1 minute read
Every Wheeler Osgood door now bears a distinctive paper label, securely attached to the bottom rail. On Deluxe Grade A doors, this label features the famous Wheeler Oegood guataatee! Today, these fine doors are easier to sell than ever before, thanks to this n€w system, that thousands call "the greatest idea in the door industry t"
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Age not guaranteed---Some I havc told for 20 years---Some Less
Nothing Weak About Him
The American soldier never loses his sense of humor, or his competitive spirit, regardless of circumstances.
An American army troopship, so the story goes, struck rough weather. The ocean kicked up quite a fuss and the boys, none of them accustomed to having their equilibriums unset in any such manner, were appropriately seasick. The rail was lined with seasick soldiers paying tribute to Nep-
Attend Chicago Meeting
Bernard B. Barber, of Fresno, secretary of Lumber Merchants Asscoiation of Northern California; Orrie W. Hamilton, San Diego, secretary, Southern California Retail Lumber Association, and F. Dean Prescott, Fresno, executive committee member of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, attended an emergency meeting of the National Association held in Chicago, April 20, 2l and 22.