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San Diego Lumber Company Changes Ownership
The San Diego Lumber Company has been purchased by a group of San Diego lumbermen, including Al Frost, owner of the Frost Hardwood Lumber Company of San Diego, and who was vice president ancl general manager of the San Diego Lumber Company from l92O to 1930, Harry McGahey, vice president and general manager from 1930 to tl-re present time, Frank Succetti, general superintendent and rvith the company 38 1'ears, Orville Wilson, ofifrce and credit manager, 23 years r,vith the concern, and Olin Easterly, rvl-ro has been rvith the company for 13 years as sales manager. They have formed a copartnership and bought all the outstanding stock.
A large part of the stock rvas owned by the heirs of the late J. M. Carson and W. W. Carson of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company, San Francisco, and Henry Hink, Sydney deGuerre and E. Marion Warren who are all still active in the l)olbeer & Carson Lumber Company.
The San Diego l,umber Company has been operating in the s:Lme lcication since 1.369, it being the oldest yard in San Diego and one of the oldest in the state. The yarcl site consists tlvo blocks in the center of San Diego's industrial area between F'ifth ancl Eighth Avenues and "L"
Street and the Railroad tracks. They have a modern plant throughout, in the way of sheds ancl equipment-quite a contrast from the early days when the sailing vessels used to throw their cargo overboard in the bay, to float ashore where the Indians would carry it from the beach to the yard. Later, the company built a dock typical for unloading windjammers. This dock extended one-half mile into the bay with an "L" on the end to accommodate several sailing vessels at one time. This dock was used until 1925 u,hen the city built the present bulkhead.
During World War I, as well as the present war, the company has put practically 100 per cent of their lumber into the u'ar effort. They do not anticipate any changes in the personnel or the operations of the company.
Will Hold Concqt in Sacramento in June
The Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club held a dinner meeting in Sacramento on Wednesday evening, May 16. Vice President George Young, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., presided in place of Leon Clare, Clare Lumber Co., who u'as absent on account of illness. M. P. I'}ratt, former State Forester, u'as the soeaker.
It rvas decided to hold a Concatenation in June in Sacrarnento. and the time and place rvill be announced later.