2 minute read
Western Door Manufacturers Or$anize
(Continued from Page 14) for. This is a policy which has been urged by Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover, for many ;rcarS;
A program of national ddvertising is being outlined at the piesent time. This campaign will be under the sole direction of the Association, and will be directed to the retail trade, architects, contractors, carpenters and general consumers. The many uses and advantages of Douglas Fir doors will be stressed in consistent and commanding space.
The officers and trustees of the Association are all men thoroughly familiar with the manufacture of ,Douglas Fir Doors.- Following is a list of the officers: Mr. George J. Osgood, Wheeler, Osgood Co., Tacoma, 'Wash., president; Mr: Phil Simpson, Buffelen Lumber & Mfg. Co, Tacoma, Wash., vice-president; Mr. John E. Manley, Washington Door Co., Tacoma, Wash., treasurer; W. L. Rawn, secretary and manager.
Th-e following ire trustees: Mr. Will R. Simon, Nicolai Door Mfg. Co., Portland, Ore.; Mr. Huntington l\{el"I\ey, M & M Wood Working Co., Portland, Ore.; M. H' C. Morris, Albany Door Co., Albany, Ore.; and Mr. Henry M-cCleary, Hinry McCleary Timber Co., McCleary, Wash. The president, vice-president and treasurer are trustees by virtue of their office.
The following plants are members of the Association: Robinson Mfg. Co., Everett, Wash.; Tregoning Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wash.; Bufielen Lumber & Mfg. Co', Tacoma, Wash.; Wheeler, Osgood Co., Tacoma, Wash.; Clear Fir Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wash.; Henry McCleary Timber Co., McCleary, 'Wash.; Nicolai Door Mfg. Co., Portland, Ore.; M & IVI Wood Working Co., Portland, Ore.; Central Door & Lumber Co., Portland, Ore.; Albany Door Co., A1bany, Ore.
General offices of the Association have been established in the Washington Building, Tacoma, Washington.
Unquestionably, the formation of the Western Door anufacturers' Association is a step in the right direction. Manufacturers' It will be welcomed by everyone interested a rrvone interested in either the sale or purchase of Douglas Fir doors. It will act as a stabilizing factor, giving assurance of standarization of grades and assurance to the buyer that he can depcnd_upoa ieceiving at all times the quality he. is entitled to receive.
Change In Ownership
owned by J. C. Ri ly been sbld to the following gentlemen, who have organized and incorporated under the name of The Temple Lumber Company:
J. S. Billheimer, President; G. I. Billheimer, Vice. President; F. M. VanMouten, Secretary-Treasurer and Man-
The Ter4ple Milling and Lumber Company, formerly vned bv T. Richards of Temple. California. has recentager-
The site, stock and equi of the Temple Milling
'I'he site, stoc$ equlpment 'l emple Mrlllng and Lumber C<impany is being improved upon by the new owners. who are buildins additional sheds, restocking and Lumber LomPany ls belng lmProveq upon Dy new owners, building restocking throughout and adding new trucks.
H. C. "Hi" Henry, of Sacramento, salesman for BoothKelly Lumber Company, was killed in an autom.obile accident on the evenlng of May 3, when he was on his way to Stockton from Jaclison. His machine had struck a culvert with terrific force, and jumped off the highway, and he was found dead underneath the car.
Mr. Henry had been five years in the employ of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, all of which time was spent in covering the valley territory where he was very. popular with the trade, and with the other boys on the road. Before being connected with the Booth-Kelly concern he was with the Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto, for about three years. He is survived by his widow, who lives in Sacramento