nearby USG mill or warehouse which has a complete stock always on hand. Let your customerg know that you have it. It pays!

Ihree Profit Makers that llaturally Sell Together





M. L. Booth, formerly with Hobbs Wall & Company, San Francisco is now selling for W. R. Chamberlin & Company, San Francisco.

1937 t936 New England ... ..$19,683,171 910,312,735 Middle Atlantic ...I06,678,7L1 52,226,045 South Atlantic East Central .. .. 44,798,254 29,L92,861 South Central 25,ffi4,069 28,356,377 West Central .. 9,274,455 7,965,834 Mountain 4,924,n4 4,424,730 Pacific ..... 37,892,255 30,804,431 Total U. S. ... .$n5,4D,852 9184,589,788
1937 New York ..$79,117,384 Los Angeles ... . .. 13,726,72I Detroit I2,143,7L4 Philadelphia . . 10,889,400 Washington 8,847,235 Boston 8,405,841 Chicago 6,394,ffi Houston 5,8B2,680 Baltimore 4,845,6n San Francisco .. 4,536,870 Cincinnati 3,739,315 Portland, Ore. 2,965,050 Cleveland 2,83A,7@ Miami 2.670.447 Milwaukee 2,4M,932 San Diego 2,D4,123 Indianapolis 2,249,893 Fort Worth 2,1D,763 Oakland 2,124,932 Denver 2,107,018
1936 $39,365,178 10,869,331 5,980,857 3,545,280 5,779,590 1,905,135 3,039,788 7,056,124 4,491,264 3,342,061 2,776,230 1,800,5m z,7143n 2,339,512 1,30s,475 1,434,165 1,439,499 1,529,213 l,4g7,ol5 1,654,336
TLe Flroproof Lcdh
Stcadqrd For Ftrcpoof Inlorlorr
Plrcproof Shocdbtag

Log-Bucking Contest tVill Be Feature of Golden Gate Bridge Op"ning

Log-bucking champions of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Idaho Pine and the California Redwoods will vie in a contest in the San Francisco Bay district May 28, not only unique in character but a most outstanding honor for the lumber industry.

To the winner will go the honor of severing the last barrier to vehicular traffic at the dedication ceremonies of the spectacular Golden Gate Bridge, longest single span

ord of IO2/5 seconds set in 1930, and is an exper'ienced competitor. He will be using a Simonds saw.

Shull, 22-year old employe of the Hammond Redwood Company at Crannell, towers 6 feet {7/2 inches and weighs 200 pounds. While a neophyte in log-bucking competition he defeated four men in his own company to win his way to the finals, where his time of 3:38 for a 36-inch log won over five other redwood company titlists. He will compete with an Atkins saw.

Each of the three finalists in the Golden Gate Bridge Barrier Contest will share in the $500 purse, first place drawing $250, second $150 and third $100. Sponsors of the three will defray their expenses to the Golden Gate Bridge Fiesta, also the expenses of their filers. Contest headquarters will be in the Drake-\&liltshire Hotcl, 34O Stockton Street, San Francisco.

Special features of the Barrier contest include its place as the head of an international motorized cavalcade, which will cross the bridge immediately after the Redwood log is severed, radio broadcasting of the event together with the dedication ceremonies and photographing by the principal news reel companies.

Ray Shull, Hatnmonil Reilwooil Compnty employee ,at Crannell, Calif., winner ol the log'buching championship of the Reilumoils, helil at Scotia, ApriJ 18, 1937, who utill . conpete in the finals on McY X!.

in the world. Not only will he rece,ive honor but a $250 cash prize awarded by the three major saw companies, Henry Disston & Sons, Simonds Saw & Steel Company and E. C. Atkins & Co.

The three champions are Paul Searles of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, Longview, Wash., representing the West Coast Lumbermen's Association and the Pacific Northwest Loggers' Association; Myron Higbee of Kellogg, Idaho, champion of the Idaho pine belt; and Ray Shull, giant young Ar'cata, California woodsman who defeated a field of 30 competitors to win the undisputed championship of the Redwoods at Scotia Sunday, April 18.

Searles, a veteran competitor, has twice won the Pacific Logging Congress title in 1935 and 1936. He will pull a Disston saw in the bridge feature. Higbee is co-holder of the world's two-man bucking title on l8-inch logs, a rec-

Carl W. Bahr, president of the California Redwood Association, is chairman of the committee which has made the contest possible. He is assisted by Gordon Manary, logging superintendent of The Pacific Lumber Company, r,vho will serve as chief judge of the contest. Manary was general chairman of the redwood championship at Scotia' Archie Whisnant, secretary of the Pacific Logging Congress, will act as official starter and Tod Powell, The 'Woodsman of the San Francisco Chronicle, has been named chief timer. Three California newspapermen will assist ,Powell. J. E. Machie, manager of the San Francisco office of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, and Irving McCoy, West Coast Lumbermen's Association, will also act as judges.

Members of the contest committee besides Bahr, include George F. Cornwall, Portland; Sam Hawkins, G' A. Slacke, Walter Orcutt, A' L. Johnson of San Francisco; E' H' Meiklejohn and James Stevens' Seattle; Dr. M. M' Eaton, Kellogg, Idaho; Richard Fleisher, Scotia; and Lawrence "Scoop" Beal of Eureka.


Burns Steamship Company, Los Angeles, recently purchased the steamer Caddopeak from The Chas' Nelson Company.

The Caddopeak is one of the larger Point type vessels, and has a lumber carrying capacity of 2,100,000 feet' It is equipped 'tween decks for carrying northbound general .".go. It will be put in service between Puget Sound and Los Angeles.


Lumber Information Letters in Big Demand \Vill Erect Large Factory in London

Thirty-two hundred requests have already been received for the first edition of the lumber information series prepared by the technical division of the California Redwood Association.

The complete series will include six letters dealing with important phases of lumber and the lumber industry. The first letter "The Physiology of Trees," is already in circulation and will be followed May 1 by the second letter covering the subject of "Durability." Subsequent letters, to be released fortnightly, until the series is completed, will cover "Strength," "Shrinkage," "Weight Density and Specific Gravity," and "Workability and Application."

"The Physiology of Trees," a discussion of tree growths and differentiation between species, has attracted widespread attention, not only in lumber circles, but among educators. The remainder of the series presents the properties of wood in a scientific but interesting manner.

Each edition is punched and intended for inclusion in looseleaf binders. Copies of the first two letters may be received by writing the California Redwood Association, 4O5 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, and the remainder of the series will be forwarded upon each release date.


A fire destroyed the C. E. Loyd Sash & Door Co. plant, Los Angeles, Saturday afternoon, April 25. The entire contents of the plant, including stocks and machinery, were lost.

to Manufacture Celotex Products

Organization by American and British interests of an English company to manufacture and market Celotex products in the British Isles and British colonial possessions has been announced by B. G. Dahlberg, president of The Celotex Corporation. The new company, with headquarters in Londcn, will be known as Celotex, Ltd.

Mr. Dahlberg said that underwriting arrangements have just been completed for the erection in the Wembley district of London, at an estimated cost of $1,250,000, of the first plant in England for the manufacture of Celotex products. The plant will have a production capacity ol 45,000,000 feet of Celotex. Construction will begin soon and the building is expected to be completed late this year.

G. S. Waddington, who for some years has headed the Celotex Company of Great Britain, sales organization for Celotex products abroad, has been appointed managing director of Celotex, Ltd.

The London plant will be equipped to manufacture not only Celotex insulation, but building board, wall sheathing, interior finishes, acousti-celotex and all other products now made by the Celotex Corporation in the United States. Existing demand for these materials in the British Isles and colonial possessions in the Eastern hemisphere are sufficient to absorb the entire output of the Wembley factory.


A. B. Johnson, Sr., A. B. Johnson Lumber Company, San Francisco, spent a ferv days in I-os Angeles the latter part of April where he was a visitor at the office of J. J. Rea, their Southern California representative. Mr. Johnson is one of California's pioneer lumbermen. He has been connected with the lumber business in San Francisco for over fifty vears, and before coming to California he followed the sawmill business in the Northwest rvhen the State of Washington was still a Territory. When he first arrived at Aberdeen on Grays Harbor, the town was then a community of only two hundred people. His many friends in the Southland were pleased to see him again.


