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Lumbermen To Play Golf Thurisday June 14
All California lumbermen have been invited to iake part in the third lu,mbermens Golf Tournament, that will be held at the Brentwood Country Club, Los Angeles on the morning and afternoon of Thursday, June 14Ih, under the auspices of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club.
Arrangements are in the hands of a committee of six Los Angeles _men, who are making great promises for the success of this coming affair.
T,hey announce that besides the golf play, they will arrange for a bridge tournament for the ladies, with'suitable prizes, and that in the evening, afte,r the dinner and enter. tainment, dancing will be in order until everyone has ha{ enough.
Many prizes have been donated by rarious of the retail and wholesale companies in the state, these will be awarded by a trio of judges to be selected later.
The committee is com.posed of S. E. Slade, R. Postlethwaite, W. Dixon, Berne S. Barker, T. E. Llovd-Tones and P. B. Hart.
Mr. Slade, the chairman of the committee asks that anyone intending entering, will get in touch with one of tfie committeemen immediately, so that reservations can be made. The entrys rvill be limited to 2@.
inspection go fi,rst to trip. that Portland Spokane, and later and Seattle, coming from there to San Francisco, to Los Angeles.