3 minute read
W.)rrds of flreWest
The preference for Weatern Foreet Producte corriinues wherever permanency in conetrrretion is demanded. The adapta. bility and durability of Douglaa Fir and Redwood are primary qualities in maintaining thie favon
Ifammond lumber comes flom the eelect timber etands of the West. It ie manufactured, graded, kitn dried and machined under careful supervision. Quality is the standird behind Hammond prod. uctso supplemented by the service of an organization that readily reeponds to the market and buyerte neede. Theee factors are in favor of the retail lumber dealer who 66buye from lfammondg.tt

Predictions that the h""uy production in the Northwest --Jf".t NI.. Brown, Spokane,^ Washington, Snark of the during the past few months would lnevitably lead t.o cur- U{terse, addressed-the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club at a tailment later on have come true, and " tt""iy curtailment .qf.i"t meeting o.n Thursd.aY.nool, May 10' Mr' Brown is now under way. rn the Everett district, g0 per_ cent -of qfoke ott the work and activities o{ the order since its inthe mills are curtailing production. At Grays liarbor, thelfeotion, the order's connection rvith the National Lumber mills of the Grays Harbor Lumber c.., G;;;" H;;;;t;- YlManufacturers Association, and the excellent rvork that u'as mercial Co., and Wilson Bros. & Co-p"n] "re "tr,rt ao*n being done by.the..S.t. Louis and Spokane Clubs' He also for an indefinite period, and the following mills ar-e opeja- told"of-the splendid work that the West Coast Lumber ting on a five-day week basi:q: Long-fiell Lumber' co., Trade Extension Bureau was doing for the promotion of Longview, Wash. (2 mills) ; Weyerhaeur., ti*U", Co., wood' He urged- -closer cooperation between all branches Everett, (2 mills) ; Central Coal & Coke Co., Vernoniai of the-industry. Mr. Brown advised the Los Angeles memst. paul & Tacoma Lumber co., Tacoma; chas. R. Mc- bers that he would visit Southern california again later in Cormick Lumber Co., St. Helens, port i,ratow and Port ih. y."t, and at the time the Club will arrange for a night Gamble (3 mills) ; it ".. Nelson Co., i milt; Westport meeling and a concatenation' Lumber Co.; Silverton Lumber Co.; fi"y*"ia l"tiU"t The-meeting.was.well attended and Mr' Brown's address Co. ; Lewis Mills & Timber Co., Raymond; Hoquiam Lum- rvas greatly enjoyed' President J' E' Martin presided' ber & Shingle Co., Hoquiam and many others.
New Yard At Bellflower
It is said that the majority of the Redwood mills are The Harbor Lumber Co. have opened a yard at Bellonly running five days a rveek, and -there is also consider- flower. The yard is under the mahagement of R' C' Naabli curtaihient among the Pine mills in California. pier, who formerly resided in Dallas, Texas.
Buildin-g- p^e_rTil.. in San Francisco totaled 744, with a
Roy Stanton and Henry W. Swafford, E.-J. Stanton &. value of E3,701,861 in April, as against 963 permits with a Son, Los Angeles, are on a business tripio th"e Northrvest' value of $4,939,212 in April' 1927'
They will al"so attend the meeting-of the Pacific Coast u..i .rr
Hardwood Association at Victoria, B. i.;;; Vf"y f7, fS H' C' CLARK CONVALESCING NICELY FOLLOWand 19. They will b;;t""y itttn 1n.i.ofiice for ab6ut three ING RECEiNT OPERATIONS _weeks. t .rvar
H. C. Clark, manager Los Angeles o.ffice of the BoothKelly Lumber Co., is convalescing nicely--following his
DOUGLAS f,f[ pOOn pnfCes ADVANCE ,"."it operations,. In the middle-of npril following. a ,A two-point advance, which is equal to about five_per strenuous-long drive, he was taken to the Santa Monica cent, in the price of Douglas fir doors, went into eff-ect Hospital for-air operation. After remaining in-the hospital M;; /. irrii *". made necessary because of the wide- for i week, he wis returned to his home, but failing to respread curtailment oi-iolgi"t urrd "r"*rniti-op.iaii"trr, ."a cover it was necessa.ry to,l"q""lg_o- 1,1.^:o"d operation' Mr' lu-b",
clark will be away from his office three or four weeks.
f,t ACH month of thc ycar our production of Lauxcin glue .CJ ir ru6cicnt to glue a l'foot,3'ply PLYWOOD PANEL cxtcnding rcrou tha- United Statcr at ta, -llirt- pa-rt1a1d projcctini wcll bcyond thc 12 mi'lc limit into both thc Atlartic "od P""i-6" Occair. Thir production ia made pouiblc bccruec Lauxcin gtuc mcctr all indultrial requirc-mcntl. It rltir6cr thc dcraeidr of plywood and woodworking manufec' turen for a rupcrior watcrproof glue. I.