C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation has chartered the steamer Corrales, which sailed for the mill at Toledo, Oregon, April 19 to load her first cargo.




MODERN BUSINESS DEMANDS PROVEN DEPENDABILITY OF CONSISTENT SERVICE AND OUALIry Main Olftce SAN FRANCISCO 110 Madrct Sbcet PORTLAND LOS ANGELES Ancrican &nlc Bldg. 700 La Brea Dependable Wholesalcrs o1 Douglas Fir Redwood Ponderosa and Sugar Pine Ccdar Products Polss & Pilins \(/olmanized Lumber
Marc. 350 So. Anderron St. 562 Howard St. Lor Angeler San Francirco

Fifth Annual Reveille Breaks Records

A new mark was set in attendance and also in the high quality of the entertainment at the Fifth Annual Reveille of Central and Northern California lumbermen, sponsored by East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 and held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, Friday evening, April 23.

More. than 400 sat down to dinner. This large crowd was representative of all districts of Northern and Central California, and it was the biggest get-together meeting of lumbermen since the first Reveille was held in the dark days ol 1932.

Bert E. Bryan, general chairman, welcomed the gathering and thanked the committee members for their work.

Miland R. Grant, president of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club, spoke briefly.

Clement Fraser, entertainment committee chairman, thanked the wholesalers and manufacturers' representatives for their generous donations which provided the entertainment and golf tournamerit Prizes.

Armand Girard, nationally known radio guest star. baritone, was

Rod Hendrickson, former lumberman, and star known from coast to coast as "Colonel short talk and told some good stories.

now a radio Rod," gave a

Budda, well known radio announcer, was master of ceremonies and did a good job presenting 18 high class vaudeville acts.

The firms listed below cooperated financially to make this Fifth Annual Reveille a success:

Atkinson-Stutz Co.; Campbell Moore Lbr. Francisco

California Ceclar Products





James L. Hall ... San Francisco

Hammond Lumber Co. .. .....San Francisco

J. R. Hanify Company San Fancisco

Hill & Morton, Inc. .. .Oakland

Hobbs, Wall & Co. .. ..San Francisco

Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co. San Francisco

Humphrey Lumber Co. .. .....Oakland

J. A. Irwin Lumber Co. .. ....Portland, Ore.

A. B. Johnson Lumber Co. San Francisco

Lamon-Bonnington Company .San Francisco

A. N. Lofgren ..San Francisco

The Ircng-Bell Lumber Co. .San Francisco

MacDonald & Harrington ... ..San Francisco

Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. . San Francisco

Monterey Bay Redwood Company .... .Santa Cruz

Moore Mill & Lumber Co. .. ..San Francisco

Oregon-Washington Plywood Co., Representative, J. O. Elmer ...San Francisco

Pacific Lumber Co.

Paramino Lumber Co. .. San Francisco

J. Eddie Peggs Lumber Co. San Francisco

Pyramid Lumber Sales Co. Oakland

The Red River Lumber Co. .. San Francisco

Redwood Manufacturers Company ,Pittsburg

Santa Cruz Lumber Co. Santa Cruz

Santa Fe Lumber Co. San Francisco

Schafer Brothers Lumber & Shingle Co.. San Francisco

Ray Shannon ... .San Francisco

Shevlin Pine Sales Company San Francisco

James A. Stapleton Lumber Company San Francisco

Strable Hardwood Company ..Oakland

Sudden & Christenson .....San Francisco

Trower Lumber Company .....San Francisco

Union Lumber Co. .. ..San Francisco

Wendling-Nathan Co. San Francisco

Western Door & Sash Co. ...Oakland

Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. ....San Francisco

E. K. Wood Lumber Co. . Oakland, San Francisco

The following firms donated the golf prizes:

Aberdeen Plywood Co. (E. J. Gallagher)....San Francisco

Baker, Hamilton and Pacific (,O.W. Brooks) San Francisco

Boorman Lumber Company Oakland

California Builders Supply Co... ...Oakland

Inc. .."Oakland
California Plywood,
Lumber Co. .. " "Oakland
Coos Bay
Lumber Co. '. .'.San Francisco
& Carson
.. San Francisco
Lumber Co.
.. Oakland
Bay Sales Co.
.. ..San Francisco
Lumber Co.
B. E. Bryan Chairman, Generol Committee
Co. San
&t Ghristenson Lurnber and Shlpptng Abcoda, VrrL Trinided Hosuiem, \Perh. $l*:"ltAf Ab.rd..o, V..h. Dorothy C.ehill . Rrynoad \perrr. ij#ffiffi Bilrch Oficcr: SEATTLE Nrtionrl Benl of Comncle Bldg.
Sansome Street, San Francisco STBAMBRS; 7th Floor. Alaska-Commetcial Bldg., AGBNTS Amcricu Mill C.o. Hoquirn Lunbcr e Shinrlc Co. Hulbat Mitl C.o. \Tillepr Hrrbc lrrlnb.r Millt LOS ANGELES 6tO Borrd of Trede Bldg; Annic Chri*cooa Edwin Chrirtcnroa
G. Suddcr
Chrbtcnroa Cherlcr Chrhcnnn PORTI.AND 2{tO Hcory Bldg.

California Wire Cloth Co ...

Celotex Corporation


Harry Holtgen, Ron Young..Sacramento, San Francisco

Cy Farewell, Doc Folsom Fresno, Oakland

Mack Swanson, K. M. Blount

Certain-teed Products (Harold Graham) Oakland

Cobbledick-Kibbe Glass Co. Oakland

East Bay Glass Co. Oakland

East Bay Saw and Knife Works Oakland

W. P. Fuller and Co. Oakland

General Paint Corporation Oakland and San Francisco

James L. Hall ....San Francisco

J. E. Higgins Lumber Co. .. ..San Francisco

T. P. Hogan Lumber Co. ..Oakland

Kean Limited ... .San Francisco

Libby-Owens Ford Glass Co. San Francisco

Maris Plywood Co. ..San Francisco

Matheny Sash and Door Co. Oakland

McCormick Lumber Co., Chas R. . San Francisco

Nicolai Door Sales Co. .....San Francisco

Pacific Portland Cement Co. .. San Francisco

Paraffine Companies, Inc. ...Oakland

Sam North, C. J. Lund

Paramount Built-In Fixture Co. ..


Richfield Oil Co. (R. C. Moseley) Oakland

Santa Cruz Portland Cement (F.H.Oates).San Francisco

Shell Oil Company (G. C. Merris) .Oakland

Sterling Lumber Co. .. Oakland

Union Oil Co. of California (Sam Waters) ......Oakland

U. S. Gypsum Co. (Wm. R. Lyon) San Francisco

U. S. Plywood Co. .....San Francisco

The Upson Company (Perry A. Dame) Los Angeles

White Brothers Oakland and San Francisco

The committees who made all arrangements for the Reveille were the following:

General Committee ...8. E. Bryan, Chairman

Members: Clement Fraser, H. S. Morton, Jas. B. Overcast, A. D. Williamson, Gordon D. Pierce, Henry M. Hink, Geo. M. Cornwall, B. J. Boorman, Frank W. Trower.

General Secretary-Treasurer Carl R. Moore

Entertainment Committee ....Clement Fraser, Chairman

Members: Jas. B. Overcast, Henry M. Hink, Jack Ferri.

Golf Committee . ...H. S. Morton, Chairman

Members: L. J. Woodson, C. I. Speer, M. L. Booth, Tom Branson.

Publicity Committee ...J"s. B. Overcast, Chairman

Members: G. F. Bonnington, C. S. Lamb, W. T. Black, Earl Davis, C. M. Wininger.

Banquet Committee ...A. D. Williamson, Chairman

Members: S. C. Forsey, Lloyd Harris, R. G. Hiscox, F. R. Larnon, L. R. Krohn.

