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How Lumber Looks
In Califotuia, tte change during the part two weekr har been clrpriring. The whole outlook is brisht. The 6r cargo market ir good and there are indicationr that it witl continire to advanJe due to the curtailment in efiect. All the 6r mills plan a curtailment oI2$/si rome will effect thic by operating only five dayr a week, otheqe throrrg-h an ex' t;d;d rhutdown at roms future date. Mort of the Grayr Harbor millr are down, and it ir poraible ttrat rome of theee millr witt remain down urtil after the Fourth of July. As the Graye Harbor dirtrict ie the heaviert factor in the California rnertet, the curtailment will be felt materiallyFir cargo quotationr have advanced conriderably in-the-lart two weekr. - No. 3 Com,mon har advanced $1.5O; thir itern ic rcarce and rome of the millr have witbdrawn frorn the market, refusing to make quotationr. No. I and No. 2 com' mon show an increare of $l.fi) to $1.50. The clear market is very rtrong: rtarh grain uppef,! are up $159 and vertical grain -items fiave advanced about $5.OO: Wholeralen refort that it b very difficutt to get the millr quote on itema, erpecidly on clcarr.
The fir rait merket ir reported much rtronger with all itemr ehowing an advance in pricer. Good lath are rcarce end in good Jemand with tbe market conriderably rtrongcr. The rhingle market ehowr no change.
The redwood market ir active and rtockc are moving well' The cxport demand har rhown irnproverncnt The Centrd .dmerican denrand ir holdins up will. California burinegt ir
Mason Kline has joined the Union Lumber Company-.organization with headquarters in their.Fan Francisco office' IIe will act as sales engineer and will devote his time to the inspection of piling and timbers, consultilg- with the confractors and engineers, and the prornotion of the use of redwood for heavy construction. Mr. Kline was associated with the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. for several vears where he was connected with their piling department; iirst at their St. Helens plants and later in their San Francisco and New York offices. His work in New York took him away from California about three years ago, and his lumbermin friends are glad to see him located on the Pacific Coast again.
Pickering Mills Start
The Standard mill of the Pickering Lumber Company resumed operations, April 16, and the Tuolumne mill started up April 23.
Advertiring Ratcr on Applicatioa veqr ratirfactory. For the week ending l!"y 5, the Ctf*,' nit -Redwood Arsociation barometer, 14 mills reporting' r["*iOta"tt received, 9,295 M feet; Prod'uction, 6'934 M feet; ShipmenJa, 81674 M f€et.
Tit; dtmand'for California White and Sugar pine. continuec good with pricer strengthening.- ^Min rtocks are none a;;i";ttf"t. Th; Cafifornia demand for box and ttre com;;"-;;J"; ir ratisfactory. The Cdif-o-rnia White and Sugar ni" -A*""l"tion report -"ho*t the following !gg:f !*. Q' firrt 17 weeks of -1928: Production, 279'657,Ofl) feet; Shipmentr, 415;586,0fi) feet; Orders Received, 4llroz4..OOO feeL rhowr the foito*i"g figrrrer for the Wert Coart mmf-#e"'s A*ociation for thit rame period: Productiont 1,9e5pt?;i C r ru"t ; Shipmentr. 1,926,408,541 f eet ; Ord.errt 2.109,052,879 feet. Orderr for the correlponding penod in 1927 amotmted to 1,336,758'224 feet; --- ff. t"t"f hardwood'nr'ovement for the firrt 17 weekr 9f tf,e vJ, a.cording to the reportrllo11g: Prodrrction, 740'' ti1;ooo' reet; striinretttE, 716,816,(X)o feet; ordere, 78o'363,000 feet.
The total softwood lumber movement for the firrt-l7 -".to "i-igzA, baceJ on the weekly analy-sir of the Na' tional Lumber Manufacturers' Arsociation, rhowr: II"9o"tion, 4,O96,152,059 feet; Shipmentr,^ 4,336,467'371. feet; Orders;4,605,109,111 feet. Orders for the rame period in 1927 amounted to 3,80513381738 feet.
W;;i;i"gtott. D. C., Aprll 28.-The Western Division of the National 'Lumber Manufacturers' Association had .ttrrg" "t the principal features of "Lumbermen's Night", npriT ZS, at the "Better Homes 'Week" program at the Civic Auditorium, San Francisco.
R- W, Smith, field engineer, talked on home construction and sho*ed some fifty Jlides of the exterior and interior of h;;;t in Caliiornia,'Oregon and Washington' Winfie-ld Scott, publicity representative of the division, talked on the foresis as the iource of building materials and showed about sixty colored slides of forest and mill operations'
Hull Brothers To Expand Business
Reseda is the new site chosen by Hull Brothers, sash and door manufacturers of Holll'wood, for their new yard' The new stucco office building at Sherman Way and Canby streets, Reseda, has just been completed and the formal opening of the t'ts1v ),'ard is to take place in abottt trvo weeks'