6 minute read
Pacific Coast Group of lr{ational Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers Meet at Sacramento
The tri-annual meeting of the Pacific Coast group of the National Association of-Wooden Box Manufi" tutir" *"t held at the Hotel Senator, Sacramento, Calif., on April 2Z and %. Walter S. Johnson, chairman of the executivi committee of the Pacific Coast group, was chairman of the meeting.
In discussing trade promotion activities, it was suggested that the Chicago, or San Francisco office issue a iircular outlining a sales talk which can be used by box salesmen in and dury ...o,,a.a, it was resolved that only contributing members of this Association, who are actively engaged. in the manufacture or sale of wooden shook, or boxes, shall be eligible for election, or to serve as members of the Executive Committee of the Pacific Coast group of this Association. ft was recommended that all members of this Association use an emblem or trademark on their letterheads and invoices, together with a slogan such as "Better Boxes Benefit Business", and a notice to the effect that whenever a box manufacturer uses such an emblem and slogan, (use restricted to members of this Associaiion), it iignides that there is a concerted endeavor on the pari of boi manufacturers to_ maiptain a high quality for fheir products.
The Chicago and San Frincisio offices w6re instructed to gat-hey mate-rial and, make suggestions concerning emblem and-slog_an for consideration at the August meeti-ng of the Pacific Coast group.
Upon notice made and duly seconded, it was unanimously resolved that the chairman appoint a committee to investigate as to cost of an exhibit of boxes and box shook to be displayed at the next State Fair at Sacramento. This committee was instructed to report their findings to the Executive Committee for final action. The following committee was appointed by the chairman: Curt F. Setzer, Setzer B9x C_o-., Sa_cramento, Calif.; R. K. Blasingame, lugar Pine T4r. _Q9., Pingdale, Calif.; J. F. Dalgett, Ewauna Box Co., Klamath Falls, Ore.
Discussion concerning revised specifications for standard railway containers for transportation of citrus fruit, deciduous fresh fruit and Vegetables, (Pacific Freight Tarifi Bureau Circular No. 17-8, and Supplement No. 5), upon motion duly made and seconded, it was resolved that the chairman appoint a committee to confer with the Transcontinental Freight Bureau, to recommend to the carriers the adoption of a bundle measuring not less than 11 inches, with saw-dust-out, lor r/4-inch shook manufactured 5 pieces from I l3-32.inch lumber, using standard 19 gauge Saws; also, that this committee take up with the-Trinscontinental Freight Bureau the matter of 11-l6inch, 5-16-inch and other thicknesses of manufactured wooden box shook, in an endeavor to establish thicknesses which will be satisfactory to the railroads, and which will conform with present lumber manufacturing practices. The following committee was appointed: Chas. McGowan, Lassen Lbr. -& Box Co.. Su- sanville, Calif.; Robt. L. Ferral, McCloud River Lbr. Co., McCloud, Calif.; W. H. Trainer, Klamath Lbr. & Box Co., 4lamath Falls, Ore.; R. K. Blasingame, Sugar Pine Lbr. Co., Pinedale, Cal.; C. R. Wisdom, California Pine Box Distributors, San Francisco. Calif.
\ Discussion of the new light weight cannery case, which was adopted and recommended by a unanimous vote at the last_m-eeting of the Pacific Coast group on December 1 and 2, 1927-this matter rvas again voted upon and by an unanimous vote it was again decided to adopt and recommend the use of the light weight cannery case, which will insure the return of cannery business which has now gone to the paper-fibre container.
The subject of standardization was discussed at some length, and on motion made and duly seconded, it was unanimously resolved that the chairman appoint a committee to study the present box shook rules of the California Pine Box Manufacturers of California and Southern Oregon for the grading of California Pine Box Shook, and that this committee make recommendations concerning any necessary changes in these rufes, and submit these recommendations at the next meeting of the Pacific Coast group. It was recommended that this committee confer with the fruit shippers and railroads in carrying on this work. The following committee was appointed: A. F. Wortman, California Fruit Exchange, Sacramento, Calif.; C. A. Webster, Stockton Box Co., Stockton, Calif.; Robt. L. Ferral, McCloud River Lbr. Co., McCloud, Calif.; A. J. Voye, Big _L.akes_ Fox_Co., Klamath Falls, Ore.; Earl Weimar, Suga-r Pine Lbr. Co., Pinedale, Calif.
The subject of better printing was discussed, and it was the consensus of opinion that all members should endeavor to increase the efficiency of their printing plants, and endeavor to secure the co-operation of their customers in this matter.
Dqring the morning session on April 28, Professor Emanuel Fritz, Associate Professor of Forestry, University of California, Berkeley, gave a most interesting talk on iumber and box manufacture, and moisture contEnt. Professor Fritz was invited to attend the next meeting, and requested to prepare a paper on "Moisture Content" to be read at that meerng.
The secretary was instructed to prepare a circular once a month, giving a list of used machinery which our members may wish to dispose of ; also, a liit of our members desiring to purchase used machinery or equipment.
On motion made and duly seconded, it was unanimously resolved to hold the next meeting of the Pacific Coast groui at 5lamath Falls, Ore., some time after the l5th of Augusi, r9n.
The following registered : Frank Earr, Dav^ies-Johnson Lbr. Co. .,. ......Calpine, Cal. W. C. Bartlett, Sierra Box Co. ..Tri'ain. Cal. Ernest Bauer, Salt I-ake Box & Lbr. Co. ..,..Salt Lake City,'Utah S. Benton, Diamond Match Co. Ctriiil. Cal. R. K. Blasingame, Sugar Pine Lbr. Co. ... ....Pinedale. Cal.
