1 minute read
llLtennMllonksl forburknt! ;
Fire does not herald his approach. When you first hear his warning blast it's already too late to get out of his way. The only safe plan is to guard against Fire while he is still invisible-to eliminate ivery 6re hazard in your plant-fq make it practically impossible for you to be taken unawares. The Associated Lumber Mutuals will help you to Iook out for 6re, by expert counsel in fire prevention. If fire does run you down in spite of all, we give first aid by prompt settlement of loqses. Our policies, our resources and our reputation guarantee the best protection a lumberman can buy-provided at lowest cost.
Ash any of our com,fanies for direct information as to the frotection ttte can offer !ou, our fire prevention service and our diaidends returned, to policy-holders.