Programs arrd Posters ......Gordon D. Pierce, Chairman

Members: Kenneth J. Shipp, C. I. Gilbert, W. A. Farrar, H. Lincoln, -Ir., D. N. Cords.

Ticket Sales Committee ......Henry M. Hink, Chairman

Members: Ross Kinney, F. K. Peil, Lloyd Harris, D. N. Cords, G. B. Warner.

Golf Tournament

The Reveille golf tournament was held at Oak Knoll Country Club, Saturday morning, Aptil 24. Due to the good work of the golf committee, headed by Sewall Morton, there were 66 players this year as against 49 last year. The winners of the various prizes, ranging in value from $5 to $25 each, were as follows:

Low Gross, Morton Booth; Low Net, Nick Cryer; Retailers' Low Gross, Fritz Dettmann; Wholesalers' Low Gross, C. H. Terrell; Retailers' Low Net, Clem Fraser; Wholesalers' I-ow Net, Bill Blattner.

Flight No. 1-Low Gross, Harry Vincent; Low Net, Roy Dreisbach ; 2nd. Low Net, Bill Freeman; High Gross, George Morris.

Flight No. 2-Low Gross, Fred Spencer; Low Net, 'fDoc" Snead ; 2nd I-nw Net, K. Phillips; High Gross, Bill Lawrence.

Flight No. 3-Low Gross, N. Farrell; Low Net, H. G. Hood; 2nd Low Net, Art Williamson; High Gross, Leonard Rea.

High Gross Score, 150, Lewie Godard.

Retailer nearest true handicap, C. I. Speer.

Wholesaler nearest true handicaP, H. D. "Doug" Cook.

High Gross Score, hole No. 15, B. E. Bryan.

Guest Prizes-Low Gross, P. J. Kellogg; Low Net, B. Bonnington; Znd Low Net, R. Lamon.

Nearest Score Gross to 100, J. H. Richardson.


HIGH GRAITE HARDWOODTT-DoG.dc rmodr: Arh" Boclq' !in{ Gtn, H|c&ort Meraolin Meph, Oa|r, Palrr' Wdnil, Ot& ud Uedc f|o!f|ll.


Girls can juggle logs and planks as easily as stevedore cirn. No wonder-itts only Balse Wood-lighter than Corlc.

tt Hlsh Stn t OAKLAND Td.'Dhor Al*toYC
ffiOOOS: mhcr, Bilr!, SFfuh Ccdai, Eboy' Spo&cd,Gun, Irobuk, Jcnircro, Lhlun Vttr., Mahogely' Prhevrlr' Rccvoo4 Slra T.rt Also DOUGLAII FIR PLYWOOD AND WAIJBOARD "Hariluooilc of the ,to?U and a WorU sf Hanloootk"
ud BnEu Slreltr
Suttr flG

"Here's How " ---Talking All-Star Picture

FLASH FROM HOLLYWOOD !-Paul Collier. Don Montgomery, and Kenneth Smith-all new names in the firmament of motion pictures-have important roles in a screen production that is destined to sweep the country during 1937.

Literally, the coming film is to be "tops" among the sea-

especially written. dialogued, staged, produced, fihned and censored for the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau. It was taken in the film capital of the world, Hollywood, right down on a big movie lot, so of course it is glamorous-even though Paul Collier did refuse to wear artificial eyelashes.

Seriously, "Here's How" is a twenty-five minute, talking

son's attractions for it deals with no less a theme than Certigrade Red Cedar Shingles. There's a rumor that some of the theme songs (and we guarantee they'Il be hits and no misses) wiil be "Shingles from lleaverr"; "I Want My Cottage Dream Roof Laid, of Red Cedar Singles, Certigrade."

The three Big Time secretaries will be starred with the famous Williarn Desmond, veteran screen and stage favorite. They will have a notable supporting cast. Their producer is the celebrated Henry Kruse of Hollywood, and their distributors are to be the fieldmen who will show the production all over the nation to members of the trade and groups of architects, construction men, lumber dealers, carpenters and builders.

The name of this production is "f{s1s's How." It was

all-star picture. It is another step forward on the part of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau to assist dealers of Certigrade Red Cedar Shingles to see and hear about application and to quicken the sales of the famous Red Cedar product.

Now for something about the stars of "Here's How."

William Desmond is known to film and stage fans for his stellar performances in such successes as "Quo Vadis"; "Alias Jimmy Valentine"; "Paid in Full"; and "Romeo and Juliet." He's a handsome, dramatic figure-but so are his co-stars.

Take this Paul Collier, known to you as secretary-manager of the Northeastern Retail Lumbermen's Association" of Rochester, N. Y., and as popular a lad as ever declared that the world revolves around retail lumber dealers. He

(Left to Right) WiDiam Devnond,, Don S. Montgornery, V. V, Voodbrid,ge, Kenneth Smith, Paul S. Collier, Henry Kruse.

rated 100 per ceut in his screen test and there are rumors Hollywood is after an option on him.

Ken Smith, secretary-manager of the Lumber & Allied Products Institute of Los Angeles, with a voice that recorded above the hammering, upheld Hollywood's reputation.

Don Montgomery, Secretary of the Wisconsin Retail Lumbermen's Association, nailed down his part as a big Milwaukee captain of industry u'ith a finished technique, wearing his hat throughout the entire performance.

Add fieldmen, camera men, sound men, Kleig lightsand glamor-and a highly practical, interesting and constructive feature picture is the result.

Watch for the date when "Here's How" will reach this territory of its continental tour. See Certigrade Shingles against a setting of palm trees. See applicator ideas skillfully demonstrated ! See modern and beautiful methods of Cedar roofing and side walls that will make two Certigrade shingles where but one sold before.

See some of the most popular figures in all the Red Cedar Shingle Industry "go Hollywood." NO-they haven't gone blonde.

Philippine Shipmcnts Affected By Strike

The scarcity oi Philippine Mahogany is partly due to the excellent demand for this wood and partly to the scarcity of steamer space, according to John G. Ziel, of Ziel & Co', hardwood importers, San Francisco, who explains that during the maritime strike the majority of trans-Pacific vessels were laid up on this side of the Pacific, so that it took nearly 60 days before regular service could be resumed from the Islands. And again, he says, as certain other commodities take a higher freight rate than lumber, shipments of lumber have been further delayed.

Mr. ZieI does not expect the trans-Pacific steamer space situation to be back to normal until at least 90 days from now. Two reasons for the price advance in Philippine woods, he says, are the increase in the freight rate on Philippine from the Islands to the Pacific Coast since last August of $4.50, making the rate at present $16.00 per M feet, and an increase in wages of 25 per cent at the mills'

George McSweyn

George McSweyn, vice-president of E. L. Bruce Co. Memphis, Tenn., in charge of sawmills and timber operations, died on April 19 after a brief illness. He was 57 years of age.

IJntil 1923 he was associated with his father, J. F. McSweyn, manufacturing hardwood lumber under the name of Memphis Band Mill Company. For the past fourteen years he was vice-president and a director of E. L. Bruce Co. Mr. McSweyn was a past president of the Memphis Lumbermen's Club, and for many years a director of the Hardwood Manufacturers' Institute and a member of the Grading Rules Committee of the National Hardwood Lumber Association'

Allcto cAtl TUTIBER lil4

F(lR G0.

Officc and Stora ge Y ad

6420 Avalon Boulevard


Telephone THornwall 3144

Ponderosa Pine

Sugar Pine Redwood Mouldings

\(/a llboa rd


Let us quote You otr' your requirefit'ents

Exclusiuely Wholesale


We carry these hand' some "BLJFFCO" ftont doors in both Douglas Fir and PhiliP. pine Mahogany, and in a number of designs. The Fir door has t0$7o vertical $ain raised panels and raised mould outside with fat panel and solid mould inside.

