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7th Floor. Alaska-Commercial Bldg.,

Ancdcrn Mill c.o. ^o"T

Hoquiem Lumbcr & Shinglc Co.

Hulbcrt Milt Co.

I7illepe Hrrbor Lumbcr Milb


6t0 Boad of Tradc Bldg e n' voL

310 Sansome Street, San Francisco STEAMERS

Ryder Hanily

Hoquiem' woh- Dorothy cehilt

Ab.!d..r$ Vuh. Jane Chrirtcaroo

Rryrnoad, \9erh. Cherler Ctrirtcnron Breach Oficcr: SEATTLE

National Banl of Cmoacc Bldg.

Charlie Ditewig, West Oregon Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has returned from a trip to the company,s mill at Portland, Ore.

R. W. Dalton, California sales representative of West Coast Plywood Co., is back from a business trip to Northern California. He was a San Francisco Fair visitor and attended the Reveille, held in Oakland, April21.

Jack Robinson, general manager, Robinson Manufacturing Co., Everett, Wash., was a recent visitor at the offices of the Lawrence-Philips Lumber Company, Los Angeles, their Southern California agents.

Corydon Wagner, president of St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma, visited the offices of Tacoma Lumber Sales, Los Angeles, around the middle of April. He was accompanied by his family on the trip and they took in the San Francisco Fair on the way north.

Annie Chrirtcruoa

Edwin Chlirt t|!on

Cethcrinc G. Suddca

Eleanor Chrirtcuon

PORTLAND member Lumber annual

200 Hcnry Bldg.

E. G. (Dave) Davis, Union Lumber Co., Los Angeles, spent a few days at the co,mpany's mill at Fort Bragg, Calif., last week. Dave attended the big Reveille gathering in Oakland, April22.

Edwin G. Gallagher, Northern California representative of Aberdeen Plywood Co., Aberdeen, 'Wash., has moved his office to Room X)2, Balboa Building, 593 Market Street, San Francisco. His telephone number remains the same. SUtter 6252.

F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, of the executive committee of the National Retail Dealers' Association, will attehd the Association,s convention at Washington, D. C., May 9 and 10.

H. G. Larrick, Barr Lumber Company, Solano Beach, was a Los Angeles visitor on April 20.

Curtis Companie Service Bureau

* Monolith Portland Ceme,trt Company * gz"rrdling Nathan Co. ----------- -- -.------___________-21




Bureau, fnc. ------------

J. E. MABTIN McncAing Editor

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