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The Phoenix Hoo-Hoo Club No. 72. held its first official meeting, on Tuesday, May 8th, at the Adams Hotel at 6:09 P.M. This Club was recently organized by the Phoenix lumbermen at the past Convention of The Lumbermen's Club of Arizona, held in Phoenix, March t6, 1928.
During the dinner which was served for the thirty-five members, the Robert's lazz Orchestra entertained the members with some musicai acts.
After dinner President M. H. McCalla. of The Foxworth McCalla Lumber Company, called the meeting to order. Mr. McCalla introduced the newly elected Mavor of Phoenix, Hon. F. J. Paddock, who bri6fly spoke orr-ro*e of the civic problems the new City Government was now facing, and called on the assistance of the Club for their coopera- tion in the future on all city matters. The Mayor congratulated the lumbermen of the city on their progressive spirit exhibited in the organization of a club that stood for such fine principles.
President McCalla then outlined to the members the purposes and aims of the Club. Mr. McCalla in part said, "In asmuch as the local Hoo-Hoo Club afforded the opportunity for all of the branches of the lumber industry to congregate at frequent intervals, both in a social and business way, it should prove to be of the utmost value to every member and, the lumber business. Further than this the Club would make it possible for the different branches to give much collective thought to important problems that are so vital to the lumber business at this time.
N. H. (Hawk) Huey, State Counselor for Arizona, read the Constitution and By-laws of the new Club, which was signed by the entire membership. "Hawk," who is a member of Hoo-Hoo of long standing offered the Club some valuable advise for their future activities.
Mr. McCalla called on the different members for their ideas as to the future policy and plans of the organization.
John A. (Jack) Johnson, of The John A. Johnson Lumber Co., a veteran of the lumber fraternity of this city and state, in a brief talk paid a very high compliment to the lumbermen of the city. Jack stated that in all his experience he has yet to find a group of lumbermen in any locality that exceeds the Phoenix boys in good fellowship and honorable conduct of their business. He predicted much success and progress for the new club. Jack was one of the first to introduce Hoo-Hoo into the State some years ago, and assisted in most of the early concatenations. He served for some time as one of the first Snarks for the District.
Other members who addressed the meeting were retailers: f The officers of the Phoenix Club are as follows: President ll nI. H. McCalla;Vice President E. V. (Ted) Omalley; Sec- fl retary and Treasurer R. V. Baker. t' Directors: Retailers, L. NI. Hamman; Wholesalers, John A. Johnson; Salesmen, C. P. Henry; Box, J. C. Dolan; Sash and Door, N. C. Pierce.
H. H. Shoup, Joe W. Tardy and King C. Light.
It was ordered that regular meetings of the Club be held at the Adams Hotel in the evenings on the second Monday of each month.
A special program entertainment committee was appointed to work with the Secretary in arranging the programs for the dinner meetings. This committee is as follows: C. P. Henry, E. V. (Ted) Omalley, N. H. Huey and R. V. Baker.
The Phoenix Club consists of 42 members as follows: R. V. Baker, C. E. Beach, J. C. Dolan, William Donaldson, Daniel E. Eubank, Willard A. Earnshaw, Gus E. Engstrom, Hollis B. Finnell, James P. Gibson, L. M. Hamman, J. R. Halstead, J. J. Halloran, Albert A. Hayes, Frank S. Hess, Samuel J. Hindman, N. H. Huey, Joseph H. Hughes, J. A. Johnson, Walter A. Ley, King C. Light, James B. Maris, S. C. MacFarland, M. H. McCalla, J. G. Omalley, E. V. Omalley, E. L. Omalley, N.C.Pierce, H. L. Pride.
T. R. Pearson, Francis Pool, A. S. Reed, J. A. Robertson, G O. Sanford, Louis Sands, H. H. Shoup, Chas J. Shoup, George Seligman, Thomas R. Stewart, J. W. Tardy, W. Cl. Taylor, J. P. Whalen and Samuel W. Willcox.
Mr. Wm. Warriner, Riverside-Portland Cement Company, and Mr. Leonard Nelson, Monolith-Portland Cement Company, were the invited guests of the evening. Both were admitted to the club as associate members.'
Hon. F. J. Paddock, Mayor of Phoenix, was voted an honorary member of the club.
Arrangements under rvay for the formation of the PacificAtlantic Lumber Corporation are expected to be completed in the near future, according to a recent announcement in San Francisco. The firms interested are: Sudden & Christensen, The Charles Nelson Company, Charles R. McCormick Lumber Company and St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company. The stock in the new concern will be owned by men in the companies named.
The Pacific-Atlantic Lumber Corporation will buy, transport and sell lumber. Purchases will be made under contract with various sawmills, belonging to the above-named firms and others. The new organization will deal only with waterborne shipments to the Atlantic seaboard, to which an average of 2,000,000,00O feet of West Coast rvoods have been shipped annually for the last three years.
The main purpose in the formation of the new company is to reduce overhead on shipments of lumber to the Atlantic seaboard. Twenty-eight ships owned or controlled by three of the companies will be used in the service from Pacific ports to the Nerv York district, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore and other large Eastern cities. One economy would be that all ships would return with general cargo, and another would be the consolidation of the Eastern offices of the four companies.
Incorporation of the company now awaits the decision of the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., but it is understood that the other three intend to go ahead if it should happen that the Tacoma company decides against coming in. Incorporation will be under the laws of Delaware, and there will be a stock issue of 10,000 shares of no par value.
S. E. Slade, S. E. Slade Lumber Co., I-os Angeles, is in the Northwest on a business trip. He is making the trip by machine and is accompanied by Mrs. Slade. He will be away about two r,veeks.
Oakland Permits
Oakland building permits for April totaled 91,480,414, compared with $1,891,716 in April, 1927.
Mrs"J. E. Fraser, secietary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Assgciation announces that the directors have decided that thq annual' convention of the asspciation will be held in San Francisco, in November. Dates and hotel will be announced later.
There seems to be a move in all parts of the country towards licensing the contractor, and the secretary is busy gathering all available information on this subject for use at the next session of the legislature.
The association is also looking into the matter of double taxation on solvent credits by city and county assessors in various parts of the state.