Philippine doors are all dark red dbbon figured Lauan. Raised panels and raised mould outside. Flat panels and solid mould inside.

wEsTERil ll00n & sAsll c0. 5th and Cyprese Sts., Oa&land LAkeside 8400 Design 1lO5


Two contrary laws stand today opposed; one a law of blood and death, which, inventing daily new means of combat, obliges the nations to be ever prepared for battle; the other a law of peace, of labor, of salvation, which strives to deliver man from the scourges which assail him. One looks o'nly for viol,ent conquest; the other for the relief of suffering humanity. The one would sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives to the ambition of a single individual; the other places a single human life above all victories. The law of which we are the instruments essays even in the midst of carnage to heal the wounds caused by the law of war.-Louis


When a bit of sunshine hits ye, After passing of a cloud, When a fit of laughter gits ye

And ye'r spine is feelin'proud, Don't forget to up and fing it

At a soul that's feelin' blue, For the minit that ye sling it

It's a boomerang to you.


After terrific struggle, a law student finally finished his examination paper, and then at the end wrote: "Dear Professor: If you sell any of my answers to the funny papers, I expect a split of 50-50 with me."


The ideal life is in our blood and never will be still. Sad will be the day for any man when he becomes contented with the thoughts he is thinking and the deeds he is doing-where there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger, which he knows that he was meant and made to do.


Judge-"What proof have you that Rastus hit you in the eye?"

Sambe"Yo Honor, I got it all down in black and blue."


The Golden Poppy is God's gold, The gold that lifts, nor weighs us down, The gold that knows no miser's hold, The gold that banks not in the town But singing, laughing, freely spills IK hoard far up the happy hills; Far up, far down, at every turnWhat beggar has not gold to burn t


Teacher: "Willie, define the word puncture."

Willie: "A puncture is a little hole in a tire usually found a great distance from a garage."


Prudence yields to circumstance, folly quarrels with it, pride defies it, and genius controls it.

You say there is no love, my love, Until it last for aye t

Oh, folly, there are interludes Better than the play,

You say lest it endure, sweet love, It is not love for aye?

Oh, blind! Eternity can be All in one little day.


"Say, looka heah, Rastus, you lrnow what you is doin'? You's goin' away fcf a week an' dey ain't a stick of wood cut fuh de house."

"\ll/ell, what you all whinin' 'bout, woman, I ain't takin' de axe wid me, is f ?"


Alexander Woollcott sums up very neatly certain random thoughts which for years have been running through my head. He says, "Ever;rthing that I really like to do is either illegal, immoral or fattening."


More Homes Will Be Built This Year Under Government fnspection Than in 1936

San Francisco--More homes will be built here this year under government inspection than in 1936, when a fiveyear building record was established, if the pace set in the first quarter is maintained, according to Clifiord C. Anglim, district director of the Federal Housing Administration. A statistical report just completed shows more mortgages on Northern California homes accepted for insurance in the past three months than during the first six months of 1936, and more than in the entire year of 1935.

"The fact that a large percentage of these mortgages cover new construction is indicative that the home building program launched in 1935 is gaining momentum," declared Mr. Anglim. "It also attests public recognition of the fact that FHA insured mortgage financing means more than a mere long term loan which may be paid in monthly rentlike installments.

"Thrifty investors are demanding homes approved by the Federal Housing Administration, because they appreciate that it provides important safeguards for their investment. First is the matter of location, which must be in an acceptable rreighborhood where land values are stable. Practicability of design and livability of the home is assured when plans and specifications are reviewed and approved by the FHA architectural staff. Frequent inspections by government experts assure that specifications are complied with and make for substantial, lasting construction, The fact that the mortgage is paid in convenient monthly installments reduces actual home ownership to the simplicitv oI paying rent."

Mr. Anglim, who has returned from a Federal Housing conference in Washington, D. C., states that the entire energ'y and eilorts of this governmental agency now are being concentrated upon the insured mortgage system, since expiration of the modernization credit plan the first of April.

He stated that a paramount feature of the 1937 FIJA program will be to assist builders and buyers of homes in the lower price brackets with problems of financing. They are assured, he said, of the same efficient, courteous, painstaking service as the investor who secures the maximum insured loan of $16,000.

The FHA reports having accepted for insurance to April first a total of 17,ffi mortgages, amounting to $74,797,795, in the Northern California district.


Frank O'Connor, Donovan Lumber Co., San Francisco, spent a few days at the company's Los Angeles office the latter part of April. With Jack Thomas, who is in charge of the Los Angeles omce, he called on the trade.


San Francisco

ATwater O15l


Panels Veneers

Oak and Maple Flooring

Fir and Philippine Wallboard

Bayshore Blvd.
zrEL @' co. 3#,'##ilYFSllSl: Original predcccsror cornpany: Zicl, Bcrthcau & Co. Established ia Saa Fraaciseo io 18,19 Esclusiae Saumill Age*ts Philhehc ffaforray Cnltlmb Whltc ptrc Japncc Ork !!d Blrth CdlfmL sugu ptnc Autnllan lronbark ud Gun Jarnh, Bma TeaL II CALIFORNIA STREET SAN FRANCISCO, U. S. A. ssGoods of the Voods" is Your Guaratatee for Quality and Service Complete Stoc&lr Los Angeles and Oakland Yard Stock-Oil Rig Material fnsulation Board*IU(lallboards Presdwood-Plywood Creosoted and Wolmanized Lumber and Timbers Protection Against Decay and Termites E. f,. U|l|lD LUiIBER GO. {> LOS ANGELES 47Ol Sente Fc Avc. JEf,crroa Sffl OAKLAhID F!.d.!ic& e Xiry So.. FRuitvdc Oll2

Short Lengths from the Retail Yards

The Diamond Match Company has completed the modernization of lumber and building materials offices and display rooms at its Lodi yard. The walls and ceilings of the office and store are finished in Celotex of various shades, textures and patterns, giving the interior a very attractive appearance. The installation of plate glass in the store front, display counters for builders' hardware, and nail counters with removable bins are other new features.

A complete line of paints, oils, brushes, and builders' hardware has been added to the store's supplies. An invitation has been extended to the public to inspect the new office and store. P. O. Young is manager of the yard.


The O'Matley Lumber Company, Phoenix, Ariz., will move its yard at Buckeye to a nerv location. Work on the new plant is already under way. Frank Thomas, former manager of the company's yard at Six Points, Phoenix, has been transferred to Buckeye where he will be in charge of the construction of the new buildings.

Reid & West Lumber Co. is now operating at its new location in Bellflower. 843 Artesia Blvd. Three new modern buildings have been constructed; a lumber shed 4O x 120 feet, a warehouse 20 x ffi feet, and the office 30 x CI feet. Twenty different types of lumber, finish paneling, insulation board and stucco were used in building the office interior which gives prospective home builders an idea how the various types of interior finishing look when installed. A grand opening and open-house is planned by the company in the near future. G. B. West and Tom Reid, the owners, have been operating a retail yard at Bellflower for the past five years.

The Fox-Woodsum t"lb* Jo. *,,, enlarge the lumber storage shed at its Rialto yard. K. R. Courter is yard manager'

Ernie Miller, prominently known in California architectural circles, is now affiliated with Woods Bros. Lumber Co. of Santa Cruz as manager of its home building service department. Mr. Miller is a graduate of the University of California School of Architecture, and for three years was connected with the office of George Kelham, San Francisco architect, who designed the Russ, Shell and Standard Oil buildings. Later he was associated with Ed Eames of San Francisco who specialized in residential architecture, and recently was affiliated with the Al Larsen firm of San Francisco. Before taking over his new duties, he spent a

week in Los Angeles where he was gathering ideas for the design of modern no-"..

Grey M. Skidmore, president of the Skidmore Lumber Company, Downey, has announced that Roy G. Walling is now associated with the company as vice-president and general manager. Mr. Walling was with the Los Nietos Valley Bank for the past fifteen years and was vice-president at the time this bank became a branch of the Bank of America.

Otto W. Hansen, who has been in charge of the company's offices the past several months, will take over the management of a designing an'd building project department.

Mr. Skidmore, president of the company, expects to devote much of his time to outside conta,cts. The Skidmore Lumber Company was established in L873 by the late S. S. Skidmore, father of the present company head.

