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Calif ornia Representative
GERLftIGER tUilBER C0lilPA]{Y of Portland, Oregon
AsEociate Manufacturera and Wholesalers ..A GOOD LIVE CONCERN''
2l Crlifornia Street Tclephone Sea Francirco, Cal. Douglir 6553
O. F. FOISOM, Special Repraentativc of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club. Mr. Robie, in behalf of the visiting lurnbermen and their wives, in fi.tting terms -tharked the Diamond Match Company'for their wonderful hospitality and for their kindneis in extending their invitation to the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club to visit their operations. After luntheon. the party left by automobile for the company's saw-miil at Sterling City, over the scenic road via Piradise, where they had an opporturity. to watch the manufacture of sugar pine l.l1mber. _The visitors were in charge of General-Minager W. B. Dean, and his assistants Messers. Brink and Wolhohen. The yard managers of the various Diamond Match Company yards were also present, so that an excellent opportunity was afforded the visiting lumbermen, to meet the personnel connected with the company's California operations.
At a large and enthusiastic rally held by the San .Francisco Chamber of Commer'ce in the Merchants' Exchange Building on April 23 to assist the Raisin Growers of Fresno County, several lumber companies of San Francisco pledged their financial assistance to the support of this important movement. In our news item covering this meeting in the May 1 issue, through a typographical error, the. amo_unts subscribed for by the Paiific Lumber Co. and the Union Lumber Co., were in error. Each 'of these organizations, the Pacific Lumber Co. and the Union Lumber Co., pledged to take $1000 worth of stock.
Lumbermen Clubs Unite On Redwood Trip
R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association, announces that the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, and the Central California Lumbermen's Club, have arranged to make the trip into the Redwood Region together. Arrangements are being made to have the lumbermen assemble at "Pop" McCrea's resort above Cloverdale on Monday, June 18.
R. A. Long, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Long-Bell Lumber Company, Kansas City, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days prior to his departure for the north, where he will visit the Long-Bell Lumber Compahy operations at Longview, Washington.
New Yard At Yuba City
J. L. Nason ,has opened up a new yard at Yuba City. Mr. Nason has followed the retail lumber business for some time, and befo,re starting his new yard, was manager of the Live Oak Lumber Company, at Live Oak.