1 minute read
The Brond Your Cusfo mers Accept with Confidence
If you're interested in profits (and who isn't?), you'll fr.nd, it pays to feature Celotex Building Products.
Dealers the country over will tell you the same. They know from experience! They know, too, that one of the reasons for customer confidence in the Celotex name is a consistent advertising program.
For more tl:lan 2O years Celotex advertising has emphasized these sales-stimulating truths:
1. Celotex is the only manufacturer of cane fibre building boards in this country.
2.The long, tough interlocking cane fibres give these Celotex boards great strength and insulating value.
3. OnIy Celotex cane fibre insulating board products are protected against termites and dry rot by the exclusive Ferox Process.
No wonder your customers accept Celotex Products with complete confidence !
So leature tbe lead,er! Feature Celotex-a complete line of building products under one famous name. A fast selling line whose quality is protected by continuing research and improvement in manufacture. A line to sell in place of hard-to-get lumber.
A moisture resistant. rotproo{ vermin-proof cane 6bre board for low-cost tool sheds, garages, etc. IJsed as sheathing, it provides windtight walls superior in rigidity and strength to horizontal wood sheathing. Requires no outer finish. Sizes: 4' x 8',9', l0' and, l2'.
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I. E. MANTIN Mcnaging Editor