1 minute read
Here is a door you can ttust never to sag or stick
\t! E get mighty enthusiastic when we start to describe our Laminex French door. And you'll be fust as enthusiastic about it, yourself, after you have installed a few and hnd out that no Laminex door, whether it is a French door or any other type, can possibly give you any trouble. You'll never have to go back to a f ob to refit and refinish a Laminex French door. If you hang it right in the first place, your door troubles and the owner's ioor troubles are over for keeps.
WE get mighty e.nthusiastic when we start to describe our Laminex French door. And you'll be iust as enthusiastic about it, yourself, after you have stocked a few and find out that no Laminex door. whether it is a French door or any other type, can possibly give trouble. Your customers will never have to relit and refinish Laminex French doors. If they hang them right in the first place, their door troubles are over for keeps.
lfl Lu-ine* doors are now being *"no- \i $ factured of Philippine Haidwood, $ fi (commonly kno*ir as Philippine $ I Mahogany), as well as Douglas Fir. fl
..,11:ti:f finish just one ordinary door that has started to give trouble. Remember that everylaminex door is absolutely guaranteed.