W. W. Boyd of Santa Barbara has purchased the Acme Building Materials Company at Yreka from S. R. Scott of Weed. Mr. Boyd took over the yard on April 1 and has changed the name to Acme Lumber Co. He'has been connected with the lumber business in the San Joaquin Valley for many years. W. J. Whitty, who has been manager of the yard for the past year, and Hugh Cuthrie, yard man, will continue with the company under the new owner, Mr. Boyd. *'F*

F. Dean Precott, Valley Lumber Company, Fresno attended the annual meeting of the National Lumber Dealers Association at Washington, D. C., on April fu21. Mr. Prescott was elected a member of the Association's Executive Comrnittee for the coming year. Mrs. Prescott accompanied him on the trip. t+:r

C. L. Barton, Monterey Park retailer, entertained friends at a house warming of his new cabin at Big Bear Saturday evening, April 17. ***

Charles Miller has opened a yard at Vallejo which will operate as the Charles Miller Company. The company will handle lumber and building materials. Mr. Miller has been connected with the building industry in Vallejo for many years, and was formerly y"i*"; of the Perry Lumber Co.

Jack Ronayre has been appointed manager of the Turlock Lumber Company's yard at Hilmar.

* *
* *
l. 25% to 50/o more capacity due to solid edge'to'edge stacking'
Better qualiry drying on low tempcratures with a fast reverrible circulation. 3. Lower rtacking costs-just solid edge'to-edge stacking in the simplect form.
North Porttand, Ore. Jaclronville, Florida IoonrDnrnuConaxr Kiln Buildem for More Tban HaIf a Century
Use Moorekiln Paint Products for weatherproofing your dry kiln and mill roofs.

Frank B. Harris, who operated the Aliso Street Lumber Dealers retail lumber yard at 74O Aliso Street, Los Angeles, for the past five years discontinued the business on April l. He has been associated with the retail lumber business in Los Angeies for the past thirty years and is widely known in Southern California lumber circles. Before taking over the Aliso Street Lumber Dealers Yard, he was with Lounsberry & Harris of Los Angeles for many years.

Mr. Harris will take an extended rest before announcing his future plans.

The Dixie Lumber C";";r,tan Diego, has remodeled the interior of its office building. Counter space has been doubled and the office quarters rearranged to better handle its business. The display room shows the various finish hardware, and built-in fixtures, such as medicine cabinets and ironing boards carried in stock. An attractive door display makes it possible for the customer to select the exact door he wants for his home.

The French colonial office building has been repainted. This building is a replica of a 14th century store bu,iiding in Paris.

Elmore King, King I-l*il.r*Co., Bakersfield, made a short business trip to Los Angeles the latter part of April.

Lumber Dealers, h"., 1..Xrrai, purchased the yard. of F. E. Graw Lumber Company, 8127 East l4th Street, Oakland.

The principals in the new firm are L. A. Robson, who was formerly assistant sales manager of the Timberland

Lumber Company, New Westminster, B. C., and A. F. Storey, formerly owner of the retail lumber firm of Fletcher-Wells Lumber a".,

Y"l"oler, B. C.

O. V. Wilson, Central Lumber Company, Stockton, has gone East for two or three months' vacation, leaving the yard ,in the capable hands of his three sons.

Jesse E. Briley has purchased the Sprague Lumber Co. yard at 9530 Long Beach Blvd., Los Angeles, which he will operate as the Briley Lumber Co. Mr. Briley was formerly connected rvith Sprague Lumber Co. at their Los Angeles yard at 8700 South Western Ave. ***

A meeting of the stockholders of the Graves Company, Los Angeles, was held at the company's offices on April 6. The present board of directors were re-elected. I. W. Fuqua is president of the company.

A modern one-and-one-half-story office building is to be erected at the northeast corner of Anaheim Street and Loma Avenue, Long Beach, by the W. M. Dary Lumber Co. The building will have a TUf.oot frontage on Anaheim Street, and a l3Gfoot frontage on Loma Avenue. The general offices will be located on the mezzanine floor, and the main floor will be given over to a store carrying building materials. The lumber yard will adjoin the office building. The office and yard will be ready about June 1. Kenneth Wing is the architect. Mr. Dary has been operating in East Long Beach for the past four years.

Conserve Your Working Capital To Increase Sa1es and Profits

Increasing your volume of business and adding to the number of customer accounts, increases the need for reliable credit and sales information.

fnformation about new accounts is imperative and, of course, the current credit status of your old customers is equally as important, because changes in financial standings often develop in a surprisingly short time.

You cannot go on extending credit in moderate amounts and feel safe, without having some reliable source of credit information to back up your judgment. You need the benefit of the latest possible information developed, and this is made available to you through the industry's own credit reporting agency.

The lumber industry knows that the Lumbermen's Credit Rating Book, supplernented TWICE-A-WEEK, is the unquestioned credit authority in its field, and that the vital credit information it gives to subscribers cannot be obtained fiom any other source.

fn your ofice, this book is kept right up-to-date by the T\D7ICE-A-WEEK Supplements, through which you get the benefit of the Delinquent Unpaid Accounts Report contributed to each month by members of the large manufacturer and jobber Associations, which information is made available to all subscribers.

I.Jse the Credit Rating Book also as a directory of concerns that buy lumber and allied products in carlots, and for a list of mills and all other sources of lumber supplies. \DTrite the Lumbermen's Credit Association Inc., 608 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois, or 99 Wall Street, New York City. They will be pleased to advise you further.


Ten Files of Years The California Ago Today

From the Lumber Merchant, May 1 , 1927

Announcement of a "Lumber Question Contest" by the Santa Fe Lumber Co., of which A. J. Russell is manager, appears in this issue. The winner of the contest will be announced in the Mav 15 issue of The California Lumber Merchant.


The Citrus Belt Lumbermen's Club is planning an annual outing. J. Wesley Shrimp has been named chairman of the arrangements committee.

rF ,F !t

A career sketch of Lloyd Harris, Oakland lumberman, appears in this issue. * * *

R. F. Wells was elected vice-president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Elmore King. W. R. Vanderwood was elected to the vacancy made by the resignation of Frank Fox' * ,r< *

The Peninsula Lumbermen's Club held their annual dinner dance at the Masonic Hall, Palo Alto. There were about a hundred present.


r 'Ihe Central California Lumbermen's Club held a meeting at Stockton April 9. President O. V. Wilson presided. A. J. Russell of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, was the principal speaker, his subject being "Newer Competition."


An address, "Relations Between Competitors," delivered by Kqnneth Smith before the Rotary Club of Santa Ana, is published in this number.


The S.S. Point Fermin, first vessel to arrive at the new seaport Lake Charles, La., from the Pacific Coast and the first big ship to navigate the Calcasieu River, as far as the Long-Bell plant there, docked April 9. After discharg-

ing some Long-Bell Douglas Fir lumber and timbers the Point Fermin moved back down the river under its own power and unloaded the remainder of its mixed cargo at the public dock.


Announcement of a new type of reinforced house lining which will afford protection against dampness and moisture, and provide insulation against both heat and cold, has been made by the Pioneer Paper Co. of Los Angeles.


C. W. Pinkerton, well known Whittier retailer, was elected president of the Whittier Rotarians.


Telephone service in Los Angeles was inaugurated in 1880. Kerckhoff-Ctzner Lumber Co. was listed among the seven names that appeared in the first Los Angeles telephone directory.


Fred Roth, San Francisco retailer, addressed the Rotary Club of Watsonville on April 27. His subject was, "Observance of Forestry Week."

A photograph shows .; ;t;,"n lumbermen right behind Rotarian Chas. G. Bird of the Stockton Lumber Company in extending a welcome to the Rotarian lumbermen of the Second District which includes California, Nevada and Hawaii, to attend the Conference of Rotary that was held at Stockton on April 21, 22 and 23. Maurice Casey, Redwood Manufacturers Co., Pittsburg, presided at the Lumbermen'sluncheon. * * *

J. E. Higgins, Jr., San Francisco, was elected president of the Pacific Coast Hardwood Association at the annual meeting held at Del Monte on April 21,22 and 23. Other officers elected were: LeRoy H. Stanton, Los Angeles, vicepresident, and Homer B. Maris, San Francisco, secretarytreasurer.

