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J. R. HANIFY co.

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The opening of a California office by I. F. Laucks, Inc., Seattle, manufacturers of Lauxein Waterproof Glues, will be of interest to the rvood working industry.

Sydney E. Tucker is manager of the California Division. He will be assisted in field and service work by Lionel J. Tucker, with offrce at 314 Architects Bldg., Los Angeles.

I. F. Laucks, Inc., are by far the largest producers of waterproof glues in the United States. This companv is an organization of trained chemists who have made an exhaustive and scientific study of the r,eeds of the rvood rvorking industry. They have found out that just as one suit won't fit all men, so one glue won't meet all conditions.

Hence, they have developed a number of specialized formulas to meet varying conditions. These formulas have met the tests of countless uses. They have withstood wind and weather when used in sash and door construction; the stresses and strains of auto bod_./, boat and airplane construction ; on walls; in furniture and cabinets.

The result of the satisfaction ..vhich Lauxein glues have uniformly given is evidenced by the fact that every month of the year the production of Lauxein glue is sufficient to glue a one-foot, three-ply plyrvood panel which would extend across the United States at its widest part and pro. ject well beyond the l2-mile limit into both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Lauxein Veneers glue has for its base the soya bean which gives it certain valuable properties. One of the most important of these is uniformity. Absolute uniformity is obtained by a rigid and thorough system of laboratory inspection and rigid testing of materials. Casein is also used extensively for Joint glues and .rdhesives. The Laucks' Research and Testing Department employs 25 men and women.

The production of Laux products has grown in five years so that a new three story factory is being erected at 5417 E. Marginal Way with over 40,000 square feet of floor space. In addition to Lauxein Waterproof Glues, I. F. Laricks, Inc., are manufacturers of Lauxtex and Laux Wall Texture, both of which are plastic textural rvall finishes, and Laux Bonding Plaster for cement as well as a number of other Laux adhesive products.

, For, the convenience of the California trade, stocks will be carried at both Oakland and Los warehouse Angeles.


Winfield Scott, director of public relations for the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, and R. W. Smith, of the same org-a-nization were the principal speakers on "Lumbermen's Night," April 25, at the San Francisco celebration of Better llomes Week. Mr. Scott spoke on the subject of reforestation, and Mr. Smith talked on the beauty and utility of wtood for home construction, illustrating his talk with a film produced by the California Redrvood Association.

Longview Gets Train Service

Following a ruling by the interstate commerce tee recently, four passenger trains will be routed _Longview, Wash., which have previously gone Kelso.

These are the Great Northern trains leaving Seattle Portland at 4:30 p.m. each afternoon, and the Union cific trains leaving Seattle and Portland at 11:15 p.m. afternoon trains are the fast limited trains which make trip between the two northern cities in a little over hours.

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