4 minute read
Pioneer Company Launch Extensive Newspaper Advertising Campaign
Manufacture of a superior quality article in this day of highly competitive selling is not in itself a guaranty of business success, it was brought out in a trade survey of the 11 western states prepared by J. H. Plunkett, general manager of the Pioneer Paper Company of Los Angeles.
Without service to adequately back up the product the most carefully fabricated article is scheduled to become a business "flop", the report declared.
"There was a day when the wbrld may have beaten'a pathway to the door of the champion mousetrap maker," Plunkett stated, "but that day has gone, if it ever existed. An investigation of many of the commercial failures would most probably reveal production of a good article, but failure to tell the world about it and to back it up with service. In the lexicon of the modern industrialist there is only one guaranty of success-consumer satisfaction."
It was knorvledge of this truism, gained through more than 40 years of experience in the manufacture of roofing materials, that led the Pioneer company recently to launch the most extensive newspaper advertising campaign in its history, the executive asserted. Appearing simultaneously in 8O newspapers throughout the Western and Pacific Coast cities, the campaign has been successful in acquainting the home-owner and builder with one of the cardinal principles of Pioneer operation, consumer satisfaction all the way down the line from raw material manufacture to applied roof.
"This has been brought about through concentration on the selection of the highest calibre business men in each community to represent us as dealers, and to the training and appointment of equally high class firms to act as authorized experts in the application of the Pioneer Yosemite rocksurfaced shingles which make. up the bulk of sales to the home-owner." Plunkett declared.
"Because of this the purchaser knows he is buying not only a product backed by the reputation of a $5,@0,000 Los Angeles organization, but is also circulating his money in his own community, is securing skilled work in the application of the material he buys and is insuring to himself and his family years to the utmost satisfaction of the product in service."
The advertising campaign tells of the Pioneer plan for three-way roof protection, and stresses the idea of the factor that has aided materially in increasing the sales of Pioneer produc;5-"fts-fteof Now-Pay Later." It advises the home-owner to consult the reliable lumber, building material or hardware dealer in his community rvho handles the shingles.
It is announced that the Red River Lumber Company's mill at Westwood will operate on a five and a half day week for an indefinite period.
There Is A Reason
Why the largent mills are installing our IMPROVED AIR COOLED REFUSE BURNERS.
WE ARE ABLE to care for your requirementr for air cooled and brick lined refure burners_ new and used boilers of all rizes and gpes.
Seattle, Warh.
IIamm, Grant & Bruner, Inc., Engineers, 607 Fer$uson Building, Los Angeles, have been retained by the Pacific Manufacturing Co. of Santa Clara, Calif., to prepare architectural and engineering plans for a complete new plant for the manufacture of sash, doors and general millwork. The building will be one-story, 384x486 feet, with brick and concrete walls, sawtooth roof, cement floors and composition roofing. A sprinkler system and sprinkler tank and tower will be installed. The plans will include a boiler house and boiler plant, arranged to burn sawdust for fuel, a sawdust bin and dust collection system, and a battery of dry kilns. The plans will also include changing over the steam driven machinery of the present plant to unit motor drive and the power wiring and motor layout for this installation. The cost of the new plant will be approximately $225,00O.
California State Fair Building To Be Built Of Wood
Washington, D. C., April28.-The new Machinery Building to be built on the State Fair Grounds at Sacramento, Calif., will be constructed almost entirely of wood, it is reported by the trade extension field men of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, who have been working on the project several months. Approximately 500,000 feet of lumber will be used.
Specifications call for lumber "strictly and unconditionally graded according to Standard Grading Rules." Field men report much difficulty in obtaining dry lumber for the building within the time limit.
A. G. Thies, manager of Bridge-Sullivan Manufacturing Co., Seattle, originators and manufacturers of the now wellknown Driftwood stains, is on a business trip to California which will occupy about a month.
When in San Francisco he conferred with Max Cook, farmstead engineer, in charge of the Architectural Service Bureau of the California Redwood Association, regarding the perfecting of co-operative working arrangements for getting out new and distinctive transparent stains which preserve and protect the natural beauties of Redwood.
Mr. Thies will also spend some time in Los Angeles and San Diego.
Stuart Bothwell In San Francisco
Stuart S. Bothu'ell has severed his connection with the retail yard of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Diego. where he was in charge of the milling and mining department. He rvas visiting San Francisco early in May, renewing old acquaintances.
Watch it flash on the highway! Study its vigorous answer to the question ofcity trafficlSee how it puts a world of z-z-z-ZIP into the job of light, heavy-duty transportation! " Then you'11 understancl its popularity ! Put a Flyer Six to work for yott. and you'll forget you cvcr had a ton-anda-half problcrn. But you won't forget the economy, performance, endurance of thc Flyer Six. ..