6 minute read
Electric Hand Saw
Thc saw you take to the lumber instead of the lumber to the saw.
Built in sizes for dl clesscs of work whete a portable hand saw czur be used.
Operates from ordinary light socket. Weight l0 to 26 lbs.
The 10.1b. saw ideal for cutting veneer.
\Vhy not investigate the many places you cirn use a SKILSAW in your businece?
SynAon motorless elecAiC hammere for con. crete &illing and chipping. For erecting machin. cry and remodeling jobs.
Elecuic Drills - All Sizes
Tools Sold . Rented - Repaired
3OE East Third Street - Los Angeles
Mutual 7508
Lieut. Henry J. Hoey, of the Boeing Air Transport Co., San Francisco, talked on "Commercial Aviation," and showed two reels of pictures to the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club at their regular meeting held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, April 26.
The speaker sketched briefly the history of the Air Mail in United States, telling members that the Boeing Company now operates 600O miles daily on the San FranciscoChicago and Los Angeles-Seattle routes, on which they have the contracts for carrying mail. Tr,r'enty-four ships, carrying 160O lbs. of mail and freight, and two passeng'ers in a closed cabin, are used between San Francisco and Chicag:o. Similar ships with room for four passengers will soon be used on the Coast. Three large tri-motored, 12 passeng'er ships will soon be placed in service on the transcontinental run. These will have individual reclining chairs. A buffet tunch rvill be served, and travel will be comparable in every way to that on the European lines.
The first reel of pictures showed the evolution of the airplane from the first machine flown by the Wright Brothers, up to the most modern machines in use today, showing sorne "shots" of Col. Lindbergh in his memorable trans-Atlantic flight. This was most interesting, and particularly so inasmuch as there is only one other copy of this film in existence. The second reel was also very good, and was par-, ticularly interesting owing to the fact 'ihit it showed cleirly the accident to Commander Byrd's plane, the "America," in which the late Floyd Bennett was seriously injured.
Robert S. "Bob" Grant, California Door Co.. was chairman of the day, and president Bert Johnson presided.
Rees Blow Pipe Mfg. Co., San Francisco, has just completed an extension of the Blower system for the Sugar Pine T.umber Co., Pinedale, to handle the increased capacity in their resaw department.
Drinnon Lumber Company Adding New Sheds
The Drinnon Lumber Company at Palmdale, California, is doubling its capacity for storing lumber by the addition of several new sheds and one sash and door room.
O. D. Ruse and D. W. Blair have ope'ned a new retail lumber yard at Stockton which will be operated under the name of the Ruse-Blair Lumber Co. Mr. Ruse and Mr. Blair are well known in the Valley District and both were formerly associated with Tilden Lumber & Mill Co. yard at Stockton.
l92t Edition of
Register and Year Book
of thc Wcrtcrn Lurabcr ladurtry ir Now Rcedy Blg3cr and Bett€r than ever; 480 pages covering every bruch of thc _Loggtng- _and Lumber Indrr.stry in Washington, Ore'gon, California, Ld_aho,- .Montana.,- Arizona, Nevada, New Mcicb, Wfoming, Britisf Columbia, and Alaska. 5500 separate firms listed.-
For the Scller to tbe Lumber fndustry it gives Manager, Supcrintendent. Purchasing Agent, Master Mechanrb, capacity, typc bf mill, cquipment, etc. For -the Lumber B-uyer ,it gives Sales- Manager, gpecies of wood sawed, dry kiln, shingles, box shoks, lath, planer, capacity. etc, !f yol wish_ information oJ both largc aad small operations, ordcr Abbey's Register. It lists approximately twi@ as many ai any other bmk covtring the same territory. New pulp and Philippine sectibn.
Bound in bluc cloth, pricc g35lf
The Industrial Senrice Co.
ShcrlocL Buildiag, Portlend, Orc.
