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C. E. Garrison Moves Into New Yard at Long Beach
Formal opening of the new lumber yard of C. E. Garrison, lumber and building material dealer, located at 1100 Obispo avenue, Long Beach, was held on Saturday, April 14. l|he new lumber office is a very pretty structure and from a front view it has the appearance of a bungalow set well back from the street rvith an attractive lawn in front. The interior of the office is divided into a general business office and a. private office for Mr. Garrison. In the general office gum is used and in the private office the woodwork is finished in ribbon grained mahogany with the ofifice furniture in both rooms matching the interior trim. The textured plllter walls and ceilings are artistically decorated.
The yard has a frontage of 726 feet on Obispo avenue and a depth of more than 400 feet with 400 feet of Pacific Flectric trackage on the ground. Starting in business here hve years ago, Mr. Garrison has developed the business to the point where the firm now operates seven trucks of its own and also uses four additional trucks most of the time.
. Mr. Garrison is.a pioneer in the lumber business, having been connected rvith the industry for twenty-five years. H-e has served as a buyer,-bookkeeper, auditor, generaf manager for a line yard .orgalization and sales maniger for a laige northern sawmill. lle came to Long Beacd from Seattl=e, re ro Long beach trom Seatile, an{,p_1o1 to moving into the new yard. his yard was located at 3757 East Anaheim street. For the past eiehteen months. past eighteen months, Mr. Garrison has maintained a branch yardlt South Gate.
LrvtHc Poov ura' .l+'-o'
Dubmrbbrne, For Youn consrderabion the"home beaubi Ful. the v.ery.latest rn modern home conslruction.
Note the atbracLive ter'race bhe entry.rvibh large closeb, fpacro^us,l ivt n$ room, sunnY breaP,re|.sE alcove, compacE hitchen and ubrliby shower balh. All oF these feibures are housedwithrn a mosb pleasing exberior.

Joe Cuneo Calling On The Trade Again
Joe Cuneo, representative for White Brothers, San Francisco, is calling on the trade again after being confined to his home for three weeks with a severe attack of influenza. He rvorks the country from Eureka to Bakerfield. He resum€d his work on May 14. Joe states that he is feeling fine again and is able, as heretofore, to take care of "ever1'thing in hardwoods" that the trade might require.
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Hold Forest Week Program
Forest Week was fittingly observed by the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club at their meeting on Thursday, April 26, at the Commercial Club, Los Angeles. L. A. Barrett, San Francisco, Assistant District Forester. United States Forest Service, gave an interesting talk on forestry. Weston Clark, Department of Water and Power, City of Los Angeles, talked on the Boulder Dam and gave a general survey of this project.
The meeting was rvell attended. President J. E. I\Iartin presided over the business session.
C. W. Pinkerton, past president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, and president of the Whittier Rotary Club, rvas a delegate to the Rotary Convention, May IO to 12, at Sacramento.
The Sheridan Lumber Co. have opened a new lumber yard at 4831 Exposition Blvd.. Los Angeles. The yard is under the management of Bud Sherman.