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Tacoma, Washington
Mr. Jack Dionne, aY 13' 1937 318 Central Bldg., 108 West Sixth Street, The California Lumber Merchant. Los Angeles, Calif.
Dear Mr. Dionne:
I always take a great deal of pleasure and gain certainly some little profit I feel from The California Lumber Merchant and in particular from your "Vagabond Editorials." One of your recent ones in particular impressed me with its common sense and, therefore, took the liberty of passing it to Mr. Charles B. Welch, Editor of the Tacoma News-Tribune, and I am giving you copy of an editorial "Inflation" which was published last evening.
. Sincerely yours, W. C. Deering, Tohn Dower Lumber Co.
New Hardwood Flooring Firm Starts
B. S. "Burt" Galleher and James J. Cline have organized the Galleher-Cline Hardwood Company and will conduct a' hardwood flooring business at 6803 Stanford Avenue, Los Angeles. The new concern is now ready for business with a complete stock of all sizes and grades of maple, oak, beech and birch flooring.
They will specialize in supplying lumber yards. Both principals are well known to the trade..Mr. Galleher has been in the flooring business in Southern California for 2O years. Ife was formerly a partner in Reid-Galleher Company of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
Mr. Cline started to work for E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, in L923 and was associated with this firm for some years, later going into business for himself when he formed the James J. Cline Companv, hardwood flooring distributors. He severed his,connection with this firm a few months ago.
Ceil Karman, who was with the James J. Cline Company for several years, is in charge of the offi,ce.
O. T. Acrea is warehouse superintendent.
The site on Stanford Avenue is an excellent one with 115 feet frontage and a depth of 205 feet. It is served by a spur track.
The offices are floored with hardwood blocks throughout. Offi,ce walls are finished in knotty pine and Insulite. Telephone number of Galleher-Cline Hardwood Company is Pleasant 3796.
Glenn Fogleman On Eastern Tour
Glenn Fogleman, manager of the California Door Company in l-os Angeles, is expected back this week from a vacation trip in the East.
He bought a new car in Flint, Mich., and visted Detroit, Toledo and Chicago, and spent a short time in Iowa.