1 minute read
WhV such dowel construction in Laminex doors? \r/-
VVE put over-sized dowels where stiles and cross-rails meet in Laminex doors, to make absolutely sure that the doors will never sag. Each of these long dowels is ),6 inch in diameter, giving 5o/o more strength and 3o/6 greater holding surface than the shorter half-inch dowels often used.
But longer, larger dowels are not the only reason why a Laminex door is better than the ordinary kind. If you will look closely at the bottom rail and the stile in this illustration, where the wood has been cur away to show the merhod of construction, you will see that the rail and srile are built up on a core of separate blocks. These clear, vertical grained blocks, gripped between straighr, fullJength, rigid braces, neutralize among rhemselves any tendency of a Laminex door to shrink, swell or warp. All parts of a Laminex door, including rhe clear sheets of wood used to cover the stiles and cross-rails, are held togerher permanently by Larninex cemenr-a secret compound that is absolutely warerproof and actually stronger than wood.
Ask your jobber about Laminex doors
Progressire distriburors can supply you promptly wirh popular designs of Laririnex doors. If you are unabllio ger Liminex ioors from your job&r, write us and we will'give you the nari'e of a |obber who will iuppiy you. The success of Lamin& hai tempted other manufacturers ro offei ^ueneered doors, outwardly resembling La'minex doors, but lacking the moistureresistance of genuine Laminex warerDroof cement. No ddor but Laminex can stand the famous water-soaking teir. For your own protecrion, insist on doors that bear the yellow repi-acement gua.antee iabel and the name ..LAMINEX.''
TuB WnBBlrn, Oscooo Co.
Tacoma, Washington.
Please send me plete information on vour new book with com, Laminex doors.