BATAAN...LAMA()---BAGAC Philippine Mahogany Philippine Hardwood CADWALLADER GIBSON CO., INC. Los Angeles, Calif. Wholesale to Lumber Yards S[Sll, ll|l|lR$ and P[llEtS DOORSLantiner gwaranteelfAtEr Bnos. - stllll il0illGA Lor Angcler Phonc-REpublic 0807 Complete stock on hand of

Charts oJ Lumber fndustry Welf Received

Washington, April 2Z-An encouraging response has come from various academic, economic and building groups to "Charting the American Lumber Industry,', a -book tf 47 charts on lumber production, distribution, forest area and growth; also lumber consumption, exports and imports. The author is Mrs. Grace J. Landon, statistical depariment of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Washington, D. C. Among the quantity orders received to date are: IJniversity of Michigan, 44 copies in first order and 21 copies in the second order; the New york State College of Forestry has taken 25; the Colorado State College, 75 ; Uni_ versity of ldaho, 20; University of California, Berkeley, l0; and there have been many orders from forestry libraries, forestry ,errrice, and organ-izations, great lumber co-pa.i.s, investment companies, stude:nts and others.

Enthusiastic comments haVe been received from some of those who have examined the new statistical publication. Some of those comments follow:

"These charts will be of great value to classes in Forest Economics and Forest p16du6fs.',-prof. W. J. Morrill, Colorado State College.

"The very excellent book of graphs is one of the finest things I have ever seen. It is full of information and of real educational value to our boys here."-prof. Nelson C. Brown, Dept. of Forest Utilization, N. y. State College of Forestry, Syracuse.

"A very fine piece of !v61t1.',-eselgs A. Houston, Weyerhaeuser Sales Co.

"Crammed with impressive statistics about the American Lumber fndustry." Frederic William Wile.

"I heartily congratulate you on the Chart Book. It fills a very valuable place in our national lumber facts.,' Col. W. B. Greeley, Secretary-Manager, West Coast Lumbermen's Ass'n., Seattle.

"Of very decided value to our students. You have brought together here a lot of material we have be.en covering a good deal of territory to obtain. It is set up in a forrn easy to grasp."-Burr N. Prentice, Head, Dept. of Forestry, Purdue IJniversity, Lafayette, Ind.

-"f want to compliment you on this comprehensive history of the lumber industry."-George W. Lapointe, Jr., president, National Lumber Dealers Association.

"Extremely interesting and well prepared.,,-standard Statistics Co., fnc., New york.

"A remarkable compilation.,'H,ardwood Recor.d, Chicago.

At the banquet of the Forestry Conferen,ce held in Wash_ ington, April 8, 1937, Col. W. B. Greeley, the principal speaker of the evening, referred to the book of charts siv_ eral times during his address, pointing out the significance of the charts. The chart books were individually inscribed and were used as place cards at the banquet.

The cha.rts show that about 8O per cent of the individual homes built each year are at least lumber framed. Lumber builds 90 per cent of all farm structures. Tn l9D the railroads took directly 16 per cent of the total lumber cut of the United States. Under improved forest management policies, it is declared that the lumber industry is not a declining industry, but is permanent, based on perpetual timber ,crop reproduction.


Tom Butcher, manager and sole owner of the Home Lumber Company, Chula Vista, has started work on the construction of a new, modern lumber yard, 150 feet by 30O feet, in a location adjacent to the present headquarters of the company.

Just six years ago Mr. Butcher started the H,ome Lumber Company, he and one yard man comprising the entire force at that time. From this beginning the business has made continued progress, and the company is now enjoying a fine volume of business.

In addition to Mr. Butcher, the stafi now includes his assistant, Spike Frauenfelder; John W. Cooley and Bill Frey, salesmen; Charlie Johnson, Bill Gronaw and Everett Wright, drivers, and Ray Prather, yard foreman.'

Sheulin Pine Sales Gompany

SELLING THE PRODUCTS OF Thc Mc€lod Rlvcr Llubcr Conelv McClqrd, Ca[fmlr

Shcvlin-Clartc Capaly, Ltnlted Fct Fnnca+ Ontarlo

Thc Shevltn-Hko CGFIy Ben{ Orqo



Rcg. U. S. PeL Ofi. EXIECUTIVE OFFICE tlO Fbrt Natlmd 3o t r-g Bd.nll MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA


l2Q6^ Gny-brr Bldg. l&lt hsalle-Wrclcr Bl&. Moherk {-9ll?- Tclcphoc Ccaini fiaz-' SAN FRANCISCO 1030 Moardaocl Blds. Kerrasy 70ll


32E Pctrcleum Scdriticr Bldg, PRcpcct 615







tVlll Use Redwood Ties on S. F. - Oakland

Bay Bridge New Rail Construction AND NOW-.-!

In placing the largest single order in nearly a decade for new rail construction railroad ties, engineers for the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge have specified Select Structural Heart Redwood and No. 1 Redwood ties for the entire Bay Bridge interurban system. The order totals more than six million feet board measure.

The project will include the full length of the bridge plus the ties set in ballast on the approaches, all ties for storage tracks,'all terminal tra,ck facilities, guard timbers, blocking and planking.

Select A1l Heart Structural Redwood will be used for the ties on the bridge itself, totaling 3,611,000 board feet' These ties, all sawn, will be 8x9 inches in lengths of 9, 10, 12, 14 and 16 feet, set on edge. The ties wtill be laid directly on the steel girders and tie-plated to receive the rails. Main line and passing tracks set in ballast on the East Bay approaches and the San Francis'co terminal call for 2,122,W board feet of No. 1 Redwood ties in 7x8-8 ft. Switch ties will be 7x9. Similar stock is specified for the Yerba Buena tunnel section of the system. All ties will be sawn except for 428,0@ board feet of split ties, 6x8-8ft., to be used for storage tracks.

California Redwood has been used for heavy construction many years by western railroads and transit systems with an outstanding performance record.


The Red River Lumber Company announces a change in the address of their New York office. From 1851 Grand Central Terminal the office is moved to 1048 in the same building. The new location, which gives increased space and convenience, is on the same floor as the old but on a different corridor.



S l.O O Per CoPY

Postpaid anyuhere in the United Sfo|es

Thie book ie identical in everY waY with the original $ edition


JACK DIONNE, il| C"ot ot Bldg., 108 Vest Sirth St., Los Angel'es, Co,lif ' Enclosed find 51.00 tot uhich send rne a coprr oJ "Lotsa" Fun.


Approximately 21,000,00O trees were planted by the forest service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, on national forests in 26 states during the past year. Forest service officials today declared this to be the greatest relorestation program yet recorded, topping the previous all-time mark set in 1935 by more than 6O per cent.

Tree nursery production was geared to meet the demand' During 1936, more than 237,5@,000 tree seedlings, including those furnished co-operating agencies were produced by 15 forest service nurseries in 11 states.

Nearly 9O per ceut of the total planting was done in national forests in the lake states and in the South.


Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders guit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where tfiey know what they're getting.

.Fn "ntBinn$q,"[preo.
Generd Salee Office: Eugene, Ore. Mills: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore. LUMETER gO €UGENE ORE:

One CalI fo, Euery Need at Our Warehouse

Telephone rrs your orderwhen your driver calls the load will be assernbled and ready to drop onto your truck. ft'e time saved and rrroney in your pocket.



fB00-A Wilmington Road, San Pedro, Calif.

Calaveras Enters New York Market

Calaveras Cement Company has entered the New York market with its products-the first instance of a California cement company invading the major building materials ' field of the East.

H. C. Maginn, sales manager of the company, who has returnqd fronr New York where his negotiations resulted in the John A. McCarthy & Co. ordering three cars of Calaveras White cement, reports that the McCarthy firm henceforth will represent the cement company in New York.

Conditions in the building industry differ greatly in New York, Washington ancl Chicagtl, Mr. Maginn reports, following a month's study of these three large cities.

