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Hardwoods Ready for Quick Shipment M. A. C. RAIL CAR fights fire--saves camp!
Aek J. J. Donovan of the Bloedel-Donovan Millr if hc ir glad he bought thc M. A. C. Rail Car! ..Am I?,'he'll ray,..that .ci.if- ment ravcs ur jurt fifty thourand dollarr!',
When fire brokc out in thcir Alg€r (Warhington) camp, thc M. A. C. Rail Car war right on the job. .For t*o i"y. it'*.. run- back and forth, carrying a 6re extinguirhcr (a tilD gallon tank and fire pump), quclling a blaze 6rc, ctamping out rnoildcr- ing embcrr there, and finally conplcttly cxtinjui.hiog . firc thet would otherwile havc dcrtroyed thc crmp and huch valuablc tin- ber. Mr. Donovan immcdiatcly bought a recond crr for their Saxon camp!
The rpced and euc with which thir_ equiphent cu be operatcd nade it cqual to ttia emcrgcncy. h.auling camp rupplier, tolr, mi- the __spcady, eonomicrl way of ln- "percc timcs" yil'll fi;d it cbiDery, ar men about logging cups or nills.
Thc M. A. C. n*t Car is a standud gauge gaaolinc-drivm railway car. Note the specifio- tions. They rbow the cluactcr of materials used in buildins thir car. Wc mnufacture and s;ll dl- rect. For price and further infor- mation write nov to:
Skagit Steel & Iron Worlc Sedro-Woolley, Washington.