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West Coast Lumber Bureau Presents Western Red Cedar Shell to University of Washin$ton
The Western red cedar racing shell rvhich the West Coast Lumber Bureau presented to the Associated Students of the University of Washington, Seattle, at Christmas time was christened recently with appropriate ceremony.
Previous to the christening R. W. Vinnedge, treasurer of the Bureau, presented the shell to Darwin Meisnest, graduate manager of the Associated Students. Mrs. M. Lyle Spencer, wife of President Spencer of the University, then broke a bottle of water, from the three-mile racing course on Lake Washington, on an iron bar held above the bow of the shell. She was assisted by Mrs. George Pocock, wife of the shell builder, and Mrs. Al Ulbrickson, wife of the University crew coach. The shell was christened "Western Red Cedar".
The shell was used for the first time in the race rvith the University of California held in Seattle on April 6. It is to be used later in a racing regatta at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.