2 minute read
No. 430 P. B. Yates belt sander complete chine practically new. Has not been used $400.00 f.o.b. Los Angeles. Inquire Boyd Company, Santa Barbara, California.
WANTED CAPITAL with table. Maover 200 hours. Mill & Lumber
Exceptionally fine opporttlnity for investment in going high-cliss lum'ber business with a fine future.
"Can also use party with proper ability in the executive deoartment. wit-h investment. - Address, for appointment, Bcix T. H. iare CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT'
Modern lumber yard located in a prosperous town in the Santa Clara \ralley one hundred and twenty miles from San Francisco. Well establisl'.ed business and an unusual opportunity for a good investment. Address Box X, care CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT.
Rate For This Space
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturerr of C,atifornia Whitc and Suglr Ptne Lumbcr
Milh at Suranvillc and Hilt' CaL
I5O,(X!O,(X)O Fect Annual Cepecity
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Salea Dcpt. Firct National Bank Bldg. ' San Francirco
Attractiac Photographic Plons
Album No, l. Incxpensive Homes.
(50) Extcrioru (l00) Floor Plerr, AIbum No. l. All Strr Bun3elorr. (5O) Extcriorr (100) Floor Plrn:.
Album No.3. Stucco and Brick Bungalows.
(50) Extcriorr (100) Floor Plenr.
Album No.4. (50) Illurtrationr
Two Story HomerIntcriors, Flatr, Double Bungalorr, Garagcs, Etc.
Advertising Copy. Cuts,-Slider.
Display Portcrr
Itrand Colored Mounted Photor Dcscriptivcs.
Photographic Business Cards.
Bungalow and Genje Booklets.
Creativc and Timely Direct by Mail
IJt ters, Circulars, Etc.
Own Your Own Home, Ncwspaper Campaign Pagcs.
Skctchcs and Specially Pregared I'lan r.
T8rey =Whrigbt Tumber @0.
May 12, 1923.
Lumbernen I s Service Association, Fay Building, Los Angeles, California.
It is indeed a pleasure to write you this letter to tell- you how very much we always appreciate the promptness with whioh you answer all requests, and the promptness with which the Plans are always sent. We can always depend upon having then just when we ask for them.
White writing this letter of appreciation, we might also add that the Lunbermenrs Servioe Association is the most complete Plan Service that we have. The P1ans are very conplete, and the detail work is extraordinarily fine.

The Photographs and the Suggested Floor PLans are exceptionally good, especially for the territory of California, and the Southern States. They are really typical of the Grandest State in the Union.
The New Addition in the form of the Interiors is just what we have been wanting for a long time, and is already j-n use. It is quite an addition to the Conpleteness of your Servioe. Every woman is always interested in the interior of her house and to have something to show her from actual photographs, so that she can see what other women have is a great help to us in helping her p1an. With nany thanks for having such a complete service for the use of the Retail Lumber Merchants, we are
Yours very truly,