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Sampson Screens

We crie now in c position to mcrnulcrcture Screens in limited qucntities lor orders carrying



We'll be glcd to hecrr from you crgcin.


714W. Olympic Blvd.


Telephone PRospect Il08


St. Pcrul d Tcrcomc Lumber Co. Tcrcoma, Wash.

Co M Pany

745 So. Rcymond Ave., Pcrsqdenq 2, Calil.

Telephones: Pqscrdencr, SYcqmore 3-1096 Los Angeles, RYcnr l-6939



Specialists in Custom MiIIing and KiIn Drying


Resowing, ripping cnd trimming of our remqnufocturing plont ot Long Becrch, Cqlif.


Our kilns ond operotors cne certified by. Government for drying oircrqft lumber. We clso do other commerciol drying.

IAIII AND KILNS l4O5 Wqrer 5t.

Long Beoch 2 t-B 6-9235

DRY KIIN l35l Mirqsol Sr.

Los Angeles 23

ANgelus 2-1945


621 5o. Spring 51., Los Angeles 14 TRiniry 9651

Delicrnce Lumber Compcny Tqcomc, Wash.

Diclsncn Lumber Compcrny Tcrcomc, Wcrsh.

Karlen-Dcrvis Compcrny Tccomc, Wcsh.

Hcrt Mill Compcny Raymond, Wash.

Vancouver Plywood d Veneer Co. Vcrncouver, Wcrsh.

Tccomc Harbor Lumber d Timber Co. Tqcomc, Wcrsh.


S. S. WHITNEY OTSON s. s. wEsT coAsT

' Home Line Like Cigarette Line

What might well be a preview of what will happen in this country when restrictions on home building are released, took place in Los Angeles. On Friday, May 18th, FFLA in that city announced that it rvould release priorities for the private construction of one thousand nerv homes on Monday morning, the 21st. Immediately a line formed al the door of the FHA offices in downtown Los Angeles, and that line remained there, the rule of first come first served being announced, each man or woman holding the'place originally taken, until the offices opened Monday morning, three days later. It was just like a cigarette line, excepl that when it really settled down to its long vigil of three nights and two days, their families and friends ganged in to help them. Chairs, wraps, food and drink, were brought. Members of families took turns throughout the long wait. one lrolding the place 'ivhile the others rested. Nothing like it has ever been seen before in the history of American home building. There were even paid "sitters" on the job. charging a certain fee per hour to hold a position while its owner rested. Something over one hundred remained in the original line Monday morning. Only about twenty of the original line gave up during the long rr'ait.

Buys Yard

Charles Greenhauff has purchased the San Fernando Valley Lumber Co. at Burbank from Leo Davidoff. Mr. Greenhauff was formerly in the lurnber business on Long Island, N. Y.

Fertonal Jt+lewt

Dick Alley, manager of the Alley Lumber Co., and Dale Burns, Northwest representative for the Ed Fountain Lumber Co., both of Medford, Ore., recently made a round trip to Los Angeles in Dick's airplane. Before going to the Northwest, Dick was a test pilot for Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp. in Los Angeles.

A. L. (Gus) Hoover, Rogers, of Los Angeles, Scotia, Calif.

Charles Moorehead, recently lost one finger accident at his yard.

George Lounsberry and Larry have returned from a visit to

Moorehead Lumber Co., Escalon, and injured two others in a sa.iv

Cy Irving, Western returued from a trip to Lumber Company, San Diego, the Northwest. has

Mike Wheaton, manager, berville, Calif., is back from les and San Francisco.

Lumber Co., Gartrip to Los AngeWest Coast a business

Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Cornpany, Los Angeles, has returned from Chicago rvhere he attended a meeting of the National Industry Aclvisory Committee to the OPA, and the Executive Cornmittee of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association.

A Hint That Worked

The lumber yard owner was sitting with his feet on his desk, reading the paper. The yard nurnager was working at a desk near by.

The owner looked up from the paper, and said: where this corporation chairman gets a salary of million dollars a year. What do you think of that?"

He Wcnted Fcrcts

Four men made up a bridge game on a train. The nicelooking fellow across the aisle had stated that he knew the game and would be glad to make up a foursome. It soon "I see developed that he knew not the first rudiments of the half a game, and, since they had set a small stake on the results, his partner soon waxed hot.

The yard manager looked sort of weary. "Boss," he said, "wherever a salary gets over forty dollars a week, I don't know what to say about it."

The next week he got a raise.

Great Men

Great men suffer hours of depression through introspection and self-doubt. That is why they are great. That is why you will find modesty and humility the characteristics of all great msn.-Ehuge Barton.

Mowers and Sowers

We must not hope to be mowers, And gather the ripe gold ears, Unless we have first been sowers, And watered the furrows with tears. It is not just as we take it, This mystical world of ours, Life's field will yield as we make it, A harvest of thorns or of fowers.


Those Who Live

Those vrho live, are those who strive, Those whose soul is filled with some great purpose, and accomplish it;

Those who climb the summit of high distance; Those who march thoughtfully in love with a sublime ideal; Having before their eyes, without craning night and day, Either some holy task or some great love.-Victor Hugo.

"Tell me," said the partner of the stupid player, "when did you first take up bridge? Be specific! Don't say it was this afternoon! What time this afternoon?"


"Yes sir, he's in a very bad way, poor man. He was working on a railroad line the other day, and a train came along and cut both legs off. It's what they call locomotive attacks you, I believe."

Keeping Secrets

Women can keep secrets just as well as men can, they say. The only trouble is, it takes so many of them to do it.

Stcying Sober

Three dignified looking gentlemen entered a roadside bar and looking around cautiously, made their way up to the shiny bar, where the bartender was waiting to take their orders.

The first said: "I'll take a coke."

The second said: "Make mine an orangeade."

The third took a look at the disgust on the bartender's face and said:

"Make mine a glass of water. I've got to drive."

Another Month

"You're May West, aren't you?"

"No, I'm June West, thirty days hotter than May."

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