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Hrre's Jour to Post dfits
a From cover to cover, it's new-full of new illustrations-crammed with new ideas for using Ponderosa Pine doors, windows and woodwork! This new booklet, "Today's Idea House," is another forward step in the Ponderosa Pine promotional program which is building thousands of sales for dealers in the postwar period.
Here's a sales tool that will stimulate your customers to activity-speed their planning-because, while new and different, it is based on PROVED methods of building volume and profit.
Send today for your sample copy of "Todayts Idea House"-see for yourself why it can provide powerful selling aid for you. Then order "Today's Idea House" in quantities for your customer and prospect list.
Philippine Lumber Industry
(Continued from Page 6) away, such as belting, oils, saws, and other strictly mill and logging,supplies that the Japs grabbed.
It is reported that a number of mills of fair size are trying to get the necessary supplies to start their mills, but so far have not succeeded. All the mills that are operating are being operated by the Army, and all the lumber that is being made is being used by the Army for rehabilitation. Great quantities of lumber is needed for rebuilding the Philippine cities and industries, and if all the mills could get to runnng today it is very unlikely that a foot could be made throughout this year that would not be needed and taken locally. So it seems that no matter how fast they may be able to get the mills of the Philippines back into shape, there will be no Philippine lumber for the rest of the world this year. As a matter of fact, no shipping from the Philippines is allowed up to this time, except Army and Navy shipping. It is strictly a military stuation so far, and will remain so for an indefinite period.
It was recently announced that the Chase National Bank of New York.has just opened a branch in Manila and so is making possible financial exchange between the United States and the Islands. Slorn'ly but surely order is coming out of chaos, and the foundations for the resumption of business over there are being laid.
There are still hundreds of billions of feet of fine hardwood timber standing in the Philippines, and the day will come again when the magnificent rn'oods from these Islands will again be placed on our markets.
Liberqted lrom Germcrn Prison Ccrmp
First Lieut. Ray J. Van lde, with the 15th Air Force in Italy, in a cablegram to his wife in Los Angeles, reported that he had been liberated from a prison camp in Germany, was well and fit, and on his way home. He was with the W. B. Jones Lumber Co., I-os Angeles, before going into the Service.
Fire Damcges Ccbinet Plant
The plant of Van Heuklyn & Handy, manufacturers, was damaged by fire on was said to have started in an adjacent to the Van Heuklyn & Handy shop.
Glendale, cabinet May 13. The fire plant, and spread
A container of Puget Sound water was flown east for the christening ceremonies of United Air Lines' first direct westbound flight from Boston and Hartford to Seattle and Pacific Northwest points. The canteen, made from a segment of a glued-laminated Douglas Fir arch of Washington's timber crop, rvas given to Stewardess Diane Ray by W. B. Greeley, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, for safekeeping enroute. Wood plus glues provide uses undreamed of by lumbermen before the war.
Appointed Yard Mcncgrer
T. E. Lancaster has been appointed manager of the Hammond Lumber Company yard at Rosemead, succeeding C. W. Saltonstall, who resigned to go into business for himself. Mr. Lancaster was formerly assistant manager at the company's Canoga Park branch yard.