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GreaterProfits forYOVFtt,se Hipolito
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Whatever your connection with the building industry-you will find Hipolito Stock Size Screens the best thing you put in the building. Hundreds echo that statement.
The Buttonlath Nlanufacturing Company of Los Angeles is ,one of the first lalr,ge Los Angeles concerns to turn its attention to the possibilities of foreign trade offered by the development of Los Angeles Harbor. The Buttonlath people are now completing negotiations to give them ,representation in the principal cities and islands of the O,rient.
Already one of the major industries of Los Angeles, the Buttonlath Company is planning extensive additions to its plant which will make it the largest establishment of its kind, on the Pacific Coast. The company manufactures two products, Buttonlath and Peters Wallboard.
The pro'ducts of the Buttonlath Company are uniquely suited to the methods of building construction that prevail in the Orient. During recent months there has been a steadily in,creasing flow of inquiry coming to this company from Pacific and Oriental p,oints. The excessive heat and humidity of the Orient make the Buttonlath products par= ticularly suitable in building construction.
A la'rge shipment of Buttonlath was recently made to Hirnolulu, where this material has already attained wide popularity among the building- trades. Stiveral important
Burton Adams Makes
Mr. Burton Adams, general shook sales department of the pany, spent a few days in Los