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Thonks tor your patience and cooperation.
Plypanels - Plvwall - Frames - Doors - Sash - Glass
Here's o "live" produci wiih soles ond profit oppeol, plus yeor 'round repeots. Get your cuslomers to try it-ond they'll continue to buy it. Avoiloble in lorge ond medium size bogs to meet every gorden need. Order your stock todoythen keep it on disploy.
THornwcll 3144
Wholesale to Lumber Yards Sash - Windows Gasements - Doors, etc.
Our usucrl lree delivery to Lumber Yards cnywhere in Southern Cclilornia
-'' SAIIIA t0ill|ll
Attas Tumber Company
Hardwoods Softwoods
Cqnsdisn Alder -'Birch - ltople
9035 E. 15th STREET . LOS ANGELES 91 Telephone PRospcct 7401 tTil0t ffiat[ BUIl,Dlilc $lJPP[y, ilc.
Wholescrle Distributors oI Lumber cmd itg Products in Carlocrd Qucrntities wcneho'seL**ouo'
, oI Wholescle Building Supplies Ior the Dealer Trcrde
Tclephone t ,Go7 gznd gt
TEmplebcrr 6964-5-6 Oalclcmd, Cdil.
Dcalerg in Forert Productr
Douglcs Fir-Redwood
Genercrl Office
Croclcer Bldg., ScEr Frcmcisco {, Cclil.
Southera Ccrlilornic Office crnd Ycnd 1!{Q llinn Ave., WilmingrtotL Calil., P. O. Box 5{8
Mind if I pay you a compliment? Just started business, and even before I got my stationary or hdve a stenographer, I'm applying for your magazine but guess most all lumberjacks feel that way.
R. H. Nunnally Nunnally Box Co. Las Vegas, Nevada
Huntly A. Wcrrk Will Go to Northwest
Huntly A. Wark and family will leave Los Angeles on June 25 for the Northwest where he will take up his new duties in connection with his business of cabinet millwork, and will be located in the vicinity of Seattle. Enroute, under commission from several of the Los Angeles cabinet firms and lumber dealers. he will call at various mills in Northern California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. It is his pectation to remain in the Northwest until after the of the conflict rvith Japan, and he then plans to return Southern California where he has made his home for past thirty-two years.
Huntly has been an active member of Hoo-Hoo for many years, and is a member of the San Diego and Los Angeles Ifoo-Hoo clubs. He was vicegerent snark of the San Diego district in 1929-30. Since the revival of Hoo-Hoo, he has attended every meeting in San Diego and Los Angeles, served on the Nine at concatenations, and at present is Junior Hoo-Hoo on the Los Angeles Nine. Members of the San Diego club say that much of the credit for their live organization rnust go to Huntly for his personal interest in the revival of their club. Undoubtedly, he will be active in Hoo-Hoo during his stay in the Northwest.
Sells Ycrd ct Yuccripc
Art Trvohy of the Twohy Lumber Co., Los Angeles, lumber yard brokers, advises that he has negotiated the sale of the D. M. Holsinger Lumber & Hardware Co. yard at Yucaipa to Amos Geib of the Geib Lumber Co., Huntington Park. Associated with Mr. Geib will be his brother-in-law, M. A. Neiswender of Topeka, Kansas, who will move to California to take over the management of the yard on June L
This yard rvas started in 1910 as the Cruickshank Lumber Co. by Mr. Cruickshank and his two sons when the Yucaipa valley was one big grain field. They sold out in 1925 to Mr. Holsinger who greatly expanded the business: he in turn sold it two years ago to Carl Johnson, a whele.. sale meat dealer of Los Angeles, rvho makes his home in Yucaioa.