"There is a great deal of building activity in Chicago. Not only is residential constru,ction under way in a major rvay but also many new office structures are being built in dorvn-town Chicago. In Nerv York, however, tl-re only large activity is to be found in the small homes field," he states.

"Before capital will become interested in construction of new of6ce buildings and apartment houses in New York there will come first the major job of renovating many old buildings," he added.

Contrary to general belief here on the West Coast Mr. Maginn found that the modern buildings in New York have high occupancy reports. Al Smith, who heads the Empire State building companv, informed I\{r. Maginn that his 84-story building is completely occupied. Rockefeller Center has no vacancies and because of existing demand for space new additions are being planned.

Douglas FirRedwoodPonderosa PineSpruce Douglas Fir Plywoods

CementUSG PlasterUSG Rock Lath

15 lb. FeltS K and SisalkraftBuildins Paper


Nails - \[ire - Corrugated SheetsMetal Lath


Telephone, San Pedro 22fi)

Hotels in both largest volume of reports.

Chicago and Washingfton are doing the business witnessed in years, Mr. Maginn

"The American Lumber Industry"

Owing to the change from Standard Time to Daylight Saving Time in New York City and some other parts of the country there will be a change in the time of the Department of Commerce Saturday afternoon radio talks broadcast over Columbia Broadcasting System on our great American industries. Beginning with the talk on Saturday, May 1, on "The American Lumber Industry,,, the time will be 2:3Oto2:45P. M.. Eastern Standard Time. This will be 3:30 to 3:45 P. M., Eastern Daylight Saving Time. This arrangement will continue through to the end of the program.


A typical instance of e'conomy in timber construction, accomplished by the use of TECO connectors in small buildings, is illustrated by a letter from a Florida architectural engineer, who has written to the Tlmber Engineering Company, Washington, D. C., as follows:

"Not long ago you mailed me some of your data and publications and I am glad to advise that my first job using TECO connectors will shortly be erected : grocery store, 110 ft. x 45 ft. clear span. Our savings against using steel joists is about $500. Naturally we are very pleased."

noo ^ SHAI(BS & SHTNGLDS WHOLDSALD FTSK & MASON 855 EL CENTRO ST. SOUTH PASADENA qqk,,o Odd Slzes in Even Lengths ilOORE FIR Plant and L"ggt"g Operations at Bandon, Oregon San Francisco Ofice 4245 lJnderwollid BIdg. Carl R. Moore, Mgr. BX&ook 4745


Rrtc--t2.50 Pcr Colurm


ADVERTISING lnch. Minimum Ad Onc-Half Inch.


Planing mill and small lumber yard in Santa Rosa for sde. Lumbei stock 8O000 feet, and miscellaneous building material. Ccrugated steel mill building in good condition.

Address Chris M. Wininger, Trustee, 415 Pacific Building,610 16th Street, Oakland. Calif.


Experienced lumber and building material man, wholesale and retail would like position with well established lumber company in Los Angeles or vicinity. Married man. Has had experience in all branches of the industry and has managed retail yards doing large volume of business. Address Box C-665, California Lumber Merchant.


Lumber yard 30 miles from Los Angeles. Established 15 years. Stocks of merchandise and one truck $3,000. Will lease ground and buildings for $80 a month. Also other yards for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

Young man experienced in retail and wholesale lumberin yard, office, credits and saleg desires position. Not afraid of work. Address Box C-664 California Lumber Merchant.

Retail Lumber Yard. FoR

Southern California. 2007o volume gain last year.

Reason-Other interests.


Address Box C-663, care California Lumber Merchant.


Desire to retire makes available profiiably operating retail yard equipped with modern planing mill. Excellent location in San Francisco Bay area. Full particulars will be given to bona fide principals only. Unusual opportunity for the right party with available capital"

Address: Box C-666, care California Lumber Merchant.


Modern well located millwork plant established 20 yearsLargely confined to wholesde trade supplementing jobbing business-active territory. Present owner desires to retire owing to ill health, or will sell substantial interest. Business averaging $200,000 yearly. Address Box 887, Tacoma, Wash.

U. S. Lumber and Log Exports and lmports

Total exports of hardwood and softwood lumber (including sawed timber and logs) for the first two months of 1937 totalled, 182,8L4 M board feet as compared with 27I,723 M feet for the corresponding period of L936, a loss of 32.7 percent according to figures just released by the Forest Products Division of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. The decline is largely accounted for by the maritime strike on the West Coast which was not settled until February 3. Of the 1937 amount L66,962 M feet was of sawed material as compared with 2I0,lM M feet for 1936, a loss of 20.5 percent. The L937 exports of logs and hewn timber amounted to 15,852 M feet as against 61,619 M feet f.or 1936, a loss of. 74.3 percent.

In the sawn softwood group Southern pine was by far the most .important species exported, totalling 67,5m M feet for the first two months ol 1937, a gain ol 16.9 percent as compared with the corresponding period of. 1936. Douglas fir, hemlock and redwood registered particularly sharp losses on the same basis of comparison, Douglas fir shipments falling to 23,M7 M feet for the first two months of 1937, a loss of 73.4 percent. Hemlock shipments fell to 70 M feet for the first two months of. 1937, a loss of 95.5 percent over the corresponding period of 1936 and redwood ihipments fell to 2,123 M feet, a loss of 56.7 percent. Expoits of Cedar, Spruce and "White Pine" showed losses of 17.8 percent; 21.9 percent and 14.1 percent respectively for the 1937 period compared with the 1936 period, the actual

shipments for the 1937 period being 819 M feet, 2,462 M feet and 4,887 M feet respectively.

In the "logs" group, imports of cedar logs for the first two months of 1937 accounted for 5,056 M board feet or 41.0 percent of the total; mahogany accounted for 3,351 M feet or 27.2 percent ; and fir, spruce and Western hemlock accounted f.or 2,259 M feet or 18.3 per cent.

The reciprocal trade agreement signed by the United States and Canada allotted Canada'an annual quota of 250,000 M board feet of Douglas fir and Western hemlock, to enter the United States at a $2.00 duty and excise tax. From January 1 to February 27, 1937, imports of these woods subject to this quota totalled 8,356,059 board feet, according to the preliminary figures supplied by the Bureau of the Customs of the Treasury Department.

Shingle imports for January and February, L937, totalled D4,787 squares compared with M,738 squares for the comparable period of 1936. Of the 1937 total, red cedar shingles amounted to 288,95 squares.

Detailed monthly statistics on the U. S. exports and imports of hardwood and softwood logs and lumber are compitea Uy the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce ind are available from the Bureau on a subscription basis. Special statistics covering imports subject to quota- are compiled by the Customs Bureau and are made available to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.




Chrnbrlb ll C-. W. Rr tth Flu' Flf. Bldt. .......'..'.DOudrr tl?c

Dolber & Cerro lrnbc Cc. ?I Mmbutr E:tchulr BLlr.......Suttlr ?asl

Gcua Lmbcr Go{ra CaDfmh St.' ., .. .GArfreld 50ll

Hdl. Jmor L. iezl Mlttr Btds. ...................sutt t tlt5

Henmd Rcdrrud Cmprnn aU Mot36.r!t SL .............D(hglu l3tt

Holmcr Eurckr Lunbcr co. tiO3 Finandrl C.Dtc Blds.......GArfrsld rt2l

G D. Johnro Lubar 6tl' 2tC Celifomia Strut........,......GArfic|d 125!

MrcDomld & Harrlnltm Ltd., fa C.ffiorrh Struit................GArficH a€

Moon Mlll & Lumbcr Gc, 525 Mrrkct Strut ...............-Exbtoo& Ol3

Peclfic Lrnbcr Ca. The rt Burh Strui........'...........GAr6cH lltr


Rcd Rlvc Lmbcr Co.

tl5 Moa&c|r 81ds.............,.GArficld O2l

Saltr Fc Lunbc C^, f3 Cr||fmir Stret............KErny 2lfl

Schaler Bn Ltnbcr & Shhtb C-., I Drum St. .....,,................SUttcr l''l

Shcvlln Pinc Sdec Co., f0|lO Moadncl: Blft.

