2 minute read
Rate-$2.50 per Column Inch.
Position Open
Lumberman-Want man to handle books and assist in store and yard. This is a perman'ent position in a country lumber yard with large hardware store in San Diego County. Give full qualifications and starting salary expected. No objection to an older man if able bodied.
Address Box C-1096, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg. Los Angeles 14, Calif.
Wants To Buy Lumber Yard
Wants to purchase or lease lumber yard with spur track, Los Angeles-or vicinity.
Address Box C-1097. California Lumber Merchant. 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
For Sale
Carpenter shop band saw, belt drive, no motor, fair condition, $60.00. Cut off saw, treadle type, cast iron frame, belt drive, no motor $35.00.
"Woodstock" billing typewriter, "Add-Index" desk model, electric adding machine, "Burroughs" Bookeep. ing machine with stand. These three machines at OPA ceiling prices. Each has been thoroughly rebuilt.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers
801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif. Phone PRospect 8746
Lumberman with 15 years experience in Lumber, Millwork and Building Specialties in the Chicago market would like to make connection with California or other West Coast manufacturer to handle their account in the Chicago territory. Knows the trade there and its requirements.
Now in California but will return to Chicago soon. Would like to make contact and complete arrangements before going East.
E. J. O'Connor
2191 El Sereno Avenue
Altadena 3, Calif.
For Sale
Small lumber yard-opelating. A money maker. Live Los Angeles suburban dist. Real estate and equipment. Must liquidate.
Phone FEderal 4L76, or
Address Box C-1101, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
For Lease After The War
The site of the Exposition Lumber Yard, approximately 26,000 sq. ft., extending between Exposition and fefferson Boulevards. Located'on the North border' of The Baldwin Hills subdivision developments.
The only retail site in this territory with permits for both lumber and heavy manufacturing.
Address J. T. Mann, 45LZ W. l6th Place Los Angeles 6, Calif.
Position As Manager Wanted
Manager available due to change in ownership. Wholesale and retail experience. Los Angeles area preferred. Successful background. Desires a connection with real future.
Address Box C-1098, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
Retail Yard Manager Wants Position
Experienced retail lumber yard manager desires position in that capacity. Aggressive, efficient, good habits, good. references.
Address Box C-1099, California Lumber Merchant. 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, California.
Position Wanted
As manager of line yard in Metropolitan Los Angeles, many years experience'in Southern California, know all angles to the retail end. Good references. Salary $275.00 per month.
Address Box C-11O0, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.
Lumber Yards For Sale
A. Yard near Los Angeles Harbor, $15,000.
B. Yard (closed) 10 miles from Los Angeles. Lease $225.00 a month, including residence.
C. Yard (closed) near Compton, $12,500.
D. I Acre Yard site and building (closed), San Fernando Road, $11,000.
E. One acre yard site (no buildings), Santa Barbara, $12,500.
If you want to sell your lumber yard, let us know.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers
801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif. Phone PRospect 8746
Arcsta Rcdwood Co.