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Prcneer Super Her Shingle ..in addition to the PioneerTime Payment Plan the co-operation of Licensed Pioneer Application Companies and the sel[ing help of the Pioneer Fngineering Depar,tment, the Pioneer SuPer Hex grves the dealer still another great advantage. It's wide popularity and rapid turnover is due principaf ly to double thichness over the entire rool ..doub Ie p roteclio n.....doub le msulation..... gr eati r beauty.....greater economy.... Jreedom f rom painting cir staining. no r epai rs. and a full assortmenl of'natural. non{ading Yosemite Rpch colors.
H. N. Wheeler Talks on Forestry

Excerpo of an eddrco delivercd be' fore the Lor Angeler Hoo Hoo Oub.
H. N. Wheeler Washington, D. C. Chief Lecturer, U. S. Forest Service
Hoo Hoo and foresters have much in common since both believe in harvesting mature timber, leaving seed trees and little trees and planting seedlings where natural reforestation is not taking placd. In California, there are only 27.,000.000 acres of th-e hundred million acres in the state in farms but it is of the utmost importance to every citizen how'the remaining 73,000,000 acies are handled. The 18 national forests are furnishing timber but much is being cut from private lands outside these forests. In fact, we are cutting in the state two billion feet of timber each year. We ship out one billion of this, but ship in about three billion irore from Washington, Oregon and the hardwood sections of the east and south. 'We use twice as much timber per capita as is ,used by the average citizen of the United States. There is a constant need of timber for lumber, fire wood, railroad ties, fence posts, paper pulp and even Rayon for clothing.
But in California perhaps more than in any other state, the trees and brush are important in watershed protection, regulating stream flow and preventing erosion. The brush and timber covered hills of the Angeles National Forest by studies made in San Dimas'Canyon, show they _are valued at $941.00 per acre, and by similar process' the San Bernardino Natiorial Foiest is vilued at $i,655.00 per acre in this conservation of water. The valleys are dependent upon this water regulation by forest and brush cover.
Incalculable damage has been done by fires all over California. In Southern California especially fires burn the brush and timber and heavy rains wash the soil off the mountains covering up muth farming land with gravel and rocks. Man is-largely the cause of these fires. A citizen ol Los Angeles in 1924 threw the match down after lighting a cigarette following lunch in the Angeles forestTire reiulting fire burned 55,000 acres and cost the U. S. Government-$300,000 just to put out the fire. In 1927, thire were 3367 brush and timber fires in California that burned 719,000 acres. Smokers' fires burned 319,000 acres of this stupendous acreage. Floods resulting from tLe 13,000-acre Trabucco fire in the Cleveland National Forest caused a half million dollars damage in the country below i.ire fire.
There are some one and one-half million acres of cut and ltrrned land in the state that must be planted and other areas not producing timber at their full capacity should also be planted. Some of the big redwood companies ale plantinp trees and the state has a small nursery furnishing irees fo-r roadside planting. The state has no state forests and but 13,000 acres in state parks. The state is just getting started with a program of reforestation and needs youi help to keep out fires and plant trees. Fire does much more damage than simply burning big trees and reproduction, for the vegetable soil itself is burned up.
It iJalways a mistake to burn the woods for more reasons than those stated above.
The game is a great asset to the state but it is on the decrease in spite of the fact that there are 32 game refuges in the state where no one is permitted to carry a gun. Fires burn little animals as well as big ones. Seventeen deer were burned last year in one small area in the Lasson National Forest. Birds are burned on the nest or in trying to escape the smoke and fire. We like to hunt and fish, and that is correct, but the fire clutters up the stream with debris and ashes and kills or drives out the fish.
Fires spoil our beautiful scenery and people do like to get into the forests and enjoy them, for 7,000,000 people visited the National forests of Californiainl92T. We must keep our forests green and attractive. From every angle, it pays to practice forestry and keep out fire, and the enthusiastic support of every individual in the state is necessary if these 73,000,000 acres, not in farms, are to do their part in supporting the present population of the state and the millions yet to come.
Oxholm To Study European Wood Utilization
A study of European sawmill machinery, methods of lumber production, and foreign use of wood in building and construction, for the benefit of the American industry, will be made during the coming summer by Axel H. Oxholm, Diiector of the National Committee on Wood Utilization of the Department of Commerce.
Mr. Oxholm will also investigate phases of European markets for American lumber. He will travel through various countries of Central and Western Europe, giving especial attention to Sweden and Germany. The work of the National Committee has attracted particular attention in the latter country, which has recently established a wood utilization committee along the lines of the American organization.
Of.,special interest to American industry will be tests to be made on special mill equipment devised by foreign inventors for more accurate sawing to manufacture more lumber from the saw log. Mr. Oxholm will leave Washington about the middle of Mav.
C. D. Johnson Lumber Company has moved its San Francisco office to more suitable quarters on the eighth floor of the same building, the Newhall Building, 260 California St. The new suite contains two private offices and a large general office.
Official naming of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad as the "Redwood Empire Route" was announced at San Francisco, May 5, by Edward H. Maggard, president of the road. This designation will appear on all of the railroad's timetables and other literature.