Suddea & Cbrlctaron, tlC Sra|mc Strut.........,......GArftcH ztaa

Union Lumbcr'Co., Croc&rr Bulldtrg ..SUtt r at?a

Wadling-Nathrn Co., Ul M$kot Stnct .,.,.,........,...Suttlr s:lG

E. I(- Wood Lumbcr Co. I Druna strr.t..,...,...........,.KErray lll0

Wrycrhaeurc Srbr Cq- l{t Crlifqli. Str..t.,......,......GArfie|d tt?{

Z.l & Co' la Cellfonb Strut .............EXbm& 51{t


Hltl & Morton, he.' ---D;;lm 5t ulfatf ............^Ndm rr7'

Horal lrrnbcr CmPrnY, ----2tr4 a A|icc Strcoti..... ....'... Glamrt at'l

Pvnmld Lunbcr Srlcr Co., - - iii p"anc Buildlnr .........'.Glacourt lztlt

E. K. Wood Lumbcr Co.. -- -F;" & Khr 36.....'.......Fruitvelc lll2


Strablc Hardrod Cq -.-Ei- Ftt t Stnct..,..............TEmplcber llltr

Whttc Brothcn' -'-iii titrr si*"t ANdovc ltoo



Foyth Hardmod Co. !55 Bryrhcr Blvd. ...............ATnrr Otr

Whlt.,Fifth tnd Brannan Strut. .........Suttd lle


Nlolel Door Srlc. Ce, 3aa5 lttb St!..t ........,...........Mlr.lo ?rA

UDltcd Stltc! Plywood Co, hc., llt Kurar Stret ..................MArLct ltt2

IVhcler-Orjmd Salc Corpondoo, 395 rtth st. ......,...............VA|cnch 22tr


Andcan Lmbcr & Tmtln3 Co., lll Ncr Motgonery SL ..,.......Suttcr lz2s

Buter, J. H. & Co., lll Montgmcry St. ..........,...DOqtar !S!!

Halt Jma L., r0za Mlll. Bldt. ....,......,.......SUrtrr lttl


Cdifmla Buil&rr Supply Co. 71 3tb Avc. ......lilt!r. aU

Roll-A-Way -Whdw- Screcn Co, Ltd. (Be*elcr') tth and Carlto StF€tr.,......,Tl1o;wdl 0E{f

lVcstcn Dw il Suh Co.. 5th & Cypru Sti ..............LAkoi& !f,r


Prnnmt Bullt-In Fi:hrrc Co., ltoil Eert lzth St. ..........'...,..ANdoer ttoi

Perlcer Butt-In Flrtur. Cc (Berkelcv) 2@ Su Peblo Avc. ...,..:,...,Tli6mwall 0@0


Aulo Catitmla Lmbcr Co. ' --irzo ^lr-'iil*-Btvd. " " " "' " "' THmrdl ltr'l

Eokstaver-Bumc Lumbcr Co.' - ---iso Ci"mtcr of Conmere Bldg...PRo'Fd Gtf

Brush Indugtrial llrnber Cc

-' -Sfoi S".-C"ttral Ave. .' .CEntury 201EE

Chamberlin & Co.' W. R.' --i:G W. xutr'st ..,..............VAd|kc otlr

Dotbcer & Cm Lumbq Co-

-- ni na"lry Blds. ..'......'......vAndkb rr92

"'ff3*ttJ"*"9TT1: pR*Fct z160

Holmer Eurcka Lumbcr Co., '"Hiiri-'iiitlt"ctr- blar.' ...'... Mutud nsr

Hwcr, A. L.- ---?i.'sc I:'Bna Avc. ..."'.""""'Yorlc ll6t

G D. Johm Lubq CsP.'

601 Petrcle|D Seoritice Bld8....PRGPCd lrts

Kellv-Smlth Co-

-- bt-qa, Glrfrad BHr. ..,... Mlchfuar tozl

Kuhl Lumbcr ComPalY, Carl H.'

{3t CLanbcr of Conncrcc Bld3...PRcFct trlo

l:wrmce-Pbltipe Lunbcr Co-

GC Pctrolcirn Securltilt BLilt...PRorD.ct tUl

MacDonald & Bergettu' tnc,

?3t Pctrolcum Sccurlder BUs....PRaFct Tftl

MrcDmld & Haninrtm, Lt&, 5l? Potrolm Sccrrlttar Bldt...PRaDGd ila


Paclflc Lumbsr Co. Ttc tn 30. Lr Bn Avc. ................YOrt frar

Patta-Blhn frnbcr Co!

5Zt E. 5th St. ...............'....VAndlka 2t2l

Rod Rlvc Lubcr Co.

7ol E. Slam .CEntury 290?l

lGll So. Bndray ..,,,....,......PRocpect Glll

Reltz Co., E. L,

1B Pctrolcum Sccrrrldcr Bldg. .,PRocpect 86e

San Pcdre Lrnbcr Co- Su P.dro'

fs00A Wilmlngto Rqd......,..Su Pedrc Zlll0

Sutr Fc Lubq Co!U Fiudd CGrt r Bld8..,.,..VAndikc l{?l

Scbalcr Bm. L.unbcr & SDhsl,! C...'

lz2r W. M. Gsbnd Blik.........TRinlF aal

Shevlin Pine Saler Co-

32E Petrcleum Seruitie Bldg. PRGFct C6l5

Suddcn & Chrlrtenson, GtO Bord of Tn& Bl&. ...,....TRhtty ttla

Taona Lumber Sale&

,123 Petrolem Seorltier Btd8...PRdFct UOt

Union Lu:nber Cq-

t23 W. M. Gerlud 81ft.,.........TRbttr Zt2

Wendling-Natiu Co.,

700 So, I: Bm Arc. ..............YOrL lllt

Wilki$on and Buoy, 3rt W. Oth SL ...,....,.........., TUckcr l4ll

E. K. Wood Lmbar Co., |7nl Sante Fo Avc. .............,JEfiam tUl

Wayerharoa Salcr Co., t:t0 W. M. Garland Bldj.........Mlchlgen GSl


Cadmllader-Glbm Co., Inc,, 3aAt Eilt Olmplc Blv.L ........4N3chr fllll

St nto, E. J., & Sm, 2050 Eut ttth Strut............CEntury itlll



Cllttmh Paul I Vcncr f.o, t55 Sc Alancda SL...........,....TRh|ty lf,it

Helcy Bra., Santa Molct

-- -Ia Angcler Phru .,............REpub11c 0t0l

Kcbl, Jno. W. & So, 052 So Myon St. ..........,.....ANgc|u tltl

Oregon-Wuhington Plywod Co., 3tt Wcst Nlnth Strcct .............Tudcr l|lf

Red Rlvcr Lumbcr Co.

?02 E. Slaucm ,.CEntury l!O?l

Sanpcor Cmpcny (Pasrd€E)

745 So. Raymmd Aw. Bl.uchard 72111

Unlted Statcr Plyvod Co., lnc., 1930 Elst tsth St. .,..............PRcpcct lOl:t .Wcst Cott Smcn Co., U45 E. 63rd Stret ...."......,.....ADu tllOt

Wct Ccrt Plywood CG, fr5 W. Ntnlh St. .....,........,...VAndike 0610

Whelcr-Osgod Salcr Corpcation' 2l$t Sacnmcnto St. ...............TUckcr r|t6l


Ancricu Lmber & Treatlng Coo fctf So. Brodmy ..............PRo.pct S55!

Butca J. H. & Co.. |!t' lvegt 5th St. ................Mlch|iro



Architects and contractors in growing numbers are refusing to accept substitutes when Redwood is specified for window frames, exterior walls and trim. Many specify Redwood for the window sills on everJ, job, as the one sure way to minimize the risk of splits, checks and shrinkage. The reasons why it is best for sills apply equally for all other members.

Today's active market is creating a demand for quality products. Prospective home owners want the utmost for each building dollar. Be prepared to take care of your trade with adequate stocks of Hammond Quality Redwood, in all grades.


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