(The Clearing Houte)
This Crclumn of "'Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for:
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy
The Fellow Who Wants to Sell
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rqte: 82.s0 per cotutnn inch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hircd
Lumberman Experienced In Sales Wants Position In Southern California
Experienced lumberman would like to become connected with sales organization of wholesale or retail lumber company in Southern California. Has a thorough knowledge of the lumber business from the manufacturing and sales ends of the business and has been connected with some of the large mill operations of the Northwest. Familiar rvith the trade requirements of the Southern California trade. Can furnish excellent references. Address Box C-190, care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants To Handle Shingle Department For Wholesale Concern
Lumberman with experience in all branches of the industry would like to make connection with Southern California wholesaler to handle their shingle department. For the past four years has specialized in shingle in the Northrvest. Would prefer working on a profit sharing bas,is but will consider salary proposition. Also knows the lumber, pole and piling business. Address Box C-193 care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position With Retail Lumber Concern
Several years' experience in Southern California with large retail and wholesale lumber company doing general office work and selling. Can speak Spanish and has had considerable exDerience with the Mexican trade. Would prefer to locate in Los Angeles or immediate territory. Address Box C-194 care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position As Retail Or Salesman
Young Lady Wants Position
Young lady with several years' experience in general office work wanfs position. Has had experience in credits, familiar with filing and all details of ofifice work, can assist with bookkeeping and do stenographic work. Address Box C-196 care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position Representing Wholesaler Or Mill
Lumberman r,r'ith several years' experience would like to represent a mill onvholesaler in the Southern California territory. Knows softwoods and hardwoods and formerly represented large manufacturer. Ready to accept position at once. Can furnish references. Address Box C-197 care California Lumber Merchant.

Lumber Salesman Wants Position
Lumber salesman with experience in California and the Southwest wants position as-salesman representing wholesaler or mill. Will consider position in either of these territories. Knows the Texas and Southwest llumber trade rvell and represented a large manufacturer in this territory for several years. Can give good references. Address Box C-191 care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position
Lumberman with several years' experience in Southern California wants position. Will consider selling or a con' nection with a retail lumber company. Has had experience in selling, general office work and the retail business. Would appreciate an interview. Can give references. Address Box C-192 care California Lumber Merchant.
Several years' experience selling in the ritory for a large retail and wholesale lumber company. Knows the retail lumber trade. Would prefer the Los Angeles territory. Address Box C-195 care California Lumber Merchant.
Los Angeles ter-
Wants To Rent
Fine lumber yard site in Los Angeles. Practically all the necessary equipment on the ground. Spur track on the site. Good location and can be rented at a reasonable figure.' Address Box C-198 care California Lumber Merchant.
The office of the California Lumber Merchant is constantly receiving applications, from both men and women, desiring work with lumber concerns. Most of tfiese have had previous lumber experience.
When you are in need of help of any kind, either office or yard' why not get the habit of calling us first and gtring us an opportunity to be of tervice to you as well as to drose needing employment? There"is no charge with tihis service' to employer or employee.
UMBER with a name-with an & idendfie<] responsibility-must represent the manufacturer's belief in its qualitv. the skill with which it was made,'the experience of its men, the hieh standards governinq production an? the care with which it is seasoned and shipped. ,,,l\x1 is the meaning of the Lbne-Bell trade-mark on lumber and timters-known bv builders from coast to coast and recognized for its uniform qualitv. " " Deilers well realize the orofrt and satisfaction in handline lumber that pledges maximum conitruction valu-e[nown lumbu !
The Long,Bel[ Lumber Company

R. A. Long Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. Lumbernen since 7875
Douglas Fir Lumber, Timbers, Door and Window Franies, Trimpak; WestemHemlock Lumber; Western Red Cedar Siding and Shinglee; Southem Pine Lumber aod Timberc; Southern Hardwood Lumber andTimbers; Oak Floodng, Cellized Oak Flooring Sttips and PIanks and Fabricellized Flooring Blocko; California White Pine Lumber, Sash and Doors. Box Shooks: Creosoted Lumber, Timbers, Posts, Poles, Ties, Guard-Rail Posts, Pilidg.