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Chcrles E. Dant
Charles E. Dant, internationally known in lumber and shipping circles for many years, passed away suddenly in Portland. Mav 21... He collaosed in his car on his way home from a iveek-end fishing trip. His companion on thi trip was Henry B. Van Duzer, president of Inman-Poulsen Lumber Co., Portland, one of his closest friends.
Mr. Dant was president of Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, and of the States Steamship Company, and played a large part in the development of the lumber and shipping industries in the Northwest.
He was born in Fairfield, Mich., boyhood on a farm, and went on for Michigan sawmills. lfe came
67 years ago, spent his the road selling lumber to Portland in 1902 as
Chcrles C. Gcrrrirson
Charles C. Garrison, one of the best known retail lumbermen in Northern California, passed away in St. Helena, Calif., after an illness of only a few days. He was the founder and operator of the Two Rock Commercial Co.; Two Rock, Calif., a general merchandise store and lumber yard. He was years ago, had lived
He is daughter, born in Virginia, and came to California many and located at Beckwith, Plumas County. He at.Two Rock for the past 25 years. survived by his widow, Mrs. Grey Garrison; a Mrs. Henry Frates, Petaluma, and a son, Sam business for himself in S. Russell. The firm cargo business in lu'mAtlantic Coast oorts of
Pa'cific Northwest reDresentative of Fred C. Ross & Co.. of Michigan, and later went into partnership with the late Charles grew rapidly and developed a large ber to the Orient, Europe and the this country.
Mr. Dant was active in forming the China Pacific Company, which controlled the business of the China Import & Export Company of Shanghai, which lr35 large lumber vards in China.
- He likewise became a commanding figure in shipping circles, taking an important part in forming the ColumbiaPacific Shipping Company, organized by Portland business men and merged into the States Steamship Company.
Among the many enterprises in whicl-r he u'as interested rvas the Fir-Tex Insulating Board Company, of t'hich he \\ras a director.
He rvas 'ividelft knolvn in foreign countries, having made many trips abroad on business fdr his firm. He cofrplete<l a five months' rvorld trip with Mrs. Dant in 1938.
Mr. Dant is survived by his widorv, Mrs. Maybelle M. Dant; three sons, Thomas and Robert of Portland, and Jack, with the U. S. Navy in the Southwest Pacific; trvo daughters, Mrs. Kathrl'n Kerr, Washougal, Wash., ancl Mrs. Dorothy McNary, Vancouver, Wash.; a sister, Lena Dant, Bay City, Mich., and a brother, James, of Detroit.
Stcff Sgrt. Charles F. Dewey
Staff Sgt. Charles F. Dervey died in Gerrnany on April 1 from rvounds received while fighting on the German r,var front. He rvas u,ell knou'n in the metropolitan Los Angeleg lumber tracle, and \\'as a member of the office staff of the Blanchard Lumlter Companv, North llolly\vood, before he u'ent into the Army.
Garrison, a master sergeant in the U. S. Army, stationed in the Philippines; two grandchildren, and a brother, Rev. Caylor Garrison of Virginia.
Mr. Garrison was a member of the Beckwith Masonic Lodge No. 234.
Jcmes A. Byrne
James A. Byrne, a partner in the Byrne-Fletcher Lumber Company of Pasadena, recently passed arvay at his home there. He had been connected with the retail lumber business in Pasadena for a long period.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. I.aura Byrne; a rlaughter, Mrs. Pauline Dickson, and a son, Lieut. Col. Paul Byrne, rvith the U. S. Army in Germany. home Alhamof three months. He with the Olson f.umber yeafs.
Arthur A. Lcwyer
Arthur A. I.awyer passed arvay at bra on May 12 follorving an illness r,r'as 73 years of age. He had been Coml>any of Alhambra over thirty He is survived by a daughter,
Mrs. Betty and tu'o sons, Richard E. and Louis O.'Lawyer.
Mrs. Corcr M. King
N{rs. Cora NI. King, u'ife of Charles H. King, retired Detroit lumberman, passed arn'ay at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, on May 22, after a few days' illness. She had been a resident of Los Angeles for the past five years.
Besides her husband, she is survived by a sister. Mrs. Maybel Davis, of Toledo, Ol-rio.
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