$.,R. Fgnsla, Wegt Coast Lbr. Bureau ...Longview, Wash. \. Q. [_a1ts, Lassen Lbr. & Box Co. .......Susanvillei Cal.
Robert L. Ferral, McCloud River Lbr. Co. McCloud, Cal. C. A. Webster, Stockton Box Co. ....Stockton. Cal, l,_. !. {room, Madera-S_ugar Pine_C9. .:........r..,-Madera, Cal. 4. _F. Wortman, California Fruit Exchange ......Sacramento; Cal.
Emanuel Fritz, University of California ....Berkeley, Cal. Earl Weimar, Sugar Pine Lbr. Co. ... .Pinedale. Cal.
$._O._Fry, American-Machine & Mfg. Co. .....San Erancisco, Cal. E. L. Ziegler, Sacramento Brokerage Co. ..,,.....Sacramento, Cal.
J. L. George, Parker Machine Works .Riverside, Cal.
H. M, Hargrave, Ewauna Box Co. ....Klamath Falls, Ore, rtova n. nl.t, tomii" Box Co. ......M.ai.ra, ori.
Officials Of The Pacific Lumber Company
{. -J, Egskin_s, Se_tzer Box Co. ..... .Sacramento, Cal. RETURN FROM EASTERN TRIPS
S. M. Hawkins, Western Wood-Worker ........San Francisco. Cal.
George Hieb, California Pine Box Dis. ....Lodi, Cal. P. C. McNevin, general sales manager, and R. F. HamilC.W]Horni6rook,EwaunaBoxCo. ....KlamathFalls,'Ore. ton, manager of western sales, for The Pacific Lumber
Walter {. Eunt, Columbia Steel Corp. San Francisco, Cal. Company, recently returned to San Francisco from business walter G. Hvman, Pacific Box Factorv ..San Francisco, cal. trips to_iiastern poirrt.. Mr. McNevin's trip included visits
W. L. Johns, Red River Lbr. Co. ...Westwood, Cat. to the New York and-Chic_ago offices of the company, and
Walter S, Johnson, Tarter, Webster & Johnson , San Francisco, Cal.
W. G. katrtian, McCloud River Lbr. Co. ......S"tt p'ia".i"i", C.i. the main objective of Mr. Ifamilton's trip was thi c6nvenMark Kelly, lalt Lake Box & Lbr. Co. Salt Lake City, Utah tion of the Lumbermen's Association of Texas, held at
!. Knudsen, Paxton Nailing Mch. Sales Co.....San Francisco, Cal. Houston, April l0 to 12,
C. D. Le Master, The Axiom :...... ......Sacramento, Cal.
A. G. Linn, McCloud River Lbr. Co. ......McCloud, Cal.
!. {.-It{ackall,.Weston Basket & Barrel Co. ....San Francisco, Cal. WILL CUT ALDER AND MApLE
R. W. Maples, Dwight Lbr. Co. San Francisco, Cal.
W._G. lyI"!*tt, c"iit- Fine Box Distributors.....S;; Ft;;ai;a;; a;i. Sedro Hardwood Co._recently started operating the Cory
R. G. McGlashan, Chas. R. McCormick Lbr. Co....San Die.g-o, Cal. mill ..at Sedro-Wooley, Wash., cutting abbut 15,@O feet of chas. McGowan, Lassen Lbr. & Box co. ._..Susanv'Jle, cal. aldy'r and maple daily. lermln?aine, Southern California Box Co. .....Los_Ang_eles, Cal. / -' - ----r-- ---'r
John R. Be, S. H. Chase Lbr. Co. ....San Jose, Cal. t -
Ma* Reilly, Salt Lake Box & Lbr. Co. .......Salt Lake City, Utah f ORANGE BELT LUMBERMEN MEET AT
M. Beinstein, A_merican_Mac[ing & Ufg. Co. ...San Francisco, 9^1. f RMRSIDE
J. W. Roulhac, Madera Lbr. & Box Co. Los Angeles. Cal.J ii. Ro;;;e;it.r"i;-Frrit Eor,""l"-...-...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.:..c;;;""J;l d;i:v _ The Orange Belt I-umbermen's Club met at the White
J. A. Sackett, California Door Co. :..........Diamo^nd Sprin-gs, Cal. llo_t Cafe. Riverside, on Tuesday evening, May 8. Earl Qurl F. S.9tz^er,.Setz^er..Box Co. ... .....:....Sa-cramenio, Cal. E. Bowe, Los Angeles representaiive of thE'National Lum_ toti?::t] l-Demand-greater every day because architects are specifying it.
:.T::1 3':i:il':..YT.1.i:.":....1'.1"""5.f:l.isco, car. ber Manuractureis' Assbciation, addreised the. meeting. R;;b; W. S-iitt, f.l"ii. fr-t.r Mig.r. e.rn.'..San Francisco, Cat. During th_e_afternoon, the lumbermen inspected the neiv M. F. Stone, California Pine Box Dia. .. ...Sacramento, Cat. Cresemer llfanufacturing Co. plant at Riveiside.
Four reagons why you should stock Brown'r Supercedar Cloret Linin g.
2-Cost-about the same as lath and plaster.
3-Easily Handledpackid in 6bre-board, damp-proof boxes. No depreciation. No broken tongues and grooves.
4-Profit-lt speaks for itself.
I-ct us senil you lurther information anil quole you prices.
Northern California Distributorr