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lfonolith Helps to Sell Homes
"The stucco base is made of Monolith Plastic Waterproof Portland Cement."
That statement builders find to be a point of unusual strength in selling a stucco home.
' C.oncbtent advertising over a period of years has made llilonolith the best known cement on the Western mar{ret. The public has been taught to know it and to believe in its EuPerior strength and abrolute watct?noofness.
If advertising has done that much for Monolith it has alro donre a tremendous lot for the Monolith dealer. - It has creat€d for him a widc, highly receptive market both among the tnde and 3he general public. And certainly he caq derile the keenest satisfaction in put. ting hig recbmmendation behind a product that so ticlrly decerves confidence by its genuine merit.
As a cement which meets with unequalled auocets the demand for greater workability, superior rtrength and abrolute waterproofnera in any type of cement plarter or concretc conatructionn Monolith has no equal
And for consfutent, we[ directed cmperation with dealers, the Monolith advertising and merchandicing program is likewise rmsurParrd.
V/e carry big stocks of the entire line listed on this page. We have nothing to do but to give the trade plywood service, and we guarantee that when you order from us you get nothing but quality in service and goods. Also a Compl.eteLine of Pressed Wood.Mouldings

On April lst Wm. J. Lawrence was appointed plant IN LUMBER INDUSTRY ./sales *"ir"g.. of The ttitcctoud River Lumbii Company at
The following are some interesting extracts from theJ McCloud, California. Mr. J. M. Heiningqr, !h9_fo_1Ter prospectus drarin up by C. M. Weatherwax, well-known sales manager, resigned his position th91e. Gerald F. WetSan Francisco lumbermin, and subrnitted to Grays Harbor zel will be assistant sales manager, with Arnold Straub in sawmill operators in connection rvith the formation of the charge of the billing desk. merg'er:
Mr. Lawrence waS formgrly connected with the Mc-
"I1 is becoming increasingly evident that the destiny of Cloud plant but after returning from se,rvice during the r. W. G. Kahman, who is Sales Manager and'Western 'esentative- located in San Francisco. has enlarsed his the industry hope to exist.
"It rs becOmlng oI Lloud plant DUt servrce qurlng trre the sawmill interests of the-Northwest is to be a survival World War, he went into wholesale lumber and later beof the fittest, and only by exercising the greatest economics came eastern representative for Feather River Pine Mills nttest, only Dy exerclslllg economrcs ror f € of operation, and the utmost of cffrciency can any unit of until their plant at Oroville burned. (Jrovllle Durneo.
Mr. G. Kah
"Withoui a doubt the manufacture of lumber by the mills Representative, located in Francisco, ellarged his of Grays Harbor could be acconrplished much more ad- offices at 1028 Monadnock Building, with L. S. Turnbull as vantageously if the entire effort were under one direction, his Assistant Sales Manager. than under present conditions, wtrere some 20 mill companies are producing their product with wasteful duplication of effort. Important economics could be efiected through the proper coordination of the various mill companies, which might easily result in the industry reaching a sound condition instead of the present unhealthy state.
"The mills of Grays Harbor are confronted with essentially the same operating problems. They are all cargo mills, catering largely to waterborne shipments. They are geographically close together and economically should be a suit to operate at a minimum of expense.
"It is reasonable to suppose that in the event that a merger of the various mill properties et Grays Harbor is completed, there would follow immediately other regional mergers in British Columbia, Puget Sound, Willapa Harbor and the Columbia River and Coos Bay districts. Such a step would have a steadying effect trpon the entire financial structure of the lumber business, which would operate to the advantage of the entire industry.

"The general principles underlying the thought of a merger of the Grays Harbor sawmills are in keeping lvith the principles of individual business efforts in other lines of industry. It is only necessary to point to the chain groceries, clothing stores, tobacco stores and the recent mergers of the salt manufacturers, the ice cream and ilairy companies, and many more. These mergers have- enabled the respective industries to manttfacture and market their product at a fair and stable profit, with saving to the ultimate consumer."
H. T. Trotter and C. R. Kelleran, members of the firm of Trotter-Kelleran Lumber Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and represent' atives of the Pickering Lumber Company in that territory, visited the company's San Francisco office, and spent a few days at each mill, and also visited the sash and door plant at Sonora.
Recent Installations Of Rees Blower Systems
The Rees Blorv Pipe Mfg. Company recently installed a new Rees Blower system in the box factory of the Ewauna Box Co., Klamath Falls, Oregon, to take care of the increase in their resaw department, which is now said to be the largest resaw department in any factory on the Coast. This work was handled by the Klamath Falls branch of the company.
Another iecently completed installation of a Rees Blower sy:rtern is that of the Springfield Cedar Company, Oakland.
J. A. Clothier, Fresno, salesman for the Hammond Lumbei Company in the San Joaquin Valley territory, was instantly killed when his car rvas struck by a truck at a street intersection in Sacramento, April 30. Both car and truck overturned, Mr. Clothier and the driver of the truck being pinned underneath their vehicles. The truck driver was also killed, and another man riding in Clothier's car was seriously injured. It is claimed that the truck driver failed to observe the boulevard stop. The deceased leaves a rvidow and two children.
The D & S Lumber Company, located on the San Francisco-San Jose Highway at Mountain View, has recently filed articles of incorporation with the Secretary of the State at Sacramento. The capital stock is fixed at $250,000 with 2500 shares at $100 each. The directors of this enterprise are E H. Dean of Mountain View, M. L. Smith of Los Altos and Ralph Evans of Mayfield. All are experienced lumbermen and Mr. Dean was formerly manager of the Sterling Lumber Company of Mountain View.