C. P. Henderson, Los Angeles, purchasing agent for the Woodhead Lumber Co., has left for a six weeks' visit in the east. He is making the trip by automobile and is accompanied by Mrs. Henderson. His destination will be Illinois, where they will visit with Mrs. Henderson's folks.
Earl E. Bowe, Los Angeles representative of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, was a recent San Francisco visitor, where he spent a few days at the association's western division headquarters on business matters.
We ruggert you utc the Advertiring C,olumnr of

Hourton' Tcru
Its prestige, populafity and circulation in the tenitoty named far sutpcsses amv othet
By J.S. McCALLUM, Secretar5r, Capital Building and Loan Association, Little Rock, Ark. (From American Building Association News)
A BANKER friend remarked tc me the other day, "I don't like the idea of the building and loan associations paying 670 against onr 4/o." Not liking this criticism I thought it might be well to enlighten him, and said, "I beg your pardon, but we don't pay 6/o against your 4/o-we pay 6/o against yo:ur 6/o; Possibly you have never had building and loan properly explained to you.
"If Mr. Jones comes to you and wants to borrow $3,000 on his home, what do you do ? You send him back to your Real Estate Loan Department and they loan him the money, don't they ? You're competing with the only class of loans that we make, first mortgage real estate loans. Do we say, "I don't like the idea of banks competing with our business?" If Mr. Jones comes to us and wants to borrow $3,000 on his home, after due consideration and investigatibn, we will also make him the loan.
..But if Mr. Jones comes to you and says, Mr. Banker, Ilye got $3,000 that I want to loan, but I'm not going to pilt it in a Savings Account as I must have 6/o or 7/o. Do you send him to us to.invest this rnoney ? No ! You reply, I:agree with you, Mr. Jones I'11 take you back to our Mortgpge Loan Department and we'll take care of you. Then rqhat do you do ? You give him a mortgage for $3,000 that plys him 6/o or 7/o and, he gives you the $3,000. Why do y$u do this-Because you make l commission or a profit oir the transaction. Isn't that true?
jj"But if Mr. Jones cbmes to us rrnd says he hag $3,000 to ifvest what do we do ? lVe give him a certificate showing tfiat he has invested $3,000 with 'rs and the Security back { this certificate is not one first rnortgage, but all of the Sst mortgages that we have. In efiett, he owns a profirtionate part of all of our first mortgages.
"If foreclosure is necessary on the one firpt mortgage th4t u have sold him, he may fail to get his interest promptly be put to considerable trouble to collect the principal. Ifl he wants his princfpal at any tiure you must ,re-sell 1he rtgage before he c4p get it. If foreclosure is necessaiy any piece of property we own it does not affect Mr. bnes' dividends, as we have a colltingent Reserye Fund to t{.ke care of unexpected losses thrt we may sustdin'on foreclosures. In addition to this we require all borrowers to p?.y their interest every month anrl also make a payment on dU-es which will be applied to the lttan.in case of foreclosure, meaning in effect, a payment on the principal of the loan, tFius practically speaking, reducing the loan each month. l"If ten men came to you with $10,000, $1,000 each and they wanted to invest it and you had two loans of $5,000 eich and they agreedlto make yorr their agent, you to hold all loan papers in escrow until the loans were completed and invest this $10,000 in these tvro loans, giving them a real estate note for their proportionate investment you would consider this a good business deal for you. Suppose the amounts involved were $100,@O or $200,000? Good business you would say.
"That is our situation exactly, we simply act as agents for the borrowers and the savers, giving each what he has coming to him. Thus you see, Mr. Banker, we are not paying 670 against yow 4/o we are paying 6/o against vour 6/o or 7/o.
"You said something about our kqeping a Reserve just as you do. This is not at all necessary when you know that our by-laws and articles of incorooration provide, that in event of withdrawal we may require thirty days notice of intention to withdraw and in addition we are only compelled to pay out in withdrawals during one month, one fourth of our receipts from dues :rnd interest. As a matter of convenience to customers, we keep approximately 2l/o of our assets on hand in cash at all times to take care of withdrawals or unexpected contingencies, although vou can readily see that this is not necesslry."
O. H, Altree, president, and C. H. Fisher, sales manager of the Altree Lumber Company, Toledo, Ore., manufacturers, of the better grades of Alder lumber, have recently re-, turned to headquarters from a business trip to California which occupied a little over three weeks. 'fhis trip was undertaken for the purpose of doing mbrket extension work for their product, and was very successful. The trip was made by automobile.
While in Los Angeles, they appointed W. W. Wilkinson, l2l3 Lumber Exchange Building, as representative for the company in Southern California.
The California Redwood Association has just taken from' the press the first of a proposed series of booklets to help the home builder and home remodeier, by furnishing newe? and better ideas for home construction and archite.-tur..
While it is small, only a d.ozen pictures comprising its album contents, it is unquestionably one of the loveliesfsets of home views ever printed. Evcry picture is a gem of the, builders'and architects' art, and a glance through the book is a short trip through a building fairyland. The illustrations themselves are beautifully made, and the printing of the highest order. There will be more of this sort to come. To say that,this first one is an inspiratioh-to anyone interested in home building, is stating it mildly.
The book may be had through 'J'he California Redwood Association, San Francisco. California.