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achi Wlumber!
packaged. . . . ready to usg o i' . <.
More profit for the dealer-a saving for the contractor-more satisfaction for the owner
ADDED to our regular line of lumber products, and la. combining genuine advantages for the builder, the architect, the contractor, the carpenter and the dealer who sells it, Weyerhaeuserts new 4-Square Lumber is meeting an enthusiastic receptionwherever it is introduced.
To the 4,Square Dealer, 4,Square Lumbet brings a biggervolume, quicker turnover and alegitimate profit on every order. Because architectsr owners and con, tractors now prefer this lumber of knoum quality anil ualueto the kind of lumber they are likely to getfrom the lowest bidden The {,Square movement sets up a new standard of valuethat is more to be desired than "cut throattt prices with no standard of quality be, hind them.
Only the better grades of ?-?
Jmest manatactare
Each pachage labeled and guaranteed
Now available under the 4,fuuarc label in mixed cars with standard items of ordinary yard etock. MINNEAPOUS
4,Square Lumber is the finest lumberitispossibleto produce-seasoned, selected, graded and manufactured to precision standards. Each piece is squared at both ends to save labor costs for the contractor, to insure better construction at no greater cost for the owner. It is scientifically packaged to protect the ends and faces in shipping and to make it easy to handle and easy to identify. And the species and grade are plainly printed on the label and guaranteed by Weyerhaeuser io satisfy everyone that they are getting exactly what they pay for. Price is secondary to such assurance as this in buying and selling lumber.
4,Square Dealers are now being established in sev' eral sections of the country and new territories are being opened as rapidly as possible. Dealers who reg' ister their interest in advance voill be given preference as new territories are entered. Put ygurself on record as wanting to know all about the 4,Square propotltioo by addressing our nearestbranch office ot inquiring of our disfiict representative.
Boat Plan Service Is Progressive Step By The Pacific Lumber Company
'luild Your Own Boat" ii the title of ap attractivi pimphlet just issued by The Padific Lumber Company, San Francisco, as;part of their newlboat plan service. Here is the first paragraph in this pamphlet: "With our designs if you can use a rule, saw a board, drive a nail, and use a screw driver, you can build a boat you will be proud of. Our plans are so complete in their detail, and the drawings so clear, any advanced school boy with the aid of his Manual Training teacher can build any one of the boats we feature."
Believing that there is a great demand for boats in sections where there are no boat manufacturers, The Pacific Lumber Company have developed this plan service, so that anyone wishing to build a boat may go to his retail lumber dealer, purchase sufficient wide clear Redwood to build a boat, and obtain free the plans and specifications for the boat of his choice. There are six different designs to choose from. These working drawings explain fully how to go about building a boat, from the very first operation until the boat is ready for launching.
In order to keep this service from being abused, The Pacific Lumber Company require the dealer to purchase from them a certain quarrtity of wide Clear Redwood, in order to obtain the actual plans and specifications, and a generous supply of the pamphlets for distribution among his trade.

Redwood is particularly suitable for boat building on account of the fact that it can be obtained in wide widths, consequently requiring fewer joints in the construction of a boat, and joints remain tight because of the low factor of shrinkage. Most of the boat builders on the Pacific Coast, and many of the larger boat building companies in the Middle West use Redwood exclusively, because of its light weight, ease of working, and its great paint holding quality. These builders have found also that Redwood does not absorb water as much as some of the other woods, so if the paint is damaged it does not become water-logged.
The Forest Products Laboratory reports show that Redwood ranks high for boat use because of its lack of shrinkage, stifiness, and because it is light, springy, and easy to work; not affected by heat or cold, wet or dry conditions, and will not rot or check.
Robert W. Hun! Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., Everett, Wash., was a recent Los Angeles visitor, where he spent several days calling on the trade in the Southern California territory with representatives of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., this company having acted for years as their representatives in California. Following his visit in Southern California, he spent several days in the San Francisco territory calling on the trade with representatives of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. San Francisco office.
B. W. Byrne, Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has left for the Northwest, where he will attend the Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers' Association meeting at Victoria, B. C., on May 17,18 and 19. On his way north, he will spend a day at San Francisco visiting with the hardwood dealers in the Bay District. He also plans on spending a few days in Portland, Ore., where he will visit several of the mills. While in Portland, he will see his son, George C. Byrne, who is a student at the Oregon State College. Before going to Victoria, he will spend a few days at Seattle. He plans on being away about two weeks.
Elsinore To Have New Lumber Yard
The town of Elsinore has granted a permit to the Sedco Lumber Company to erect an omce and lumber yard costing approximately $2000 in the downtown district of Elsinore. R. F. Burch is in charge of the construction work.
Harry Hanson Back On The Job Again
Harry Hanson, Los Angeles, California Panel & Veneer Co., is back at his desk again after being confined to his home for a few days with illness. He reports that he is now back to normalcy again and feeling fine.
Former Sacramento Lumberman Is San Francisco Visitor
L. H. Dresser, formerly of Sacramento, where he lived for many years, being connected with the Superior Lumber & Fuel Company, is now visiting San Francisco, having recently arrived from Panama, where he now makes his home.
Mr. Dresser describes the climate of Panama as a delightful one, neither too warm in summer or too cool in winter, the temperature range between summer and winter being only l5 degrees, the highest being 85 degrees.
He believes that there is a great opportunity for manufacturers in various lines to locate there, and declares that in his opinion no other country in the world ofrers such opportunity to the man with a modest capital. Living conditions are excellent, and the death rate is extremely low.
Building is active in Panama City, according to Mr. Dresser, and the lumber dealers seem to have no difficultv in getting a reasonable profit on what they sell.
A. C. "Art" Penberthy, Los Angeles, sales manager of the S. E. Slade Lumber Co., is the proud father of a fine baby boy that arrived on Thursday morning, May 10. "Art," is already the father of three fine daughters, so with the arrival of the new boy, he says that the mixed quartette is now completed.
the striking neu) CaliJorn. ia Hotel Frank K. Benchley, Architect, FronkA. Solt, Builder ond Ouner

Edutard Westberg, Plas. tering Controctor tTtHE cool, massive depths of the new Calt ifornia Hotel at San Bernardino lure the tired traveler from the hot road. The spacious court, the doorways through deep wallso the towering upper stories all reflect the comfort and inner quietude of a beautiful structure built to stand for all time.
Victor Portland and Hy. dro.Plastic Waterpr ooJed Cernent Jurnished by the Chos. McCorrnick Lbr. Co.
Victor Portland and tlydro-Plastic Water. proofed Portland Cement have contributed in a large measure to this splendid addition to the impressive list of Southern California hostelries. For enduring qualities and smooth working mortar you.cannot do better than specify Victor Products.